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Yellow spots and burned tips on my Exodious Cheese...


New member
Hello ICF!
This is me and my buds first grow.
Alle have gone well so far until one morning when i came out, and there where these big white spots on some og the bigger leafs, and the tip of the leaf was burned. I have searched thourgh diffrent forums with no luck.
- The only possible knowlaged i gained was a N or Mg deff, but for the last week we have been feeding them all with 2 liters Water/2 ml Biogrow nutes.
- The soil we have been using is an all in mix from BioBizz, so the dude we bought it from told us as long we used the Biobizz nute "Wheel" graph we wouldn't have to worry about Ph value.
We are using at 400W hps in a 0,9x0,9x1,8 tent. With a supplementary blue 100w bulb.
So we can't really seem to figure out what is wrong?
- On the pic is Exodus Chees fem (Put in soil on the 06/12 -13)
Both from Green House Seeds NL.
- Please answer as fast as possible.
Best regards, the newbies! :thank you:


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New member
Forget to add that the plant is living with 7 other fem plants. 3 other Exodus Cheese fem, and 3 The Church Fem. Alle from GHS as i wrote in the first post.
Cheers. :D


not sure about the others but that cheese from ghs is a real light feeder in veg prob enough nutrients in the soil alone without the feeding! good luck .willyweed
ps.that cheese leaf in the photo looks like it is being eaten by something


Well-known member


First of all mate, when you post pics, take them out from under the h.p.s light as you cannot see what is going on with the yellow glow. If these are seedlings then you are probably suffering nutrient burn as All mix is pretty strong stuff, better for rooted clones. So if you are feeding as well, I would say it,s nute burn. Bio Bizz all mix has enough nutrient's to last a couple of weeks before you should even need to add liquid nutes and you should not feed seedlings until the first round leaves (cotyledons ) turn yellow, signalling they need food.
You must flush with plain water until they have recovered, but this is all a guess until you post clearer pic's and then people can see and give you a better answer. cheer's.


New member
This is the only one of our Cheese that have the probs with the spots. And the tip haven't been eaten, because i found some dry plant ressence. My first thought was also that is must have been a big bug, but i found nothing on the plant, near it, in the soil around it, or any where in the tent.
Cheers :D


New member
Here are som better pics :D
Also there is a pic of the Whole setup, and the feeding charth from BioBizz
- An correction to my first post, they wasn't put in soil 6/12 - 13. They accured from the soil 6/9 - 13. So they had been above soil for 8 days, before i started the feeding, as the chart also shows.
Thansk for all of the quick an helpfull respons!
Cheers! :D


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Midnight Tokar

You're killing them with kindness! Young seedlings need little to no food for several weeks, it looks like an over-feeding problem to me. As to this being the only one with that problem, you can often have several from the same variety and only one may/will have PH or over/under feeding problems.........it happens. Also most fertilizer charts don't work for pot, remember the fertilizer companies make money only when you buy it so they want you to buy as much as possible.


New member
Okay, thanks alot!
I will try to flush them for the next week or two.
So would you think that is a enough for me to being the feeding again?
And also the BioGrow bottle says that i should apply at every watering, but is every 2nd or 3rd the best to ensure that i wont have any more burns :)?


Well-known member


I would not feed grow at every watering, every other at least, same with the bloom. I keep and run the original cheese clone and she is a light feeder, ( no more than 2 ml grow ) so I imagine your ghs cheese is the same.
I would flush for a few watering's until she lightens slightly then resume feeding ( no more than 2 ml per ltr grow ) every other watering.
I cant see that chart as my eye sight is rubbish, does bio bizz still recommend using 1 ml per grow along side the bloom?


New member
Thanks for all the help!
- I think you guys are spot on with the nute burn.
Come out this morning and i could see some of the other plants also had sufferd some minor burns after last feeding. But the plant i have posted haven't gotten worst since i waterde them all last, because i already suspected a nute burn, so i didn't feed that plant any nutes.
So i will go for at 1½ heavy flush every 3 day, and resume my normal watering every 2nd day (My room run a Little hot some times because of the summe 26 c - 30 c)
Then i will try to do have the feeding from the chart, evey 4th day.
- But do you guys think i can do the same thing with the Bloom + Topmax nutes :)?


New member
And yes, they recommend that i use BioGrow though the Whole live cyclus.
You think that i should skip the BioGrow nutes in flowering, and only go with the Bloom + Topmax :)?


New member
The chart it selv recommends 1ml/liter. But you think it is to little to give them ½ml/1lit every 4th day of the BioGrow. :)?


Don't start giving them any nutes before the plants start yellowing/getting pale from older leaves.

You could give some beneficial bac as a foliar to ease up that nute burn. Also all mix should be wetted few days before planting to get the premix they use in there cooking little bit.

I have burned my plants even with light mix and like to cut it with coco for more sativa genes.


Well-known member
bio bizz

bio bizz

No, stick with the 1ml grow with the bloom as bio bizz bloom has low N level's. It's been a while since I used bio bizz but I know there chart's recommend some crazy amounts. This is just a suggestion so it's up to you but when I used to flower my cheese I would start with 1ml grow/2ml bloom every other watering then move up to 1ml grow/3ml bloom mid flower. If you see curling of leaves as cheese will do if she's not happy, just back of a ml of the bloom when feeding.
Feeding plant's is something that you get to know as you go along, they are all different, you get a feel for it. It's better to start low and then add more if they need it. Good luck.


New member
I have actually tried wetting the soil i my all mix in one of the pots, and that resulted in 2 dead seeds, and only 8 plants in my tent, don't know if it was a quincidence :)
- And i am not going for a long veg periode, so i dont know i they actually will start yellowing before flower, but i they need to have solid stems :)


New member
Thanks for all of your help Window!
- I think i will try to go for your suggestion as you seem to have some experience with this peticular strain. Further more i seems like good reasoning!
Again thanks for all the help, and hope that you will find the time to help again if needed!
Cheers! :D


Yeah don't plant seeds nor cuttings in all mix. It is way too hot for them.

Then don't feed them before flower if they don't need it. Also start with mild solution with grow. max 1 ml/l.
You need nitrogen during flowering but depends from the strain how much and your soil. And I think you need some mg too in the 3. - 4. week 12/12. Bio bizz lacks mag little.


Well-known member


Yeah don't plant seeds nor cuttings in all mix. It is way too hot for them.

Then don't feed them before flower if they don't need it. Also start with mild solution with grow. max 1 ml/l.
You need nitrogen during flowering but depends from the strain how much and your soil. And I think you need some mg too in the 3. - 4. week 12/12. Bio bizz lacks mag little.
Yes that's right, on the other U.K site the old man recommends 1 heaped tablespoon of Epsom salt's per 10 ltr's of water, this is a one off application at week 3(21 days) of flower and should give you enough magnesium to last you to the end of flower.
Personally, I mix two tablespoons of dolomite lime into my soil(every 4 ltr's) before I pot up to supply my plant's with calcium and magnesium and sometimes add a little plant magic cal/mag mid flower as it's supposed to help the uptake of P and K. Hope this help's.