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Willie is non-stop



I figured since Willie is an old stoner this was a good place to put this thread.

Check out "Bio Willie" alternative diesel fuel that is endorsed by Willie Nelson himself.




Active member
Leave it to us stoners to save the planet! GO Willie!! :yes:

I do have one question though. If we make fuels from hemp, can we be arrested for taking a hit off of our exhaust pipes?
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Thanks for sharing the link Texas Kid, loved reading, alternaytive energy sources is a subject that interests me a lot.

Even Bush said recently that America is too much dependent on oil so a whole new river of cash is going to be spent in alternative energies research..
In my honest opinion, they already have a 50 years old clean/"new"/safe/free energy source, but they're not going to share it with the world so soon.. maybe after middleastern WWIII, who knows..

Anyway i've got a link somewhere of a guy filling up a Hummer's tank with Biodiesel and starting it and running it nice and smooth, i'll try to find it..

Relikbudz, now there's an interesting question... :chin:
"Mr Oficcer, this exhaust is mine.."
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Active member
any info about the Brazilians running GM cars off of refined sugar beets?

that really frosts my nuts!

why not have it here, too?

yeah, like Bush and his daddy's buddies would let us!

nice link Tex! :wave: :bat:


Willie on the television last night explaining Bio Willie and fueling up da bus

Great idea.... hope it catches on

USA addicated to foreign fuel ...that speech ... I hope marks the beginning of the end of foreign & mideast oil imports .. and the beginning of better, cleaner, more effiecient, alternative new fuel(s) ...that can be produced by each country to provide jobs and meet their own environmentally friendly clean burning energy needs

Chavez in Venuzeula and Iran crazy and unstable

Inshallah .... God is great !!!!!

In addition ... and very interesting

Oil Boom Going on in Alberta Canada ... great opportunity for jobs

Oil Sands .... Dirt saturated with oil .... with reserves so vast they could solve Americas energy needs for the next 100 years plus

Have a look 60 minutes did a story...


Happy reading.... and clean, green burning

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Check out a mother Earth News-adds for a home unit to make Bio-Fuel from used cooking oil. Says you can produce 40 gal. a day.

Every retaurant and bar has that nasty used oil bin in the back.
BotanyBay, can you post a link of that homemade biodiesel device?

Brazilians run methane based fuel extracted from cane sugar industry, methane can also be extracted from pig breeding houses, directly from the pigs shit..

It's like when one farts and lights up a lighter very close to the ass, a fire burst will come out, flammable methane, i remember my brother used to do this a lot...
*ATTENTION* Try this at your own risk!!

It's not that you gonna burn your balls and all, but you can get burned..

Farmer John

Old and in the way.
Hmm, or better, no fuel at all. :smile: I think that cannabis itself could make the world a better place to live but only if all use it and have it so...well, anyway, Willie rocks, and biodiesel rocks, they make it here now, a man who owns about 100 burgerplaces here recycles all the oil that is left of frying the food and makes biodiesel out of it...cool bro, very nice. :yes:


high yall .....:smoke:

love love love willie .....and he screamed like a panther in the middle of the night .....went to see him play 2 years ago ..... he did song after song non stop .....dam that man rocks ....puff puff pass ......


Mourning the loss of my dog......
I love Willie! I've seen him in 2 shows, once at a county fair, the other in Reno, and they were worth every cent for the tickets! What a great artist that man is. Whenever someone trys to argue agaist weed being safe, I always point at Willie, hasn't hurt him none! I think he was the only redeeming part of the Dukes of Hazard movie, the part at the end where they find him hot-boxing in the smoke house is hillarious!

I'm in the begining stages of putting together a Alcohol fuel still, and converting my old beater pickup to alcohol. But with all my weed projects, I don't know where I will find the time! LOL!


New member
Willie you just gotta love that Man... :friends:

He's always playing down the road.. :violin:

Interviewer... Are you high right now ?
Willie... No but do you have one ? :joint:

One from Texas..


Bio-alternative fuel is a good idea as a suppliment, but the simple fact is... there is NOT ENOUGH CROPS, even if ALL of them are converted; to even come CLOSE to "feeding the monster"...

Once the grease converter's catch on... the price of used grease will go up... it won't be free anymore!! ..and you KNOW that's a fact.

Bio-alternative fuel only comprises a very TINY percentage of the fuel usage in america....

Once they find the perfect battery... and a GOOD system to recharge them, hopefully partially by the motion of the car (drive-wheel spun generators/alternators); and partially at home, plugged in.. then URBAN fuel usage can and will drop. However, I don't see any replacement for long distance driving.... suppliment maybe, but not replace.

What we NEED is for some young "Einstein" to solve the cold-fusion puzzel... THAT would be the END of the worlds thirst for oil... (and MOST of the evil that goes with it!!)


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