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Well-known member
Quite the statement while Israel currently has a 40k body count of mostly women and children. And has maintained an oppressive fascist apartheid government.

All based on a 3000 year old delusion of religious fundamentalism.
I wasn't talking about Israel, I can view both sides as flawed when get away from the "occupier vs occupied" lens from which you perceive this whole conflict. A bit of a "whataboutism" response.
They are the Palestinians lol. Never heard of blowback before? Kill a man's family what do you think he's going to do? Go pick flowers and take a knee? They join Hamas.

This is Vietnam and the war on terror all over again. Nobody seems to learn.
Yes that is human nature I suppose. Although many other oppressed groups from colonial history did back down and they have somewhat free and independent countries now.
IDF propaganda never independently verified as far as I'm aware. Meanwhile I've seen countless videos of "civilian" settlers blocking aid which is a war crime.
So you think building a concrete underground tunnel network doesn't cost money? How much money earmarked for humanitarian aid has been provided to Gaza over the last 20 years? And what has been built/done with it to support the civilian population? "According to an Axios report, in June 2021, Yahya Sinwar, Hamas’s political leader in Gaza, rejected a UN proposal to finance the enclave’s reconstruction using a new monitoring mechanism to prevent terrorist activity. It cited the contention of Western diplomats that Sinwar turned down the proposal because he would be unable to use the cash as he saw fit." https://www.firstpost.com/explainer...s-hamas-how-does-it-get-weapons-13238912.html

Call me crazy but I think genocide, occupation and illegal land grabs plus the Israeli government themselves financially supporting Hamas, is what's keeping Hamas in power and are the more pressing issues at hand. They are a convenient scapegoat for Israel's actions. Imagine just for a second all this was taking place and Hamas never existed? Even the normies who side with Israel would have a tough time justifying that.
Are they a scapegoat, Israels puppet, or freedom fighters? My point is they also terrorize and manipulate their own population. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-60173481

Those actions being.... Winning a democratic election lmao.
Those actions being the Oct 7 terror attack, which has consequences, as well as other attacks.
Yeah they played right into Israel's hand of being ethnically cleansed for existing on land that Jews wanted.
I thought the Jews purchased large swaths of land at one time? Thought questionable who had real ownership/domain of said lands, it was kind of a wild west.

Would you be OK if I stole your house and relegated you to a 4x4 space in the corner of the basement? And anytime you left that 4x4 I'm legally allowed to defend myself from you?
Did you purchase my house and I refused to leave? Did we engage in conflict and you won that conflict? Israel was granted statehood and the Arab nations rebelled against them and lost, a few times. While unfair typically the victor of conflict gets to draw the new boundaries. I think that is part of the context people want to ignore. Basically the whole Western World did the same, so why not the Jews?
Taking all the farmable land and throwing the Palestinians in the Sinai desert. Great deal right there lol.
I'm not sure the details on that, yet I have heard that Israel basically took the better land. That said, it seems like lots of nations have developed pretty nice countries/cities in the desert. My point was, that potential existence, is potentially still way better than the one they have now.

The plan was to always have a Jewish ethnostate. This was always going to happen.
That is an assumption, even if it was Israel or some zioninsts' vision, the world is watching. Also if there were (two) states there would be (two) ethnostates, not one? Perhaps that is better than trying to force two ideologically opposed groups to live as one. Asides from a few other indigenous groups those calling for the complete destruction of Jews and Israel also aspire for a kind of ethnostate, do they not?
Israel has made any other possibility of solving this impossible. They are a fascist apartheid settler colonialist illegal state. Time to dissolve it. First steps towards that are divestment (the thing kids are currently being called terrorists over for supporting).
Its not going to dissolve. I wonder if it could evolve? This is a good article in reference. By the way I wouldn't call those kids terrorists but many have proven themselves to be more emotionally driven than intellectually versed on the complexity of the issues at hand.

