For some reason this seems to be a problem, and I can't figure out why. All I ask for is a pair of quality dark indigo wash, bootleg, non destroyed/embarassed/tortured, that are about mid-rise and aren't horrifically priced. I've been looking around online and generally buy jeans here and there when I like 'em enough to buy 'em, but I can never find exactly what I'm looking for. Everything is faded this, whiskered that, ripped and raped, etc. A little of that 'antiquing' bullshit is okay I guess, I just want a clean looking dark pair of bootleg jeans. Can anyone help out? Not looking to spend a whole lot (not more than $100), but no OMD d000d I gert my Ranglers frum Walllyyy Weeeerld LOLOMGbbq, either.