FWIW, I am no expert on facial recognition nor the different states dmv laws, and only logged on to day this; especially in this day and age with so many databases easily accessible if not openly shared, and given the fact there are so many "computer experts" or hackers around these days whose past as a group only motive seemed usually just to have been only to prove they could bust any security laid before them, but their abilities have so often been used for different (and way worse) reasons by others (leo and Defense Department for example), and also given the fact there are very harsh penalties for impersonation/fraud and although one might "get away" with it initially it very well could bite you in the ass real hard later, DON'T TRY IT if you were leaning that way all castout. Get a shiny , cool hat (leds on or off) and big cool shades. They're good against getting skin cancer too.