They live in OCCUPIED territory lmfao. You do understand that means they've lived in a police state all their lives right?
Yes - I imagine for the ordinary Palestinian they have Israel on one side and Hamas on the other. I would feel pretty desperate in that situation. And despite the long and unfair history, escalating the conflict is not of any benefit to the common person. Unless they really believe they can one day defeat Israel (unlikely) The only way out would be diplomacy, international intervention, and improved governments in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank.

So Hai

Well-known member
the Israeli Zionist Nationalists
Again a reminder this saying of yours does not rhyme with reality,

“It is our duty to force all mankind to accept the seven Noahide laws, and if not—they will be killed.”
- Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, Ma’ariv, October 6, 2004

moose eater

Well-known member
I wasn't talking about Israel, I can view both sides as flawed when get away from the "occupier vs occupied" lens from which you perceive this whole conflict. A bit of a "whataboutism" response.

Yes that is human nature I suppose. Although many other oppressed groups from colonial history did back down and they have somewhat free and independent countries now.

So you think building a concrete underground tunnel network doesn't cost money? How much money earmarked for humanitarian aid has been provided to Gaza over the last 20 years? And what has been built/done with it to support the civilian population? "According to an Axios report, in June 2021, Yahya Sinwar, Hamas’s political leader in Gaza, rejected a UN proposal to finance the enclave’s reconstruction using a new monitoring mechanism to prevent terrorist activity. It cited the contention of Western diplomats that Sinwar turned down the proposal because he would be unable to use the cash as he saw fit." https://www.firstpost.com/explainer...s-hamas-how-does-it-get-weapons-13238912.html

Are they a scapegoat, Israels puppet, or freedom fighters? My point is they also terrorize and manipulate their own population. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-60173481

Those actions being the Oct 7 terror attack, which has consequences, as well as other attacks.

I thought the Jews purchased large swaths of land at one time? Thought questionable who had real ownership/domain of said lands, it was kind of a wild west.

Did you purchase my house and I refused to leave? Did we engage in conflict and you won that conflict? Israel was granted statehood and the Arab nations rebelled against them and lost, a few times. While unfair typically the victor of conflict gets to draw the new boundaries. I think that is part of the context people want to ignore. Basically the whole Western World did the same, so why not the Jews?

I'm not sure the details on that, yet I have heard that Israel basically took the better land. That said, it seems like lots of nations have developed pretty nice countries/cities in the desert. My point was, that potential existence, is potentially still way better than the one they have now.

That is an assumption, even if it was Israel or some zioninsts' vision, the world is watching. Also if there were (two) states there would be (two) ethnostates, not one? Perhaps that is better than trying to force two ideologically opposed groups to live as one. Asides from a few other indigenous groups those calling for the complete destruction of Jews and Israel also aspire for a kind of ethnostate, do they not?

Its not going to dissolve. I wonder if it could evolve? This is a good article in reference. By the way I wouldn't call those kids terrorists but many have proven themselves to be more emotionally driven than intellectually versed on the complexity of the issues at hand.

Yes - I imagine for the ordinary Palestinian they have Israel on one side and Hamas on the other. I would feel pretty desperate in that situation. And despite the long and unfair history, escalating the conflict is not of any benefit to the common person. Unless they really believe they can one day defeat Israel (unlikely) The only way out would be diplomacy, international intervention, and improved governments in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank.
If I have your car, is it not justified for me to expect it back?

And the fact is that one side IS an illegal occupier, and one side IS occupied. These things matter immensely. They are international crimes.


Well-known member
If I have your car, is it not justified for me to expect it back?

And the fact is that one side IS an illegal occupier, and one side IS occupied. These things matter immensely. They are international crimes.
I recognize fully the wrongs of Israel, I just don't see wiping them off the map as a viable solution. They should be held accountable and that will need to be an international effort. Since the West is not going to step up what is the best way to secure the best outcome for Palestine.


