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Your best yeild improving "tricks"!!??!

Some of us have the basics down for cultivating acceptable flowers, be it in soil or in Hydro. However, the basics can only get you so far.

What is it that you've discovered to help your plants improve yield?

Did you discover that plants produce more weight when grown au naturale (no topping, scrogging, LST'ing) or did the produce more when they were trained?

Was it the addition of C02 into the garden that helped you produce?

Was it adding a specific nutrient during the flower/veg cycle that helped produce more weight.

Are you using UV lights, Fluro's or MH along with your HPS and do you find this to help produce more yield?

What, if any, are your tricks to get the most out of a single plant?


The best way to get the most out of a single plant is to cut it up and make 1000 clones...:D


I'll keep an eye on this one. Im interested to see what people have to say. My past few grows I have fim'd, but this time, on my current grow I fim'd and did some lst. By the looks of it I'll be getting more this time and I think it's because of the lst. The canopy with the lst seems to be alot more even than with fiming or topping alone. However, I have yet to finish this grow so we shall see.


New member
If the environment is spot on and you have your nutes dialed in then I would say genetics. If you have good genetics, then optimizing your nutrients and Ph levels over the course of the flowering cycle should further dial you in to a gram a watt or better. Of course the most light possible and a good CO2 controller will help as well.


In veg, I top my plants at the 4th node (one the 5th node is visible I snip it off) - this encourages 4 main growing branches.

Then I supercrop/stall the main leads to encourage the bottom arms to stretch up and join the mains at the canopy. Supercropping/stalling/breaking the inner hurd not only stalls the mains, but it also bulks up the stems at the bud sights allowing them to build & support bigger buds.

Between bloom weeks 1-3 (days 1-20) I remove the bottom 30% of all the sucker branches and bud sights that would end up in the trim pile for the sake of forcing the plant to direct all its flowering energies into the tops.


Just like Greyskull said...Thats some good info.. I too top or fim at the 4th-5th node then top those too at their 2nd nodes.. I super crop(smash and bend the branches downward) just like GS said, it causes the branches to knot up and get fat, trim off the bottom shelf(and root) about a week or so into bloom...Tieing down and or scrogging them as well has gotten me larger yeilds too..


The Tri Guy
If growing in soil the simplest method is bigger pots for the roots. Then there's multi topping, though anything over 6 tops stops increasing yield. Then there's longer veg times. Then theres more light.
The BEST way to get the most yield out of a single plant is with SCROG. No other way will yield more, guarantee you that. May take more veg time, but worth every minute.
When you say "lolli pop" or "adjust PH through nute schedule and blooming cycle? can you be more specific or explanatory? Show some examples, or link us to good explanations on this forum so that we can learn to do it ourselves.

Furthermore, if you feel hybrids related to a particular strain produce great single yields, inform us what those strains might be.

And if you believe in extended vegging, give us a frame of reference.

As for C02, what do you use? Yeast, sugar and water, or a C02 machine? Let's try to narrow the information down.
Co2 is CO2, no matter where it comes from... bottles/regs just hold/output bigger quantities before refill is needed.

Typical veg time is 4-5 weeks, for a good scrog, you're looking at 8+.

Indica dom strains will yield more.

This is all basic information. Do a little research if you're still THAT unclear after all these posts.


there is some great info available on the urbangrower.com - volume 35




First find the right strain.

i.e.= space = height x width x length.

some strains will do well supercroping ..lst..or fim.

some strains flower well 12/12 after germinating...no veg.

knowing what is what takes time.

I like 5 internode then taking clone cutting from bottom and top and the the cut plant vegging for 12 days then flower and training side and top growth...if there is stretch.

using coco perlite... airpots with organic teas...is working well for me.

sea of green with hybrid strains also works.

when cool temps waste co2..gas

i spray co2 enriched water with 1/2 strength nutes like hb101 and super thrive..on the plants 2 times a week.


veg the plant for 8-12 weeks. until it is begging for flower. top the main cola, at just the first node from the top, and put the bitch in flower.

in a 5 -10 gallon bucket. hang a minimum 600w hps over her, give her plenty of air and the right nutes (if serious about the yield this should be a second run, work out the nutes in the first )

and your only problem will be smoking all the weed. pick a large producer to begin with. rez's sour diesel will blow the fuck up in a big pot, under it's own light, mandala kali will produce like mad in like conditions.


Active member
Of course... I should specify - Beyond taking cuttings, what is the best way to get the most of a single plant?

A well executed Scrog will give you the maximum yield for your setup. It takes the largest number of man hours to keep the plant trained to the screen, especially during stretch. (Twice a day during stretch, usually)

Of course, you get out of it what you put in and, once the stretch is over, your job is pretty much done. Just tend the res and the lights at that point. Oh, and don't forget to watch your pretty little forest of bud-trees grow. :)


stone fool
For max yield, new bulbs every bloom cycle, I do mine after two blooms. I am talking 10-30% more, that makes it number one. Two, is vegging in place before bloom, 7-10 days. Properly vegged plants yield up to double for me, here in my world, your results will differ.

Oh, and no fucking 8 week crops, 10 weeks is much better on most strains.