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7 Crosses of Sherb Cream Pie


Well-known member
Jan 2 Update

Here’s our girls:


We have roots!



Almost all our girls have at least root bumps. I plan to let these grow out for a week before bumping the nutes and making decisions.

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.



Well-known member


Well-known member
Those look really good al. What are you giving them now before you start your nutrients?
They start with Setup Sauce:

and transition to Veg when they have nice roots:

Thanx for your interest!



Well-known member
Jan 11 Update

There Can Be Only One!

Here’s our cuttings:


Now it’s time to pick the best and chuck the rest. Only 2 of the 39 individuals look like they won’t make the show. I will include them in a future round up grow for sure. All of the original moms look like they will survive another 4 months, so we won’t be using the extras to plant backups.

The winners:


Root Porn:


All the girls now have a little more space to grow out. I will move them to the next cloners in line as we figure out who will be in the first wave to go to bloom.

As always, your questions and comments are welcome.



Well-known member
Next Stage

Everyone is now in the 64s, planted a checkerboard pattern. I have cleaned up the bottoms and everyone is lined up under the lights.


Now they veg out for 3 weeks to get ready for the bloom room.
I plan on sending 2 waves of 24 plants to the bloom room. This is crowding 6 more plants per unit, so the less branchy, the better. I will continue to skirt trim and keep the active shoot number down to 3 to help push them.

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.



Well-known member
To the Bloom Room!

Here are the girls in the cloners on plant day:


The 24 largest of all the plants are selected for the first wave. We have a total of 53 survivors from the fire to bloom out, 39 of which are the Sherb Cream Pies in this study.

Here is the top sheet of the data pack, showing the location of each individual:

Here is the first wave freshly planted on day 0:


Notice that each plant has an ID tag. This gives us positive identification and traceability back to the original mom plant. Between the location sheet and tag, we have a double check to make sure there is no confusion. A mistake here can be very costly, so every preventative method is employed.

Here are the girls after 2 days:


Everyone perked and oriented nicely. The canopy is pretty even. I put the hyper vigorous ones in the corners.

Canopy Shot:


One of our big girls:


This is Gran Dawgy Cream Pie #1. ((Gran Daddy Purple x Chem Dog) x (Sherb x Cream Pie))

These genes give us a very nice mix of old school and new. Her number tells us that she was the most vigorous plant among her 7 sisters from seed in veg. As a clone she has far surpassed almost all 53 of the other test subjects.

Looks like a jungle queen and I’m so excited to see what she can do. She has her mother's leaves and stem coloration. Just can’t wait to see if she develops her mom's nail salon stank in bloom as well.

Original moms:


Our original seedlings are close to a year old and still in 1 quart cups. They required yet another haircut and just need to hang on for another 3 months as their clones are bloomed out.

Organic teas spiked with over 50 stains of beneficial bacteria and fungi let me get away with this cruelty.

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.

Last edited:


The Tri Guy
That's some dedication man
"The house is on fire, quick save the plants"
Most go for vital documents, or sentimental items. Hope something special comes out of this for you. I'm betting on the GDP cross, but hanging around to find out.


Well-known member
As you can see, the GRF forum is no more. This thread, along with several of my other grow threads have been transferred here. I’m so thankful they weren’t consigned to oblivion. I try to make informative useful threads and it would have hurt to lose them. Thanx ICMag.

As for GRF.
They ghosted me after the fire. They shut down one location and I don’t know about the other. The CEO and my contact retired. Since then – crickets.

So I’m back to my old name and working hard on getting my life and life’s work even better than before the fire.

You can watch me max out both dirt and aeroponic methods here:

As for what’s next here on ICMag – A lot depends on what we find in this experiment.

I’m considering the boutique breeder forums for my own forum. But need something worthy to promote in order to offset the cost.

Hope we find some winners!


Thanx! and on with the update . . .

3-4-24 Update - 2 Weeks Bloom



They have hit their stride as stretch begins in earnest. I have been pruning pretty aggressively, as we have crowded an extra 6 plants in.



The plants have been feeding almost every day. The circled s shows when they got a dose of al’s Super Feed N Kill Foliar Spray.



The canopy is even and about maxxed out. The girls are touchdowning and a vibrant green that advertises their happiness.



I’ve been pinching her a lot and got her strapped up. Gonna be a wild ride!

The plan is to get through the next 2 weeks of stretch with a lot of pruning, pinching, and training. We need to get a decent result from all 24 plants. So less side branches and more pinching to concentrate on a single cola.

As always, your questions and comments are welcome.



Well-known member
3-11-24 Update

Unit 2 – 21 Days Bloom



Lots of growth in the last week. The stretch has another 10 days or so and I expect to get another foot of height. I am reluctantly raising the light a little early. I don’t want to leave the shorter girls behind and the overall canopy will be fine.



I have been pruning and pinching every few days and the girls have been ravenous! Eating every day is a good sign for sure. We are building very solid foundations that could lead to excellent buds.



Everyone looks like they have their space in the light. We are on course to get samples of all participants.

Pinch N Train:


Here you can see some of the pinching and training on GDCP1.

We are 3 weeks away from launching part 2 of this experiment to the bloom room. I have reserved Unit 5 to run the next 24 unknown individuals. I want them as large as possible, since this is everybody’s One Shot Baby!

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.



Well-known member
4/6/24 Update

Unit 2:


The buds are starting to fill out and develop trichs, oils, and aromas.



Reeky Sweet!

Unit 5 Layout:


Unit 5:


These are the next 24 unknowns at 3 days bloom. Everyone has reoriented and recovered. This batch has the slowest half of plants in the experiment and got a full month of extra veg over those in unit 2. Overall vigor is important, but a touch slower is not a disqualifying trait.

Happy plant:


We have lots of fresh plants getting ready to touchdown. It’s just so gratifying to see all the survivors from the fire make it to the bloom room. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my great team.

Thank you all so much.

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.



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Well-known member
I hear riot rave about the Sherb cream pie lately. Can you give me a run down on that cut?

The work you're doing is impressive and commendable. I really dig the efficient tight ship you're running.


Well-known member
5/9 Update

We are half way to having finished bud for all of our participants. Let me bring you up to speed.

Here’s the first half right before the chop:


WAGP6 sitting pretty in the corner:


WAGP1 dominates in the super triched corner:


GDCP1 makes a lot of herself:


WAGP1 has an extra layer of trichs on a big vigorous purple plant.


Here’s the second unit with 24 more individuals to bloom out:


Some happy plants:


Here’s a short video update:

Notes during the chop:


Lotta smoke tests to do!


First round of tests and results are next.