Well-known member
I recognize fully the wrongs of Israel, I just don't see wiping them off the map as a viable solution. They should be held accountable and that will need to be an international effort. Since the West is not going to step up what is the best way to secure the best outcome for Palestine.

So Hai

Well-known member
The collective west has been exposed, as it is, as that empire of lies that Putin was telling everyone about. They are getting hammered and sickled in Ukraine, that country is done.

Meanwhile Russia is upgrading its government, its armed forces and its military industrial complex. And its relations with China.

moose eater

Well-known member
I recognize fully the wrongs of Israel, I just don't see wiping them off the map as a viable solution. They should be held accountable and that will need to be an international effort. Since the West is not going to step up what is the best way to secure the best outcome for Palestine.
When 97% of a nation believes that their last 76 years of war crimes are acceptable and even desirable, what exactly is to be salvaged? (*And I would ask this somewhat rhetorical question for ANY country, including the USA).

Bugs is what I see when a population is that bent on these sorts of situations.

Yes, indoctrination and being sheltered from the reality of their own history is at play, but to willfully not see what it is they're doing... is inexcusable. A sociopath can say, "Oh, I didn't know/realize." But when the evidence is staring them in their face for that period of time and they have chosen at some level to ignore it or explain it away, it's a pretty lame excuse, and one which few courts I know of would entertain as a credible defense.

This is plain old fashioned ethnocentric opportunism, wholesale belittling and dehumanizing of those they abuse, and greed... plain and simple, partly born of delusions about religious misinterpretations and fairy tales.

As far as the differences in extremes, again, under the law, Palestine/Gaza has a legal right to defend themselves and lash out against Israel forcefully... the occupiers are long-time serial criminals at this point.

Israel, as an occupying entity, is a criminal in their actions in Gaza to begin with... straight out of the gate. Consider it an international likeness to some aspects of 'castle doctrine.'

If someone breaks into my home where I live, and I shoot them, there's not much real serious assessment of legality in that moment of self-defense where the authorities are involved. The intruder, on the other hand, has a much greater burden of proof to show that my actions were excessive or unreasonable. And in Israel's case, shy of the ignorance among our indoctrinated societies, Israel and the US, as well as Germany now, there's very little they can show to claim their actions were either reasonable or necessary.

And the US (and some other nations) has helped Tel Aviv to turn this reality up-side-down.
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moose eater

Well-known member
I recognize fully the wrongs of Israel, I just don't see wiping them off the map as a viable solution. They should be held accountable and that will need to be an international effort. Since the West is not going to step up what is the best way to secure the best outcome for Palestine.
The best outcome for Palestine is for Israel to be made/forced to cease and desist and relinquish stolen land, etc., and pay restitution for their 3/4 of a century of murders, rapes, torture, indefinite detentions without cause, and more, and the best way for western powers to be forced to recognize their complicity in Israel's criminal behaviors and act accordingly, and the most efficient means by which to bring about that 'behavior modification' is to hit them where sociopaths feel any pain at all; their wallets.

I'm down with that, and a slowly growing number of universities are as well.

Education of the indoctrinated and sheltered masses is a part of that spearhead, because I think that if most peolpe could 'put the shoe on the other foot' with knowledge of what that history really consists of, there'd be a greater groundswell of support for this action than there already is.

moose eater

Well-known member
Again a reminder this saying of yours does not rhyme with reality,
View attachment 19003520
“It is our duty to force all mankind to accept the seven Noahide laws, and if not—they will be killed.”
- Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, Ma’ariv, October 6, 2004
Fundamentalists within a faith that do not inherently represent all within that faith. Any more than the strict, hellfire and brimstone Southern Baptists represent all Christians or the Taliban represent all Muslims.

moose eater

Well-known member



Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, author of the book ‘’ Ethnic cleansing of Palestine’’, interviewed by the FBI​

- Ilan Pappe is one of the ‘’new historians’’ who critically reexamined the history of the Hebrew state and Zionism


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