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X Iowa Highway Patrolman lies about ailment to get Ca MM card!


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Check out this story regarding the actions of Iowa Legislator Clel Baudler, Republican (who'd have guessed?)
Soon after the Iowa Board of Pharmacy unanimously recommended that marijuana be reclassified, a move supported by 67% of Iowans, Baudler and his old, republican, prohabishonist cronies introduced HSB-4 which will remove the Board's authority to reclassify marijuana to schedule II (a class marijuana still doesn't belong in -Schedule II is reserved for physically addictive drugs like Morphine-type opiates & Amphetimines -But better than Schedule I).
Here's the story:


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New member
Just look at this old buzzard! That friendly smile...
Another fine example of Iowa's law enforcement community -Old Clel thinks it's perfectly OK to go to another state and commit a crime in his obtaining a prescription by misreprsenting his medical history and feining an illness. He did it to prove how "assinine" Medical Marijuana laws are by conning somebody into providing a depressed 71 year old man with a 'script for a mild medication that might help him!
He goes on the list of top cops in Iowa:
First Place goes to the Urbandale, IA cop who was busted trolling the streets of the inner-city (Not much of a ghetto but all we've got) and supplying Meth that he stole from the police evidence room to a gay prostitute. When they pulled him over the paper said that he had an "electric device in his rectum" and tested positive for meth and excesive alcohol! WTF was this freek doing? He also had a bunch of fireworks and nasty gay porno magazines in his van (the love machine!) -He pled guilty and guess what he recieved: PROBATION! The judge took his years of "law enforcement" and his involvement with the elementary school's DARE program into concideration (to me those are reasons to throw the book at him -send him straight to prison for abusing the trust of the parents who entrusted their childrens' safety with this freek!) -It gets better: Part of his sentence was to go to high schools around central Iowa and talk about the dangers of meth (and sticking stuff up your butt) -None of the schools would take him! Every one opted out of having him speak...
Then there was the Dallas County Sheriff who had been profiling drivers on his stretch of I80 to pull them over and steal their money! He got busted when he was transporting several bags of money from an arrest site to the station when he (from the interstate) saw that he had left his garage door open so he made a detour to "run home and close it before the neighborhood dogs got into his garbage (that seriously was his story). A deputy noticed a bag of a couple hundred thousand dollars was missing and called in the state cops... Guess wht this criminal got: PROBATION (because of his years of dedicated service!)
Yes, Clit needs to be in our Hall of Famous Lawmen!

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