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White Russian 2006


New Grower

Hello Growers!
I bought a couple of White Russian clones. I'm very interested in this strain cause I heard a lot good about it. The plants vegging now under 3X36 watt fluorescent tube (18/6). Some weeks later I will plant them outdoor.

Since the OG and CW are closed I can't find any info about outdoor White Russian projects :(

Please tell me your experience with this strain! I especially interested in the finishing results (date, weight, height)!




Leave this place better then when i arrived
Heres a link for the over grow strain guide..

Cant remember the breeder of white russian.. Seriouse Seeds i think. I rememeber a outdoor grow in europe and it turned out excellent. Keep up the good work. Peace.


Leave this place better then when i arrived
Lineage: AK47 x White Widow
Family: Unknown or mixed family
Origin: Not Listed
Region: Not Listed
Genotype: Indica
Indoor Maturation: 60 to 65 days
Outdoor Maturation: Oct 15 to Oct 31
Sex Possibilities: Standard (M/F)
Stature: Not Listed
Yield: Not Listed
Odor Level: 8
Odor Description: Not Listed
Taste Level: Not Listed
Taste Description: Not Listed

Well after fully growing and smoking Serious Seeds White Russian I feel I am somewhat confident to fill this report.

I received 5 WR seeds only to get 1 very nice female. During the first month the plants grew slowly only to pick up after they got established. The plant was not very picky when it came to nutes, it grew very well in both hydro and soil. The node spacing was very close and the leafs turned out very indica dom.

The plant responded very well to topping but I feel because of the node spacing it would be better to grow it Tree style.

During flowering the plant put on a lot of weight in the final weeks, it did not have a very strong smell. The crystal production could have been better but it did not affect the smoke.

One thing I did not like about the Russian was the flowering time, also the plant did not seem very resistant against mites. Other then that it was a dream to grow.

germinated 11 seeds and they popped all but i only had 3 females, but the best yield ever!

80-90gr per plant for only 60cm plant! Also the appearance was unique, really precious, had like an special aura around them, full of cristals, all buds were as big as the central bud. All big dense and heavy buds full of cristals.

The veg took really long, didn't never look like finished, six weeks at 18/6h and only for 60cm plants at last.

At the veg all plants looked still the same, very indica, but at the middle-end of the flowering one of the plants started to produce a little bit less dense more sativa buds, more like an Ak-47 needed to be cut 8 days after the first two but produced a few more grams than the others. Be careful with overfertilizing with that one, need less than the other ones.

Tip: Better cut some leaves from the inside part of the plants to let the light pass better through to the buds to increase yield, has to many unneccesary big leaves.
Didn´t do it, but this variety seemed to work good for SCROG or SOG systems.
All 3 needed relative long time for flowering to be so indica.


Wasn´t the best-tasting variety I`ve tried, but was also good. I was wondering that it didn`t taste citric like in the flowering time. Taste was a mix between hash and White Widow, your mouth will be full of flavours, nice mix between Ak-47 and White Widow, the buds were fat, dense and full of cristals like W.W., but as long as Ak-47 buds.
Good high for a long time, not couchlocking.

Really great plant, extremely recommended if you want a yieldking & nicelooking bitch! I only can recommend this variety to all !!!

New Grower

Here are the new photos:

I have some mutant part of the plants:
Mutant#1 :

closer Mutant#1 (mutant internode?)

Mutant#2 (mutant top leafs)


Thanx the help!


Leave this place better then when i arrived
No its not harming the plant... i think the plant will grow out of it or stay mutant forever. Maybe some1 more experienced has a solution.


White Russian I'm told is some nice smoke. I got a few growing out now from clones. They stink and are covered in resin.. Not too sure about the yield though. Buds don't look as thick as I would like.. We'll see. Still a few weeks to finish. Good luck with your I'll be watching.


GreenBastard said:
Buds don't look as thick as I would like..

i agree, my other plants are definately packing on more weight! it seems like you definately sacrifice yield for the higher potency. hopefully one day i can do a nice big SOG with this strain, i think it'll perform well! :D

White Russian outdoor


New Grower

THX Everybody!

The soil ph is 6,4-6,6 plus I added a little butterfly wormcastings: the butterfly strain is Inachis io

here are some pics about my butterfly project:
The worms eats Urtica Dioica leafs

Inachis io WORMS

they are very hungry

this is a "fresh" butterfly:

...and this is the casting (pure wormshit with very little soil)

...the worms eats Urtica dioica leafs, so the castings must be full of nitrogen (I think)

See it! The mutant problem might be solve! The plants grows very fast and "healthy"

This is Mutant#2 today

The plants got Biofluid today. I spray the fertilizer to the leafs (the Biofluid is ph neutral)

other Russian plants:



Leave this place better then when i arrived
LOL nice lil science project u got there, self sufficent. Do you add something to keep harmful bacteria from growing?

New Grower

I think there are no harmful bacterias in this worm shit!

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Leave this place better then when i arrived
Hey dont take any offense, i didnt mean it that way. I just thought something like dat would b contaminated.

New Grower

Here is my actually favourite photo. This is one of the 2 mutant (with the mutant top leaf)

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New Grower

Yes there are 4 drain holes/plant on the botton of the plastic glasses. The soil temperature is beetwen 21-30°C (lamp off/on) on the top of the soil.

I planted some DurbanXSkunk seeds (from Seedsman) to 5-6 mm deep into same pots. Can the seeds sprout on this high temperature? Which temp. would be the best to sprout?



how's it going guys? any updates? i'm interested in the russian myself and would love a peek into the gardens!

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