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Why armed drug cops took ‘every belonging’ from a Michigan soccer mom


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Why armed drug cops took ‘every belonging’ from a Michigan soccer mom

By Christopher Ingraham June 3 at 12:40 PM
<article itemprop="articleBody"> Mich. women testify on asset forfeiture before state legislature panel(8:20)

Ginnifer Hency and Annette Shattuck, two mothers who are registered medical marijuana caregivers, testified on May 26 before the Michigan state House of Representatives on having their homes ravaged and possessions seized by law enforcement officials. (House.MI.gov)

Annette Shattuck wasn't home when the masked men entered her house and ransacked it. But her 56-year-old mother was, clipping coupons and watching over Annette's four children under the age of 10, Shattuck recalled last week before the Michigan House of Representatives.
"After they breached my door, at gunpoint, with masks," she said, repeating what her family told her, "they proceeded to take every belonging in my house. And when I say every belonging, I mean every belonging." That included, she said, her husband's tools, the lawnmower and a bicycle. They took credit card statements, tax returns, and the public assistance card Shattuck used to help feed her family. They even took $90 worth of birthday money out of her daughter's "pink bedroom," as it's listed in a summary of seized property compiled by the police.
"My children's artwork was on the floor with boot-prints on it," she says, recalling what she saw when she returned home. She testified that they hung her lingerie from the ceiling fans. The men took her vehicles, which she said included the car seats for the smaller children.

