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WSLCB increasing square footage allotment, updating rules


OLYMPIA – Washington may soon more than quadruple the amount of land where legal marijuana can be grown.

The state Liquor Control Board is considering changes to its recreational marijuana rules, and one of them would increase the allowable land for legal pot to 8.5 million square feet, up from the 2-million-square-foot limit established last year when the system was set up.

That doesn’t mean recreational marijuana will overtake the state’s other cash crops like wheat, peas, lentils or apples anytime soon; 8.5 million square feet is only about 195 acres.

Becky Smith, the agency’s marijuana licensing and regulations manager, told the board Wednesday that staff already had licensed growers to plant on nearly 3 million square feet of land, although all of the licensed land isn’t in production at one time. The state has more than 260 licensed growers, but not all have started operating yet, she said. Some are in counties that have a moratorium on marijuana businesses, and some Eastern Washington licensees plan to grow outdoors, where the planting season is past.

As of this week, the state had licensed 68 marijuana stores with 53 reporting sales, Smith said. Supply problems have been common since the first stores opened in July, but those could ease at the end of this month when outdoor growers harvest their crops.

Increasing the limits on land for recreational marijuana is something the board has expected for months, and isn’t a response to any recent surge in demand. It’s part of a long list of changes the board will consider through the end of the year, and may have in place by January. Other changes would affect rules for labeling, processing, additional items that retailers can sell and penalties for violating rules.

In addition, the Legislature may need to reconcile state law with liquor board rules, if it doesn’t want charges dismissed against some suspected offenders.

Ingrid Dearmore, an analyst from the Washington State Patrol crime lab, told the liquor board that state law says anything that contains more than 0.3 percent THC – or tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient in the plant – is marijuana. Liquor board rules use a different standard and say an edible product may not have more than 10 milligrams of THC in a single dose.

“You’re looking at milligrams, the law is looking at percentages,” she said. In the past, the dichotomy didn’t exist because any amount of THC made the product illegal.

Ten milligrams spread over some edible products such as a large brownie or a bottle of marijuana-infused soda could be less than 0.3 percent of the total volume, Dearmore said. Prosecutors might have trouble making drug possession charges stick against minors, who under the law aren’t allowed to use recreational marijuana, if they are caught with those items.


Honestly, a 10mg Edible they could just aswell hand out to kids. Who makes up these stupid rules? They have no clue about what they are doing.

The medical marijuana dispensary cookies I got the other week had 60mg. I eat 4 of them to get proper high.

That means I would have to eat 18 muffins to get high WTF?????

Well, put those I-502 legalization rules up your bum, im sticking with medical.

Leave I-502 to the housewives and tax cash prophets.

They can start charging tax after they have figured out how to grow a weed so you can buy it in a shop for a realistic price. If I would buy my weed in a I-502 store, I would pay 12 times the amount I pay monthly for my car! That's just retarded! They didn't grasp the whole topic, they didn't understand why or how the 5ng DUI limit works nor did they understand how people consume weed.

What's that stupid I-502 store gonna help when u smoke an ounce a month or every week??

70% of consumed weed in WA is HEAVY CONSUMERS, people that smoke ounces not grams. What's it gonna help to try to sell $40 grams in a store with 20 video cameras??
Only 2-3% of the weed is consumed by people who just smoke from time to time.

They can start asking for 75%+9% tax once the weed costs 50 bucks an ounce. It should never be worth more. We aren't talking about diamonds here!

To me it doesn't make a difference if I water a tomato plant or a weed plant. Ever seen a $400 tomato????

Fuck I-502 and fuck the WA Legislature.

I got my voters card in the mailbox today and boy, am I going to vote!
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Honestly, a 10mg Edible they could just aswell hand out to kids. Who makes up these stupid rules? They have no clue about what they are doing.

The medical marijuana dispensary cookies I got the other week had 60mg. I eat 4 of them to get proper high.

That means I would have to eat 18 muffins to get high WTF?????

Well, put those I-502 legalization rules up your bum, im sticking with medical.

Leave I-502 to the housewives and tax cash prophets.

They can start charging tax after they have figured out how to grow a weed so you can buy it in a shop for a realistic price. If I would buy my weed in a I-502 store, I would pay 12 times the amount I pay monthly for my car! That's just retarded! They didn't grasp the whole topic, they didn't understand why or how the 5ng DUI limit works nor did they understand how people consume weed.

What's that stupid I-502 store gonna help when u smoke an ounce a month or every week??

70% of consumed weed in WA is HEAVY CONSUMERS, people that smoke ounces not grams. What's it gonna help to try to sell $40 grams in a store with 20 video cameras??
Only 2-3% of the weed is consumed by people who just smoke from time to time.

They can start asking for 75%+9% tax once the weed costs 50 bucks an ounce. It should never be worth more. We aren't talking about diamonds here!

To me it doesn't make a difference if I water a tomato plant or a weed plant. Ever seen a $400 tomato????

