Dr Fever while the info you present is reasonably accurate; its also irrelevant to the paradigm {which has actually been addressed in both of my previous posts BTW}
following that logic; virtually every organic grower on this forum should be encountering serious problems w/ their grows yet, somehow; they are not
i dont personally think i would get a soil test for container mixes {since i already know whats in it} outdoors it may be more beneficial
again; an organic grower feeding the soil {not the plant} need not be concerned w/ bio-availability except perhaps when choosing feedstocks for initial runs {just starting up} i.e. greensand likely contributes very little to the first cycle and if a grower is not recycling soil it wouldnt be a good choice
but recycling soil is one key to the distinction ~the fact that you actually *can* re-use soil for more than 1 cycle is somewhat telling
plant based amendments is part of how plants feed them self ~preceeding generations have died and composted on the soil surface providing some of the nutrients to successive generations
it is actually by analyzing the elemental profiles of mature plant matter that modern nutrient profiles have been derived ~the logical next step is that mature plant matter already has a similar profile to the nut requirement of that particular plant
w/ a little diversity of plant-based additions; a reasonably good nut profile is fairly automatic {though any kind of specific nut profile is un-necessary since the soil food web essentially acts as a buffer here}
following that logic; virtually every organic grower on this forum should be encountering serious problems w/ their grows yet, somehow; they are not
i dont personally think i would get a soil test for container mixes {since i already know whats in it} outdoors it may be more beneficial
again; an organic grower feeding the soil {not the plant} need not be concerned w/ bio-availability except perhaps when choosing feedstocks for initial runs {just starting up} i.e. greensand likely contributes very little to the first cycle and if a grower is not recycling soil it wouldnt be a good choice
but recycling soil is one key to the distinction ~the fact that you actually *can* re-use soil for more than 1 cycle is somewhat telling
plant based amendments is part of how plants feed them self ~preceeding generations have died and composted on the soil surface providing some of the nutrients to successive generations
it is actually by analyzing the elemental profiles of mature plant matter that modern nutrient profiles have been derived ~the logical next step is that mature plant matter already has a similar profile to the nut requirement of that particular plant
w/ a little diversity of plant-based additions; a reasonably good nut profile is fairly automatic {though any kind of specific nut profile is un-necessary since the soil food web essentially acts as a buffer here}