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Which Lights To Buy?

Hi all, im currently planning on setting up my first grow and was planning on buying 2 of Dr Chronics 600 watt HPS's. Has anyone used theres before? Are they reliable and will my temps be ok with these? I dont think the lights are air cooled...Also would anyone be kind enough to recommend any other types of lights that you have had good results with? Im in the 1000$ price range for buying 2 lights so if any of you could link me to a site that sells cheap and good quality lights i should be set and will begin ordering :woohoo: would really appriciate some feedback.

EDIT: P.S the lights need to be able to be cooled so i dont run into heat issues. Thx Guys
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Great info

Great info

Thanks funk for the great link, im going to buy it if no one else posts anything else. Btw can i buy a Hortilux or son-t-agro bulb and replace the one it comes with? Do u recommend this or will the one they give suffice? once again thx for the info funk :respect:


If I had a chance to get new fixtures,there'd be no doubt that I'd get sun system dual spectrum 600HPS 400MH.I have the 400/400 combo its one hell of a fixture.I'd definately get dual spectrum if I were starting over


Active member
hey! im planning on buying some light soon too

I think Ima go with HidHut they are cheap digital ballast and I think they are of good quality. You just need some reflector or cool tube with it...I will probably get mine from BGHydro or here.

Just my :2cents:
