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2022 Outdoor Gardening in the Northeast


Not Veteran
Got everything trellised and ready to finish flower. Stop at the grow store and the new guy didn't understand why I was trellising my plants but he asked me something about if there were cola's, lol what. Things could look better but it is what it is and not too bad obviously still dealing with the PM. Really think the rain has thrown things off. Can't wait to test the soil next spring to see where it's at. The buds look and smell great and that's all that really matters as long as they get harvested. After tomorrow should be dry for awhile 😊.








Well-known member
Ohhhhhg, so the ol’ “I can neither confirm nor deny” response……..you could run for president Og Noman🤣🤣
It’s interesting she’s so hungry especially coming out of the double og chem line. Rebel Grown’s rigorous testing of his lines means his plants usually feed really efficiently. I’ll be keeping an eye out to see how that one finishes.
I should of also remembered that calcium acetate is a great knf , plant available source of calcium. Egg shells and vinegar at 1000-1 pure water to calcium solution.
You can’t tank mix calcium sprays because it precipitates out of solution and it easily binds to most other things. Calcium foliars should also be spread well away from other nutrient foliars, as it’ll do the same thing on the leaf.
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Not Veteran
Pretty sure I got some root rot on the biggest Tropicana cherry cookies. The way its yellowing unevenly had me suspecting root issues and sure enough... The base is a bit soft and wet. Cleaned some white stuff off and pulled a little soil back (its very wet) Hopefully it will limp to the finish.





Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
Pretty sure I got some root rot on the biggest Tropicana cherry cookies. The way its yellowing unevenly had me suspecting root issues and sure enough... The base is a bit soft and wet. Cleaned some white stuff off and pulled a little soil back (its very wet) Hopefully it will limp to the finish.



powdery mildew?

42.8 north in new york wet and cold ;)


Well-known member
Hey everyone,
something crazy going on in the site for me today so I’ve been forced to make two posts.
Anyway this is a photo of an experiment l tried last season when I was hit by fusarium; I trialled it on two plants and they both pulled through. It’s a cloth wrapped around the stem, over the wound, with sticky tape to secure it and keep water out., as best l could.
I’ve obviously used a big syringe to measure dosage and I found that 10mil per day, of eucalyptus oil, was enough to just drip onto the cloth and prevented two plants from dying.
Of course this might not work for anyone else or it might be a total placebo and a lot more work needs to be done to see if it actually works but you’ve got nothing to loose now Og NoMan……there’s a Mr Death at the door.
I should also say that Bradley Danks was mentoring me last year and he gave me a high calcium feeding for plants with this condition, as well, if you’re interested but the eucalyptus oil treatment seemed to work for me.


Not Veteran
powdery mildew?

42.8 north in new york wet and cold ;)
No that's not PM on the stem. Fusarium makes sense and it looks to be in the beginning stages. I actually lost a couple smaller branches on that side that for no apparent reason just wilted and looked to be dying so I cut them off. Thanks @40degsouth for the recommendation of the eucalyptus oil will have to look into finding that. Like you said can't hurt to try because I agree it's not looking good for that plant. Nice thing is there is no rain predicted for the 10 day. I might try some peroxide to clean the area at the least.
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Well-known member
I’ve tried quite a few different approaches, over the years, to battle this fungal pathogen. Topical applications of h202 and methylated spirits didn’t work because, l believe, they don’t have the ability to penetrate into the plant through the infection. I came to this conclusion after I sterilised the wound on a massive Sunshine Daydream and then covered it with pruning tar, thinking it would keep the infection out but of course, it was happening from within the plant.
I’ve successfully cut plants off below the infected part of the stem and put a tin can or something over the stem to keep the rain and moisture out of the hole in the middle. This significantly reduces yields but plants do seem to recover and continue to grow. This strategy obviously only works when the infection is higher up the plant and not at the base.
Wet and dry cycles, with watering, are also really important when dealing with fusarium.
The slow soaking of this oil into the phloem seemed to work but l also believed any strong, medicinal type oil would work, such as tee tree. I only used the eucalyptus because it was cheap and readily available.
Like I say, give it a go, you’ve got nothing to loose and if you can nurse it through it’s another win for the technique 🍻👍

Green Squall

Well-known member
I haven't given any updates on my AK autos since I first posted, so I apologize. Honestly, they didn't turn out good. Im not sure if it was the genetics, too much nitrogen in the soil for auto flowers or the intense amount of rain we've had. Despite this, I'm not bummed out at all and won't dwell on it. Maybe I'll just use it for bubble hash. There's also one mystery bagseed tree that's looking promising, so there will be no shortage of flower. Again, with the amount of rain this year, I'm hoping for some sunny skies so everyone can finish their crops under good conditions :watchplant:


Not Veteran
Well the eucalyptus oil seems to be helping gotta order some more. At the very least it's keeping the bugs away as the area was being swarmed with all sorts of bugs. Lost another branch, cut it and threw it deep into the woods. The only thing that worries me about keeping this plant is I don't want to have infected soil. I guess we will live and learn.

