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Active member
Hey Steele,hope the move to the new location went well.
Just wondering what you are working on,any new releases coming out soon?
Sorry if this has already been posted else where.


New member
Any chance of any Sour Bubble (gotta request bx3 but any will do) to come back on the market?
Grabbed a pack of Sour Rhino from someone on the bay, but I wish so much to have Sour Bubble back in my stash (damn spider mites).
Any Grindhouse SB hybrids coming soon?


Shack, tha move went well, thanks fer tha concern. Tha move we DID make has held many challenges in regards to our personal, private lives. Right now, we're maintaining our current library and may, depending on circumstances, fire up full tilt in our new location, before winter hits. Mad work ahead of us, but I've always had a great work ethic. This time in my life has been a challenge, as it's been quite some time since not workin' on anythang and does wear on me. Heavy frustration ...... but tryin to think of it as a needed vacation from it; though far from a vacation.

Slated fer 2010 release (in no particular order) ......
Ancient Afghan (in stock just need to ship)
Afghan Freedom Fighter ( The Leper X Ancient Afghan, Pure Afghan F1)
Antidote, Chem D X Afghan (tested my Chem D X Ancient Afghan, very worthy but feel my Afghan F1, The Leper X Ancient Afghan will be uncontrollably potent, stankin of a dirty afghan fighter, just RANK.
Goat Cheese (Pending testing, UK Cheese X F1 Afghan Freedom Fighter)

As well as some Kush crosses, though not letting tha dog off tha chain yet, 'bout those .....

SoCold, look to tha DMT. It will fill yer SB needs beyond yer wildest imagination ......



Thanks fer tha interest fellas,


Active member
Hey Steele, thanks for the update.
Sounds like some good things are coming.
The Ancient Afghan sound interesting,gonna have to try that one at least.
Can't wait to smell what a dirty afghan fighter smells like.:confused::)
Keep up the good work,and stay safe bro.


Shack, tha move went well, thanks fer tha concern. Tha move we DID make has held many challenges in regards to our personal, private lives. Right now, we're maintaining our current library and may, depending on circumstances, fire up full tilt in our new location, before winter hits. Mad work ahead of us, but I've always had a great work ethic. This time in my life has been a challenge, as it's been quite some time since not workin' on anythang and does wear on me. Heavy frustration ...... but tryin to think of it as a needed vacation from it; though far from a vacation.

Slated fer 2010 release (in no particular order) ......
Ancient Afghan (in stock just need to ship)
Afghan Freedom Fighter ( The Leper X Ancient Afghan, Pure Afghan F1)
Antidote, Chem D X Afghan (tested my Chem D X Ancient Afghan, very worthy but feel my Afghan F1, The Leper X Ancient Afghan will be uncontrollably potent, stankin of a dirty afghan fighter, just RANK.
Goat Cheese (Pending testing, UK Cheese X F1 Afghan Freedom Fighter)

As well as some Kush crosses, though not letting tha dog off tha chain yet, 'bout those .....

SoCold, look to tha DMT. It will fill yer SB needs beyond yer wildest imagination ......



Thanks fer tha interest fellas,
:yoinks: How is the germination so far as difficulty cracking the shell?


Shack, yeah, tha AA is a very nice daytime indica. Soft aromas and flavors to match ..... If yer lookin fer a heavier, pure afghani, tha Afghan Freedom Fighter would be a more appropriate choice. It's also one of tha most spider mite resistant varieties we have. And fer just raw power, Antidote is expected to be one of tha all stars in our catalog, achieving mad strength from tha Chem D.

OD, as before in tha SB release, shells were very tough an' required scuffing. DMT will come with a recommend scuffing advisory as well.....



Mornin JesseJames, MAN, I've been laggin gittin tha Ancient Afghan out. Lottsa shit goin on with tha holidays, personal issues and such..... I would like to welcome you to tha GrindHouse help desk. Love seein' new "faces" 'round here and happy to have ya with us.

Thanks mate ! understood about the holidays.... Happy to be hear, your gear is amazing man.

Going to pick up a pack 'o Prophet this week to hold me over till the Affie is out.