Fuck I-502 and fuck the WA Legislature.

I got my voters card in the mailbox today and boy, am I going to vote!

I understand the frustration. The licensed space expansion is an effort to bring prices down a little quicker it seems like.

Taxes are 37.5%+9%, so still high, but they're "projected" to fall to 10 a gram retail at some point in the next I'm guessing 2-3 years. It's taking time, but we should get close to medical prices at least at some point in the near future. We're just giving the fat middleman margin to the state instead of to dispensaries, who give growers $5 a gram or less around here anyway. FWIW I'm also still in licensing limbo, so... yeah.

Heavy smokers are going to get shat on at the retail level regardless. I also eat about 250-300mg of THC to get a reasonable medical effect. Gonna have to grow yourself to get reasonable quantity for very heavy users at a reasonable price from anywhere for the foreseeable future. Sorry bud, I'm sick of paying 7-10 a gram too and I don't even have the luxury of growing for myself right now. I buy medical and wouldn't touch recreational product with a stick right now. Seriously. All I've heard locally is that one of the shops was selling premature bud that had been kiefed. I'm just trying to suspend disbelief until more of us have had a shot to do it right. Looks like the LCB is trying to allow it.

Regarding the 10mg level though, I think that's actually probably not a bad idea for a recommended starter dose. I wish they'd sell higher concentrations as well, but I've introduced a few first time users through edibles (who's scared of a lollipop, right?) and I've seen two people have overdose reactions from <25mg doses.

I still need to get my ballot. Glad to see another voting grower, regardless of the end of the political spectrum you fall on! Carry on, bro.
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I-502 might still be a great thing from a business perspective FOR FEW, SELECTED PEOPLE. I have seen countless people fail on the way there though, and that of 4500 applicants around 300 have a license now after a year speaks for itself. The other people have not just disappeared, lots burned through their resources or hang in there after a year, hoping to hear back from some inspector or whatever. Well, that's not my problem anymore. My problem is, I am a resident in WA and I kind of need a working legalization. It's not optional for me.

For the actual voters and smokers, its a complete failure so far with no relief in sight. With this kind of taxation and overhead, weed will stay fantastic expensive and I won't ever place a foot into a I-502 store.

Hell, in all honestly, you don't even have an idea if you will be legal next feb/may as a small time grower or put all your damn grow equip on eBay.

In fact, I am considering moving out of WA after this failure.

It's good you keep your hopes high and maybe you will have a fantastic business at some point. I just won't be your customer. Which is a paradoxon by itself. I-502 will never be able to compete with black market, medical or homegrown like this, and it's not just the prices, it's the whole thing, the whole way they implemented this.

It begins with 10mg edibles (thats a joke.... come on, not even the dog will get high from that) and ends with prices 3% of the population are willing to pay.

The whole legal framework is untested and so unstable that it might just collapse. Don't think so? Look at what the WSLCB did to private liquor stores. They are dead. The ones that are still out there are harshly undercut by Walmart/Costco and co, keyword channel pricing, and many are just open because they are locked into 5 year leases that would be more expensive to pay on their own.

The WSLCB should have never been made responsible for marijuana.

Well, I am not worried about the clever and adaptive stoner business people I have met so far in WA. They will find a way to make it through this and live their dream.
I am worried by a legislature and WSLCB that act like cheech and chong and let all this slip and happen. They have no regard for these business owners and startups and let them hang by the hundreds and thousands.

I quit I-502 when they failed to kill medical marijuana, which was the most basic promise for the whole I-502 market. Remember? I-502 can't compete against MMJ and was never designed to do that! Well, that was last year..... But hey, there is still a hope for 2015. or 2016. Oh, what do I care.
Or when they told people in Nov. 2013 that they need to secure a lease for a facility to apply for the license and changed it afterwards to a much more relaxed ruling. Tons of people signed leases for nothing and I am very glad I wasn't one of them.
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I remember that shitshow. Venture capital investors from King County flocked throughout the state and drove bidding wars for everything down to friggin "intent to lease" forms through the roof. One of my friends was told he needed to pay $10,000 for a landlord to tell the LCB he had the option to lease the space. That place was later in the papers because it sold that form to three people at the same time and the LCB said only one could be there.

I agree that legalization isn't working as advertised one year after the law took effect and the process has been as restrictive and brutal as every level of bureaucracy can make it. Oh Gods. I'm just sharing the slow progress.

I know I'll catch a lot of flak for this, but I'm thinking cutting medical marijuana is going to start happening next winter. They gotta have availability before they can cut legally cut it, but once they can I'm sure they're eyeing those tax dollars something fierce. I bet they'll call it good enough after they see next year's outdoor harvest numbers.

FWIW, a lot of indoor grows should be getting licensed by the state over the winter. Price drops are a ways off yet but availability and quality should be better next spring. There is SOME relief in sight, at least. Fingers crossed............................
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