Items listed on the St. Clair County Sheriff's report of seized property from the Shattuck residence, including cash and a "Pink Hello Kitty wallet" from the bedroom of the Shattuck's 9-year-old daughter.
The men who did this were officers of Michigan's St. Clair County Drug Task Force executing a search warrant on her home. Shattuck, you see, is a registered medical marijuana caregiver under Michigan's medical marijuana law. This allows her to grow a certain quantity of marijuana plants to distribute to a small number of medical marijuana patients.
[Stop and seize: Police take hundreds of millions from motorists not charged with crimes]
The Task Force suspected she might be out of compliance, selling marijuana to people without a medical marijuana card. Shattuck initially faced six criminal charges related to marijuana possession and distribution, three of which have since been dismissed by a district court judge, according to court documents reviewed by The Washington Post. She is awaiting her day in court on the remaining charges.
St. Clair County Sheriff Tim Donnellon disputed elements of Shattuck's testimony in a phone interview, saying it was far less of a confrontation than Shattuck suggested in her testimony.
"She's a liar, plain and simple. That's all I can tell you," he said. He says that the task force did not hang lingerie from the ceiling fans or stomp food on the floor. The Shattucks, he said, are "trying to further their cause, which at the base of it is the legalization of marijuana in the state of Michigan."
The seizure of Shattuck's belongings offers a window into the unsettled world of civil forfeiture and drug laws at a time when both are facing increased challenges. A number of media investigations over the past year, including by The Washington Post, have raised questions about whether local authorities are appropriately seizing -- and keeping -- the property of people who are never convicted, or in some cases never even charged, with a crime. Meanwhile, civil forfeiture has remained an important anti-narcotics tool for local and federal authorities, who are facing a changing drug policy landscape across the country.
In an interview, Shattuck, who has described herself as a "soccer mom," and her lawyer Michael Komorn rejected the sheriff's criticism. "He's never called me a liar up until this point that I've been aware of, " she said. She stands by the testimony she gave to the Michigan House, and points to a district court transcript showing the judge harshly admonishing the prosecution for the wide net cast in seizing assets.
"Why would you keep several of the items that were stated here ... unless you just want to be nasty about it," Judge David Nicholson told the prosecuting attorney during a hearing. "I'm just saying that from a pure matter of acting like a decent human being, that those things that are not going to be necessary ought to be given back."
But the Shattucks say they haven't seen most of their belongings returned. Even if the charges against them are dropped completely, they'll still face a steep legal battle to get all their stuff, because it's been very difficult to get seized property back even when found to be innocent.
A debate over civil forfeiture
Just ask Ginnifer Hency.
Like Annette Shattuck, Hency is a self-described "soccer mom" and a registered medical marijuana caregiver. Her husband is a social worker. The Hency home was also raided last July by the same drug task force, according to Hency's testimony.
"They took everything," Hency testified before the Michigan House: the TVs, the kids' phones, ladders.
Hency was initially charged with two marijuana-related offenses. But the charges were recently dismissed by a judge, according to a district court document reviewed by The Post. She was elated. She drove to the county prosecutor's office to see about getting her belongings back.
But the county said they'd still be keeping all that: "The prosecutor came out to me and said, 'Well, I can still beat you in civil court,'" Hency told lawmakers last week.
In an interview, Michael Wendling, the St. Clair County prosecuting attorney, said the seizure of Hency's other belongings was justifiable under Michigan law. "When officers walk into a residence that has no income other than the sale of narcotics, and nothing of value except a brand new Xbox -- clearly those items might have been traded for drugs," he said.
Wendling also mentioned the ladder that Hency said was taken. "That ladder was used in the production of marijuana," he said. "The ladder to me was the same type of item as the scales, the grinder, the processing equipment the defendant was using. The ladder was just as much a part of this operation if she used it to reach the top of her plants."
In drug-related asset forfeiture cases, police have broad discretion in determining which goods to seize and which to leave behind.
Reconsidering the policy
Stories like these are why legislatures in Michigan -- and around the country -- are considering changes to their asset forfeiture programs or effectively ending them.
The statutes in Michigan are particularly susceptible to abuse, as Reason's Jacob Sullum notes. Law enforcement agencies there get to keep 100 percent of asset forfeiture proceeds, creating a strong incentive to take first and ask questions later. Michigan's laws earned it a D-, the lowest possible score, on an Institute for Justice state asset forfeiture report card released in 2010.
The reform bills before Michigan would bump up the standard of evidence required to keep seized goods, provide stricter forfeiture reporting requirements for law enforcement agencies, and forbid seizing automobiles from people who possess less than one ounce of marijuana.
Donnellon, the St. Clair County sheriff, isn't necessarily opposed to these changes, but he's worried about the extra paperwork they may bring. "If we're forced to do detailed reporting on every single thing we do, it could essentially paralyze us with paperwork," he said in an interview.
And Wendling, the county prosector, disagrees that innocent people are having their goods taken away. "I would dispute that generality that people are losing their property and not being convicted," he said in an interview. "It's very rare."
A 2015 Detroit Free Press investigation found, however, that "many" asset forfeiture victims in Michigan were never charged with a crime. And a Washington Post investigation last year found that since 2001, Michigan police seizures from people who hadn't been charged with a crime totaled $47.7 million, $35.1 million of which went into the state's coffers.
Critics of civil forfeiture laws say that the reform measures don't go nearly far enough but that they're a good first step toward preventing abuses of the system.
The St. Clair County Drug Task Force, the group that raided the homes of Annette Shattuck and Ginnifer Hency, reports that in 2014 it seized well over $400,000 in cash and personal belongings from county residents.
"Had it not happened to me I never would have believed it could happen," Annette Shattuck said in an interview.
</article> Christopher Ingraham writes about politics, drug policy and all things data. He previously worked at the Brookings Institution and the Pew Research Center.

I think I missed the why part. Only thing I saw as why is that the Michigan pigs are spectacular assholes.


ruger 500
They are thieves,all of them ,one bad apple ruins the whole damn buch,cops are no different ,they are much like street thugs ,take the easy soft target ,bad guys have guns and shoot back ,when your home inbed


Active member
and people wonder why there is guns in grow houses and officers are being shot left n right on the street.. it's not just to protect against criminals.. crooked cops are the worse.. No disrespect to honest law enforcement but that's just really fucking sad IMO.. I really hope this lady wins it and sues the ever living shit out of em.. these laws on forfeiture NEED to change ASAP.. my state is one of the worse.


Well-known member
Heard this lady on the Thom Hartman show for a couple of minutes. There but for the grace of god ...

Even if she wins- the cops do not lose, they will pay any looses off with pickings from their next victim. Asset forfeiture advocates pay their lobbyists well.

The WHY part. That kind of work draws in psycho's, they wallow in it, and they are proud of it. Take a look at the pictures they post.
WWII was supposed to be about fighting fascists. Hard to believe how much things have changed.
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Active member
They are thieves,all of them ,one bad apple ruins the whole damn buch,cops are no different ,they are much like street thugs ,take the easy soft target ,bad guys have guns and shoot back ,when your home inbed

this is why Every honourable person is an individual, and Never affiliates with an organisation.

because individuals are real. real instances of real things.

organisations are abstract, and thus unreal, and thus do not have an absolute integrity, and if they happen to have integrity at one moment, it can change in the next.

the United States Does Not Exist. but every single human child has a real existence.


