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When do you keep your light on?


Active member

i run my flower cycle at night... from 10pm to 10am and veging from 10pm to 4pm... just in case if I have any visitors, ventilation can be turned off for a while during the day. Sometimes it's a bit rough, i have to stay up untill 6am to finish all the work in the growroom... :D :joint:

When are your cycles in the day? What do you prefeer? Why?

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Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I run mine 8p - 8a.

I like it because I'm home the whole time the lights are on, so if something goes wrong, I'm here to fix it.


I run 7pm to 7am. Always at night; electric is cheaper at night and it's cooler so the garden doesn't get as hot.

I used to run 9pm to 9am, but I found that I was staying up too late at night to get in my "quality time" in with the plants, so I shifted the time earlier.

For vegging (18/6), I run 4pm-10am or 6pm-noon so the lights are off during the hottest part of the day.


Active member
veg I do 12am-6pm and in flwr I do 12a-12p to keep heat low in hottest part of day and fly overs from leo which seem to stop at that 12am.... I only veg a short time under the big lamp and timing has that during cooler times anyway so its managable for short periods @18/6

I am about to slide to 20/4 for the next 1 to 2 weeks just to try and push things along a little

i am not home the whole of the time my lights are on although I am for the most part in flower..

I think everyone finds what works for them for heat, cost security and results and goes with that.



Flowering from 8PM to 8AM, and vegging from 3PM to 9AM works best for me. I'm home, it's cooler, fewer people

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
This fall I'll probally run mine at around 12pm-12am. The lights on at night and the lights off during the day. I'm a night person so I can tend to my ladies at night. Come day nothing expected but a shut closet and buds forming. I also like having the light on when I'm home.

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