With these long flowering sativa's, how do you know when they're done? I see descriptions of "12-16 weeks"...that's a long window. I have always gone by tricome color...when I start seeing some amber, I harvest. The rest are usually half clear/half opaque. Should I be using another technique? How much difference does waiting a week or a few make? Does an "OK" plant suddenly become "great" when it reaches the ideal harvesting time? Just curious... Another thing while I'm here asking about long lived sativa's... When they're stretching, sometimes a branch will "fold over", or "flop over" with a crease in the stem where it folded over. It doesn't seem to hurt anything, does it slow the growth any? Lately, I've started folding over ungainly branches instead of tying them. If a branch is headed right for the light, I just carefully "fold it" and let the bud hang down. It's MUCH easier and like I said, it doesn't seem to do any damage. Anyone else "train" this way? Thanks!