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would this work as a greenhouse?


Well-known member
would this work as a greenhouse?
I think the drawing should be self explanatory.
but if not then ill explain it out.

the idea is I would dig a huge hole in the ground then put a greenhouse roof on top of it and dig out and build some stairs with a door to go into the earth house as I would call it.
I would also build gray walls all around the inside of it.
then build big grow boxies and plant some bushy plants that would be grown for 2 months indoors through the winter.



Active member
a few things to consider.

how are you going to dig that hole?

do you have water, gas, electric lines under that part of the lawn?

how are you going to seal the walls of the greenhouse so the dirt doesn't collapse in or flood?

How are you going to access it? Stairs?

What will be used as a roof?


Make it the shape of a swimming pool with a blue cover, a couple float tubes and your set.


Well-known member
a few things to consider.

how are you going to dig that hole?

do you have water, gas, electric lines under that part of the lawn?

how are you going to seal the walls of the greenhouse so the dirt doesn't collapse in or flood?

How are you going to access it? Stairs?

What will be used as a roof?
aaaa dam I didn't even thing of these things.

Make it the shape of a swimming pool with a blue cover, a couple float tubes and your set.
OK then Ill just look for a house with a inground pool then

I was gunna look for a new house in the spring anyway.

thanks for the ideas guys. but the consept is cool right?


It it a good idea if you do it right, it will stay cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. you would be better off making the walls angled, like a v shape or else you will only get direct sunlight in the middle of the day when the sun is directly above your underground greenhouse.

Also its the sort of thing that is unusal but cool looking so anyone coming over is likly to want to have a look, and not just at the outside!

Also you have to understand the amount of labour involved in building somthing like this, the list above, walls, wires, stairs, cover....... thats only the tip of the iceberg.


in the thick of it
You also need to be aware of where the water table is. If your hole is 8' deep and the water table is at 6'.....you will need a pump to pull that water out and continue to keep the water out. I was thinking of something similar to this awesome idea, but we have a pretty high water table here. I was going to brick/block up the walls and direct plant into the soil floor, but it's way to wet here for something like that.


Well-known member
well in my city we don't get enought rain/water.

I would probly just use a pool with a kind of cover.
and Ill get it sorted out when the time comes.


Andinismo Hierbatero

You're severely limiting the amount of light your greenhouse will receive.

yes. and the light will not reach every place at all hours of the day either, and in certain latitudes, little sun will go in...

unless you have a very big hole and only use the center where the walls will not cast shades as the sun advances from morning to night and from season to season.

although one can still grow nice plants without all the sun light hours hitting the plants directly, one needs at least 6 hours of direct sun light, at least at this latitude.
i would also say it involves to many materials and labor and gives too little light
i think your better off building a greenhouse with insulated pvc walls
ppl cant directly see the plants besides green shadows and it gives some insulation compared to a glass greenhouse so you can start earlier and finish later each season


Chop chop chop .... blabber blabber blabber .... chop chop chop ... blabber blabber blabber ... (over the intercom): Hey look there's a guy growing plants in his swimming pool! What kind of a person would do that! Bahahaha. Hey wait a minute .... let's take a LOOOOK. Nap of the earth, please, pilot!


Originally Posted by headfortrinity View Post
Make it the shape of a swimming pool with a blue cover, a couple float tubes and your set.
OK then Ill just look for a house with a inground pool then

I was gunna look for a new house in the spring anyway.

thanks for the ideas guys. but the consept is cool right?

Nobody got my Cheech and Chong reference? :)
Aside from the structural integrity of such a thing, I would worry about the sunlight factor; the sun would only reach your plants at the MOST 3 hours per day from about 11:00am - 2:00 pm.

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