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Who's growing AF strains outdoors this year? (LR and Hybrids)

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
Who is growing stealth this year with some Lowryder or Hybrids from Lowryder? such as Powerstout and Master Low. I'm curious on how they are coming along. I got some Blue Streaks (DJ Short Blueberry x Master Low) germing as I speak. I plan on hiding them in the vegetable garden for a little end of the summer harvest. I think it's going to be a fun experiment because I never grown outdoors and always wanted to. Thanks to the autoflowering plants it's possible to do some in the backyard this year.


Active member
ive been growing outdoor's for a while. i have yet to try autoflowering gene's, even though ive always been intrested in them. where did you get those blue streaks and how much were they? if they even have a 50% af rate i'd be all over them you can go wrong the with true blueberry.

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
sm0kateer4204 said:
ive been growing outdoor's for a while. i have yet to try autoflowering gene's, even though ive always been intrested in them. where did you get those blue streaks and how much were they? if they even have a 50% af rate i'd be all over them you can go wrong the with true blueberry.

They was given to me as a gift from a very generous grower. In fact the strain is not even out yet. I guess the breeder let a bunch go for test grows and he must of sent out alot to certain growers. I happen to get lucky and got some sent to me by one of the testers. It's supposed to be the best AF hybrid to date. The thing I like best about it is that DJ Shorts Blueberry was used and not some random Blueberry. This strain should be excellent. I talked to a few others with it and they say it's 75-100% AF. I think the breeder wants to see how many AF before he releases it. By the way the Breeder is MDanzig who is also the breeder for the Master Low strain. I'm anxious to get them started outside. I'm going to grow them indoors for a week or two and then I'm going to harden them off. By then they should show sex if they are 100% AF and I'll be able to put them outside. I wish I had a dam camera I would do a grow log on them.


Active member
im guessing those seed's are going to run for 70 dollars easy. your lucky to get them for free. enjoy growing them but if their over 50 im never buying them because of the fact that i want auto flower's to supplament my garden during the summer. i can never turn away the fact that large outdoor plant's have such great yield which mean's most of my cash will go to large strain seed's.

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
Well yea! if you can grow regular strains then why wouldn't you. Right now I can't really grow big so I got to go stealth this year. I plan on growing my regular strains indoors and when summer comes I'll grom a few crops of AF strains. If starting early you can get up to 3 harvests before the weather turns shitty. I plan on getting a few more to add to the collection. I'm not a heavy smoker so getting an ounce per plant outdoors would be fine with me. The Master Low is $50 so the Blue Streak will probally be $50 to $75. I'll let you know how they turn out in a few months.
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Active member
auto flowering

auto flowering

im very interested in low ryder/master low probably gonna order some in next couple of days i dont really need 2 go too stealth in my backgarden the neighbours dont give a flying fuck :joint: but i still keep them smallish and bushy to be on the safe side only my next door neighbours can see what they are and that dont matter, anyway gd luck with the low ryders guy's !
i got 4 ruderalis indica seedling's on the go this year with my 3 bubblelicious thought i would try them because they where cheap (5 pound for 15 package was open when i bought so got discount i thought i was only gonna get a couple germinating cos they looked old but 100 % germination so far) anybody tried this before?? ive searched the net but only seen a couple of very vague reports :wave:


Active member
geurilla gold is a very different type of autoflowering strain. it flower's around 10 weeks old instead of 3 week's old like lowryder.

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
sm0kateer4204 said:
geurilla gold is a very different type of autoflowering strain. it flower's around 10 weeks old instead of 3 week's old like lowryder.

I see, so it's a Sativa crossed with LR. So that would make sense that it flowers alittle later. I want to try some Sativas crossed with the AF strains just to see what happens. It would be nice to turn a long flowering strain into a quicker finishing strain. When it starts flowering at 10 weeks how long does it take to finish up?


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
I just pulled some PowerStout , MasterLow and a new test grow strain other than the Blue Streak down. But I was screwed by someone up wind and they all got spewed on by some unknown male. I am planning a huge indoor fall/winter AF grow of:

Blue Streak
( Black Widow x LR ) x LR which is suppose to be 100% and you may see it floating around soon.

These ones are most likely not a high % of AF but who knows always that lucky one or two. I may wait till the grow after the one above as I am wanting to get MTF x LR to add to this run.

BlueMoon Rocks x LR
Sweettooth x LR
AK47 x LR
Santa Maria x LR
NL#5 x LR
G13 x Hashplant x LR
Big Laughing x LR


Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
Nice list S_a_H. It looks like you got alot of nice AF strains there. I'm hoping I get 100% AF from the Blue Streaks so I can make more seeds. I popped 4 but one didn't germinate, so I popped another (germinating as we speak). In the fall I might do another crop of BS to start my indoor grow and I might collect some pollen from one of the ladies and pollinate a few strains I have going this fall. This way later on I can begin to work on some new AF hybrids. I plan on crossing BS with a Cali-O female and a Somango x Lavender female.