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Zeus Arc GT vs Volcano?


Active member
Interested in getting a vape for the first time, I’ve heard great things about both.

Thinking about the Arc GT but also heard the Volcano is great.

I know a traditional Volcano isn’t portable at all, but besides that fact, does one provide a much superior effect over the other?


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
A Volcano hybrid is a wonderful device, but it prefers to stay put. I use the whip exclusively. I fill the chamber, let it sit @420*F for about 10 seconds, then turn on the fan and take a single power hit.

The stuff is then dumped into my ABV tub, and used to make butter. This gives a joints worth of terps and some of the lighter oils, in a single hit. It will clean out your lungs I believe.

I am wanting to get a portable like a mighty or plenty, cause joints are clogging up my lungs - but they sure are portble!.


Well-known member
bro, arizer solo is my go to everyday vape, its built like a brick, but its unmatched, get a water pipe adapter and throw it on your bong, set it to 5-7 and remove the vape from the bowl, then remove the bowl, its kinda weird before you really get the hang of it but its changed the way i vape, i no longer smoke unless its a spliff, its just an arizer solo and bong for me for now on, if you want a table top i've heard good things about there other models but you can't go wrong with the original solo, no screen to crack, metal housing, just a solid solid piece


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Never heard of the zeus and had to look it up. As it is portable a better comparison would be the Mighty. I have both a volcano and mighty (both storz & bickel), and the Mighty is a great portable vape. The Mighty is slightly bulky but it will fit into my jeans pocket (just). There's also the Crafty which is smaller but I haven't tried that one. I even use the Mighty at home a lot and don't find that great a difference in highs between it and the volcano. I can't speak highly enough of the volcano (classic). Nightly use for me for over 12 years and still going strong.
If I had to replace the volcano I would probably go with the hybrid that flylowgethigh recommends, or the Plenty (as it is disguised as a bicycle pump!). Not sure that the Plenty is that portable? Anyway, Storz & Bickel all the way for me. Well designed quality that will last.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I gave my digit 'cano away after the hybrid showed up. I haven't used a balloon since, even though the hybrid can fill them. I tried another desktop while my hybrid was sent off for warrantee repair (display failed on the early unit, and they sent me a whole new complete kit), and it was not anywhere near up to the task.

Just stripping off the terps, not getting hot enough to be blowing the oils, keeps my clear whip tube clean inside.

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