Infected plant


Better looking plants 😁



Natty b.


Not Veteran
Gonna pull this Trop c tonight as there's no saving it. That fussarium is aggressive, the oil definitely helped but... might hang a few tops even though it’s so early. They'd be dead in a week anyway based on the speed of plant death so far. Glad I have 1 more smaller but looks like fire. I think it's the only one that I couldn't get a clone to root.






ICMag Donor
Yeah thats a common issue with trees, crown rot. Sorry to hear that. I had to cull a plant due to root rot this year, damping off issues. All the wet weather will promote that. Thankfully it wasn't any other plants.

I think those pathogens live in the soil reguardless due to roots not being completely removed in the fall. I wouldn't worry about it being in the soil. Just Try to mound soil around the stem next time to promote aeration around the stem. Make sure the site is well drained in one way or another. Mounding the soil a couple feet wide around the plants would help. Could cut ditches if needed.

Did you do watering more than once per week?


Not Veteran
Thanks for the diagnosis @pipeline as it was definitely crown rot based on the description. Not surprised to be dealing with things like this this year as it's been so wet. I watered the plants twice all summer today being one of the times as it's been 7 days and temps have been high 80s - mid 90s. I plan to till another 100# of rice hulls in next year to help lighten my pretty heavy soil. The smell and stickiness of those immature buds was through the roof. Can't wait to taste some when it dries and very glad to have another trop c still going.


Not Veteran
I am trying to get through another 10 days till I start to chop. This season has been terrible with rain I think we got at least 30 inches since I planted into the ground in late June. Happy with what ever I can get this year as I am sure to lose a lot to pm. The head band is a floppy mother fucker that loves pm. Gotta really get on spraying this week after it rains again all day tomorrow lol. On a positive note the garden has never been louder than this year.




passing the gas
I am trying to get through another 10 days till I start to chop. This season has been terrible with rain I think we got at least 30 inches since I planted into the ground in late June. Happy with what ever I can get this year as I am sure to lose a lot to pm. The head band is a floppy mother fucker that loves pm. Gotta really get on spraying this week after it rains again all day tomorrow lol. On a positive note the garden has never been louder than this year.


looks like you have septoria like so many of us this season and it spreads through bouncing rain drops so you might want to remove your damaged leaves. once it gets raging it will melt your plants in a hurry...


ICMag Donor
I didn't see any signs of septoria leaf spot in those pictures. Some of the plants look kind of hungry for N. I bet there some real disease pressure though will all that rain! 30 inches is a lot!

Tropical Cherry looks pretty tastey. I didn't realize it was that early!


Not Veteran
looks like you have septoria like so many of us this season and it spreads through bouncing rain drops so you might want to remove your damaged leaves. once it gets raging it will melt your plants in a hurry...
Yeah definitely. I plan to really start de leafing Wednesday as I am currently getting 1-3 inches of rain today lol. The only reason I haven't thinned them much this year is because of all the rain. My thinking is that I need as much stomata breathing as possible to try to use all the extra moisture in the ground. Also I try not to walk in the garden when it's wet like this because of soil compaction which has been most of the season making it hard to do maintenance.


passing the gas
that kind of thinking is speeding premature harvest or worst case crop failure. weed isn't a wick to remove soil moisture, gravity does that by moving the water down, and compaction is simple to remediate in the spring.

the clones we are growing need attention on the east coast to get through our weather and short season and working around them frequently is important when fungal trouble gets advanced.

last year I waited until the last day of August to stake and defoliate this ECSD, there were 4 in a row, it was so wet that I wasn't watering but not as wet as this year.

ECSD half staked 8.29.22 copy.JPG

this is a close up of the bottom right where you can see light PM spotting and the septoria starting but not rampant. I wasn't freaking....yet.

ECSD leaf spot 8.29.22.JPG

three weeks later there was nothing left to smoke, I don't usually take pics of my fails but wish I had one to show you because it's hard to believe but I've seen it 2 years in a row.

drying your plants every morning and after rains with a leaf blower would be a hassle but easy and cheap since you are close to electricity. I'll bet if you were regular you could really get by with less defoliation.

sounds like the mineral balancing helped with the aroma, I hope things dry up for you there after the hurricane shit gets settled and you get to harvest. the headband can be taken in Sept and is still strong.


passing the gas
I took these pics yesterday of an ECSD in my new bed that was attacked hard by a groud hog 4-5 weeks ago and I wrapped another cage around it but neglected to do any defoliation on the plant and left it to neglect until yesterday when I was doing work in that area.


this is how the progression of the leaf spot looks when it's neglected in my swampy plots.

once it gets on the tiny bud leaves the rot spreads to the inside and then in 7-10 days I see 2-3 day rain spell where the plants never dry and it's game over.

gotta remove the dead tissue as soon as you see it the spores are there and the rain spreads them.



the tops still look ok but it starts out invisible and I suspect they will fail shortly.


I have a couple others that I kept up with near this plant and they are still looking decent...