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when to flower


hello all , my babies are currently 5 weeks old from germination ' they are all blue cheese and are in a 100 ltr bubbler and have been on 18/6 for 4 weeks on a 600wt dual spec light . I have a hieght issue so i plan to scrog them . I have been using ionic grow as a feed and will be using ionic bloom as soon as i switch to 12/12 which brings me to my question, when is the best time for me to flick the switch ? Ive read up on scrogging so im aware of how much i should fill the screen before i switch but is there a better way to decide when to switch ? such as how many nodes or leaf sets there should be ? Also how can i keep my res nice and clean ? This is my first hydro and my first scrog so i wll take on board any tips or advice given , thanks very much
peace out
rich https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=31290&pictureid=720820


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
im aware of how much i should fill the screen before i switch but is there a better way to decide when to switch ?

Nope. That's it.

Cover your res and avoid organics, additives and anything with "zyme" in the name. The more crap you put in the res, the more full of crap the res will be. Organics are not synonymous with a dirty res but, I'd get a couple grows under the belt before making that jump. For now, I'd stick with a micro/bloom formula with pH down and tap water.

Here's my very first DWC/ScrOG. I new absolutely nothing about either subject before coming here and lookie what I got stuck with...

You can do it!


Active member
You don't have a height issue, you have a growth issue. Those are awfully small for 5 weeks old from germination. Perhaps you should run your details by the hydroponics guys and see if you can identify why they're growing so slowly.

Good luck with them!



hello all , my babies are currently 5 weeks old from germination ' they are all blue cheese and are in a 100 ltr bubbler and have been on 18/6 for 4 weeks on a 600wt dual spec light . I have a hieght issue so i plan to scrog them . I have been using ionic grow as a feed and will be using ionic bloom as soon as i switch to 12/12 which brings me to my question, when is the best time for me to flick the switch ? Ive read up on scrogging so im aware of how much i should fill the screen before i switch but is there a better way to decide when to switch ? such as how many nodes or leaf sets there should be ? Also how can i keep my res nice and clean ? This is my first hydro and my first scrog so i wll take on board any tips or advice given , thanks very much
peace out

whats up man. so these little one for sure look stunted for being 5 weeks in a hydro system. I work with DEEP WATER CULTURE (DWC) and in 5 weeks my ladies are about 2-2 1/2 feet tall. Now first things first. What are you using for Veg Nutrients and if you are when did you start applying them to your little ones? Are you making sure your roots are fully surmerged in the rez? air on the roots can cause stunted growth. Lighting can also have something to do with it too. Could be a number of things just a little bit more detailed on what your using for water (tap, RO, Distilled) and the PH of your rez before and after nutrients are applied. In hydro PH is known to drift so a PH tester is much needed to keep eveything in tune. I hope this helps. Keeps us Informed!! Have Fun Be Safe.



hello all , i had a few problems early on after germination which resulted in the plants bieng starved of light and they havent been in the bubbler from day one ( bout 3 weeks ) so they had a poor start in life lol ,Anyways thats why they are stunted , all my own fault im afraid and i was gonna start again from scratch but decided to persevere anyway. since then they've come on leaps and bounds ( to my eyes at least ) and currently they're very bushy but not very tall. I've been using tap water which i leave for a day or so so the chlorofome could evaporate and ive been using ionic grow as food ' i tried to make sure i underfed them to avoid nute burn but the EC reading was as high as 1.7 two weeks ago but they handled it ok without any visible problems and the ph has been very stable and ive managed to keep it between 5.5 and 6.0 without any hassle ' in fact the ph only drifts when i top up with freshwater ( EC comes down Ph goes up ).Im confused now camoxnhx because I thought using this method you were supposed to keep the water level below the roots so that some of the roots were submerged and the rest above the water level ?? Anyways thats why they are stunted but on a positive note ( hopefully ) at least that solves my hieght issue lol . Hi coco nuts ' my EC reading went up to 2.0 after adding just 100ml of feed last week so i took out nute mix and added plain water until i got the Ec back down to 1.6 and thats where it is currently , i adjusted the ph back down to 5.6 and thats where it curently stands . This morning ive come across another problem ' ive used the same entry point to the res whenever ive been adding water/feed or checking the ph etc etc but today i used a differnet access point and found one of the airlines covered in black slime . The res water always looked reasonbly clean with no slime or gunk on the side of res at water level and the roots look healthy mostly white with some a slighty off-white colour .Ive cleaned the tubing and plan on doing a complete res change tommorow but i wanted to know has anyone any idea whats caused this ? the other airline was nice and clean . is there anything i can put in the water to help keep it free of impurities ?
Many thanks y'all