Active member
thanks for the thread.

I am not a conspiracy theorist.

I am a conspiracy realist.

threads like these are awaking the sheeple.

government is not corrupt. it's the ppl placed in positions of authority and power that are corrupt.


Active member
this is why Every honourable person is an individual, and Never affiliates with an organisation.

because individuals are real. real instances of real things.

organisations are abstract, and thus unreal, and thus do not have an absolute integrity, and if they happen to have integrity at one moment, it can change in the next.

the United States Does Not Exist. but every single human child has a real existence.

I agree with that honorable person thing mostly, but many young men join the military and they are honorable and have the best intentions going in. Most of them learn they were lied to and become not as honorable just to survive in that system.

I also feel real change comes from the within an organization. Just complaining about it only makes that organinazation bolster it's propaganda machines. That is one of the reasons I joined the Air Force at 26. And I am actually proud to say not only was there peace through most of my career, I think it was honorable what we did in Bosnia and what I myself was able to be part of in Kosovo. We actually stopped the mass slaughter and genocide. I consider that honorable.

But in Michigan and places where this asset siezure is so rampant, the dishonor is instutionalized, supporting a corrupt system. There has to be honorable cops in Michihan though but it must be a very hard life for them.


Well-known member
How do you think they’re buying all those armored vehicles, assault weapons, and outfitting the swat teams? It’s a revenue stream for them and the forfeiture laws are being totally abused. Never meant to be used to go after “soccer mom” caregivers.


Active member
yeah 3D, few of us are ever free of attachments or allegiances. whatever we can do to help us see each other as more human, so we don't think it's okay to fuck up someone's life because of rules.


As a middle aged white guy working in finance, police are now my friend I guess. I have always gotten by simply because I realized very early on that looking "cool" for a lack of a better term was just asking for trouble. Khakis and a polo...have a nice day sir.

Now that doesn't apply here. Chris Dorner was a hero. Sure here are plenty of good cops that are very honorable, but man that is a profession that breeds sociopaths. I think confrontations are just going to increase, the issue isn't getting larger, but the exposure is. As they start harassing us gringos, it is really going to bring attention to the issue. In theory the police are a very noble thing, in practice though it has become a damn army assaulting people.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
In theory the police are a very noble thing, in practice though it has become a damn army assaulting people.

That's because our police were originally trained as army. That's how to enter the profession. First, enlist in the military to receive training and experience in dealing with deadly hostile forces. Then when your term is up, use this experience to get a job state-side with the police, treating the domestic civilian population as if they were deadly hostile forces. Times have changed... and not for the better.


Registered Non-Conformist
In some ways Michigan is superior to many other states. But, in some ways, not.
What makes it even worse here is that one county your relatively safe but the next county over you are not. Washtenaw county is very mj friendly but go to Monroe county and not so much.

I actually had a friend raided in Taylor, which is in Wayne county, The only thing he got back was his new expedition and his wife's fusion. they uprooted all his plants broke down doors, took cash, property, etc. and they were never charged with anything. after about 3 hours the cops took everything and left telling my friend that the problem was with too many patients plants in same room. they said every patients plants must be in a separate room. to this day, and it has been 2 years now, they have not been able to get their property back.



Active member
This just in from the Michigan Fraternal Order of LEO: This is a new Michigan police uniform identification accessory that was voted on by an overwhelming majority of membership. Every officer will immediately drop their tighty whities, bend over and insert. We have recieved rave reviews from other LEO orgs that already have done this. No lube is to be used. Please ask leadership if you need instructions on use. All union heads have received thorough hands on instrucion.


ruger 500
Daver has a point ,most all gangs police them selves,just the good guy is the minority and thus run out ,or has a codd red put on him or her ,one would have to completely remove freemasonry from this country with death as the only punishment for this gang activity ,they protect there own at all cost ,they also kill them if they go against the lodge

Joint Lock

Active member
Google : Policing for profits . It will really make u sick . I know someone who was a victim of this scam