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WRST grow (the testers)


Forgive my raggedy set up but I'm definitely a newb to all this and it's what I had lol. I've smoked weed for years. It's always helped me with the list of undiagnosed mental health I'm stuck with and keeps me as "normal" as one could be in today's world. I found a seed out of one of the bags I normally get from the dispensary (A first for me these guys are normally pro's and I was amazed to actually find a seed). It came out of a batch of something called (Blue Razzy) but as you'll come to find I don't do well or care about names too much......

I starting this thread cause I am definitely no expert and could use all the help I can get. I will try to post updates at least once a week along with questions I may have but other than that it's probably not too exciting of a thread just with me hahahaha. Thank you again IC Mag for this wonderful amazing space and I hope this goes well.

I have a seed from Hindu Kush my buddy gave me and that is also planted but has not sprout yet (planted a week after the Blue Razz) but I will definitely post as soon as she pops up (I don't know if it's actually a she GOMD hahahahaha).

More soon and as always....... WRST!


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Seed Whore
Tip #1: It's never good to use pots that are clear cause roots don't like sunlight. ;)

So shade that container. :biggrin:


Word appreciate the tip :) #WRST
It is a very premature set up, I am looking into real pots and a tent with vent and LED system but don't have all the funds just yet. Will definitely update as the grow goes


Wow been a bit busy last couple of days...... So as the plants go.......

Blue Razzy: Looks good, second set of leaves starting to form on the top. "Bro you gotta split top it man...." and I totally agree but this time around I'm not doing anything fancy, water everyday (try to do it first thing in the morning before suns up), make sure the cats aren't in the window (no there will not be pictures, they're not my cats just part of the zoo here). Blue Razzy definitely gives me hope on this endeavor and hopefully you guys don't notice any warning signs (sorry the pictures are so crappy like I said been very busy couple of days and this is the first time in a couple of days I haven't had a task to do(lie)). If there is cause for concern you see I can definitely take better pictures for clarity (love any and all help #WRST)).........

........now the bad........

Hindu Kush: I'm calling it a fail...... It's been a week and a half/ two weeks since planted and I got nothing...... tried extra water, less water, a light on it (nothing crazy just a bulb over it for assistance to the sun). I haven't yet, but will be slowly trying to dig out the seed to see if I can see something I did wrong (buried it upside down, or whatever (will post pictures to see if you guys see anything (you keep saying you guys like millions of people are watching this..... you're all alone WRST...... You're all alone hahahahaha))). Not too upset it didn't work, I'll take a pass and a fail to get started........

So I'm not gonna start the next one until I get the set up in ( https://vivosun.com/collections/growing-kit/products/vivosun-2x2-grow-tent-basic-kit-24x24x48 (let me know what they think)). Like I said I'm pretty happy with the one win and gonna keep going with it for now til it either is done or dies. The seeds did come from different sources so I'm also counting that as a factor but I do have another seed from that source and two of a different kind from them so we'll see if this is the dud or the batch.

As always, any and all ideas are welcomed and helpful (yes trolls telling me to kill myself will grant a chuckle from yours truly). Haven't read over too many posts this week but as always appreciate the availability of the information and all of the time you guys (see now it's appropriate bro) put in to share it.

Have a great week if I forget to check in and here's some advice.......we all come from a lottery..... stop arguing about it (hahahahaha #WRST!!!)


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Better picture of the blue razzy for you guys :) (there he goes again, talking to his "millions" of fans hahahahahaha)


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Look at her go!!! Honestly I'm over excited by all this (such a newb). But really she is looking good (No I don't know if it's a he or she or a them let them be a kid first before they have to figure all that out jesus..... how you gonna know what your sexualy orientation is before you're even old enough to have sex)....... Wanna get back on topic BAM? (Sorry)......

I have yet to see what happened to the Hindu Kush seed yet and honestly with how busy it's been probably wont....

Blue Razzy Week 3: Fucking beautiful!!!! (as far as I can tell at least) got six more baby leafs starting to show so can't wait to see where it goes. Much better picture this week so if you guys see something, say something ( such a snitching concept but yes please rat this plant out if it starts fucking up). Same process water and sun, but I will admit this week was even crazier than last week (house mate died and another one in surgery) so I'm pretty happy this has been a low maintenance process (so far, "with just one plant" i know people (NO ONE IS READING THIS THERE ARE NO PEOPLE)). I know that once I get more going that there will be more but honestly for what my needs are I think one or two plants is really all I need (Cheap date ladies take advantage (bro what ladies it's just us!! and I'm not even real dummy, you're talking to yourself)). I'm having problems deciding on when to re pot as I know they can't stay in the cut up water bottles but I've heard so many different things I'm definitely gonna do some more research (should my busy life give me the time). I was told by a good friend (wait people actually....(yes I know crazy right)) that suggested using 5 gallon cloth pots which I definitely think is cool and like his reasoning for it (over grow, etc.) Obviously once the kit gets here (haven't been able to order yet (link is two post before this one)) I'll be able to have more going on and a better understanding of the grow process, but honestly all in all....... This has been a lot of fun, the excitement when I see the plants growing it's just rewarding. It's the little things yeah? Well I tell you what seeing the seed even get this far has been awesome!!!!

As always thank you to everyone at ICMag and make sure to help someone this week..... until next time....... #WRST

OH!!!! PS!!!! (We're writing letters now what the-(shut up!!!!)) There is another something in with the plant...... almost looks like grass...... any ideas (no one reads these B)? Yes the picture was taken right after I watered it I didn't flood the plant out.... at least I hope not :/


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pure dynamite
Looks like u got some bad soil and you making it even worse by overwatering +++!


pure dynamite
Because i look at that pic of the soil that seems very weird and full of water? Also unhappy plant! You would need more light too, but first learn to water and add nutes. More light is nothing if plant is suffocating and dieing of hunger.


Word exploziv I did take the pick after watering (literally as I was loading up the camera) but I'll definitely hold the water back. Could you explain what you mean by the soil looks weird and why the plant is unhappy. I am definitely a newb at this so am doing as much research as I have time for. Thank you for your advice


pure dynamite
Well looks too "muddy", hard to say, show me a pic of it up close when it dries on the surface ( and only water more when its dried to like 1-2 cm deep , put your finger in there and test) and i will be able to say better then.
They probably need a bit of nutes already or have some kind of ph troubles. Do you have the specifications of the potting mix? What are you watering with?


Utter failure: So it died.... Blue razzy didn't make it, I did have someone consult on it (in person) before I let it go but honestly I'm surprised it did anything with using "used" soil and a plastic bottle...... Definitely not giving up...... got some good information and a set up in mind that is going to make it work next time (we hope). So for now thank you for your help ( exploziv and troutman (not sure why it's not letting me tag him)) and until next time......... #WRST


pure dynamite
Hope you manage to do it man! Maybe start a journal and ask stuff before doing it so u don't fk it up? I bet it will help your confidence going further! Anyway, tag me if you start another thread or something. Peace!