hello all , i had a few problems early on after germination which resulted in the plants bieng starved of light and they havent been in the bubbler from day one ( bout 3 weeks ) so they had a poor start in life lol ,Anyways thats why they are stunted , all my own fault im afraid and i was gonna start again from scratch but decided to persevere anyway. since then they've come on leaps and bounds ( to my eyes at least ) and currently they're very bushy but not very tall. I've been using tap water which i leave for a day or so so the chlorofome could evaporate and ive been using ionic grow as food ' i tried to make sure i underfed them to avoid nute burn but the EC reading was as high as 1.7 two weeks ago but they handled it ok without any visible problems and the ph has been very stable and ive managed to keep it between 5.5 and 6.0 without any hassle ' in fact the ph only drifts when i top up with freshwater ( EC comes down Ph goes up ).Im confused now camoxnhx because I thought using this method you were supposed to keep the water level below the roots so that some of the roots were submerged and the rest above the water level ?? Anyways thats why they are stunted but on a positive note ( hopefully ) at least that solves my hieght issue lol

so did they start off in soil then moved into your hydro system? And YES YOU ARE CORRECT!!! some of the roots do need to be out of the water but not to much maybe about a inch of roots not submerged. what i ment was did your rez go dry before you refilled it (but you already corrected me :p so nvm that.) I just took a look at your albums and they are starting to pull through just fine my friend. getting nice a bushy (thats how mine looked at 4 weeks so your is just having a slow start :) ) so just keep up what your doing. Now Have you check the EC and PH of the normal tap water before it gets distilled and after its distilled? That will allow you to help figure out what variation is causing the drift when you add the fresh water to your rez (test ec and ph before distillery and after) and properly adjust the PH. Just keep on the same track you are on and all will be well! cant wait to see these ladies in bloom.

Now on to the picture thing. Since you have over 50 posts if you go into the advanced settings (a button to click below where you would type your thread into) then you just click on MANAGE ATTACHMENTS... and viola!!!!
I hope i helped. Have Fun Be Safe!



hi camoxnhx , started them in some' root it' sponges in a propagator but couldnt put them in the bubbler because my ballast wasnt working so they stayed in the propagator on the window sill for a bit too long then i had to put them under a crappy light bulb for a few days just to get them out of the propagator. I'll post a pic of what they were like just prior to going under the 600wt dual spec bulb ' i honestly thought they wouldnt make it and i was going to scrap them but coco-nuts persuaded me to stick with em and here we are now . Any idea what the black gunk was on my airline ? it started from the end of the airstone and went all the way up to the exit point of the res for the tubing , i have two airstones ( connected to a 60 Lps airpump ) strange thing is it was only on one airline which leads me to believe that its not a res problem otherwise surely i'd see it in more than one place ?? Anyway as things stand ive cleaned it off and im doing a full res change on sunday and this time i will do a back ground ec check ( couldnt do it before because i didnt have an ec metre ) ' right now im gonna attempt to post a pic of my 'weedlings' prior to going in the bubbler ,
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heres my weedlings at 11 days and 13 days respectively ,
many thanks for your advice


  • 11 days.jpg
    11 days.jpg
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  • 13 days.jpg
    13 days.jpg
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Large rockwool cubes defeat the purpose of DWC. Cubes are best limited to 1" or smaller that the plant can rip them to shreds and discard them. They can't do that with a 3".

Hydro is hundreds of years old and one of it's first lessons was that distilled water is dead water that produces the worst results. Leave distilled to car batteries and steam irons.


what i ment but distilled was letting it sit out for a day or 2 to evaporate all the hard minerals and chlorine. I use a air stone when i let my 5 gallon buckets sit 2 days before my rez changes.

those young ones are really moving along! nicely done so far even with a few bumps in the road. Are those Feminized or do you still have to sex them? gonna be sweet once in full bloom! ONWARD TO VICTORY!
have fun be safe


hi again ' hmm neva thought about using airstone whilst letting the water sit 'i have a spare pump and airstone so will give that a go. There feminized seeds but im wary of the fact that if they've been stressed at all then they could turn hermie so im currently reading up on sexing plants and my magnifying glass arrived today. What do you think the black slime was on my airlines camo ?


i just checked out your pics trying to find out what this black gunk/slime looks like. is it possible to get a quick pic of it? Now what kinda stress have they been under since you've had them. I do know you can contact the breeder and ask how offten the plant will hermi and if the hermi nanners are sterile? Now dont get to over worked on the sex they will show you loud and clear.

i have attached some pics of what a male preflowers, female preflowers, and Hermi preflowers. I hope this helped. have fun be safe.



  • male7nn.jpg
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  • femalepreflower.jpg
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  • hermi.jpg
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Thanks for that camo , unfortunately ive cleaned the slime away a few days ago and so far it hasnt returned , fingers crossed eh ? Im flicking the switch on saturday cos they've been vegging for long enough ' considering that this is my first attempt ll'l be happy whatever the outcome is as ive learned so much from the experience and im sure ill do a better job next time . Im taking cuttings 3 weeks into flower and that will be my first ever attempt at cloning so watch this space cos its gonna be interesting. Ad no doubt ill be posting on here begging for help at some point lol .

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