Check out this story regarding the actions of Iowa Legislator Clel Baudler, Republican (who'd have guessed?)
Soon after the Iowa Board of Pharmacy unanimously recommended that marijuana be reclassified, a move supported by 67% of Iowans, Baudler and his old, republican, prohabishonist cronies introduced HSB-4 which will remove the Board's authority to reclassify marijuana to schedule II (a class marijuana still doesn't belong in -Schedule II is reserved for physically addictive drugs like Morphine-type opiates & Amphetimines -But better than Schedule I).
Here's the story:
Soon after the Iowa Board of Pharmacy unanimously recommended that marijuana be reclassified, a move supported by 67% of Iowans, Baudler and his old, republican, prohabishonist cronies introduced HSB-4 which will remove the Board's authority to reclassify marijuana to schedule II (a class marijuana still doesn't belong in -Schedule II is reserved for physically addictive drugs like Morphine-type opiates & Amphetimines -But better than Schedule I).
Here's the story: