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What is this thrip killer called?


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I went to my local hydroponics shop that I have been going to for years and asked if they had any Spinsade because I have a medium infestation of thrips. He said the only stuff he has is one kind and he didn't tell me a name but said that is the only thing he stocks because it works so well. He also told me it cost one thousand dollars a liter and sells it by the gram. I only need one drop per little so I bought a fiver filled with this terrible smelling white sludge and a free dropper.

I have no doubt it won't work as he has been a great guy to me for years and everything he has sold me always worked as he stated, but I would like to know what tHis stuff is called before I spray my plants. The store is closed, so if anyone has any ideas please let me know. He also said it is specialized for sever thrip infestations and does not work on anything else. Oh ya, I pad fourth dollars for the fiver. Thanks in advance!

Ps: sorry for the terrible spelling and grammar, I am typing on my iPad and it is such a pain!



forbid kills thrips...it is white.... u use 4 drops per quart (32oz) water

monterey garden insect spray....contains spinosad



State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
sounds like forbid or flora mite.. its a white sludgy liquid but not sure if thats what it is.


Registered User
What a responsible retailer performing such a valuable service...? Lol... Didn't even tell ya what it is... Let alone safety protocols.


Active member
whatever it is,,,tell him to shove it up his ass.. It might kill his holier than thou attitude.. I have to wonder what the big secret is?? Real upstanding retailer there I tell ya...Sound like Floramite and you can get it much cheaper than what he quoted it at...

Get Spinosad........


Active member
Monterey garden is one of the best products I have ever used. It has completely eradicated any thrip issue I have ever had in addition to actually making the plants look happy as hell after spraying it. Awesome product.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Actually it was my fault for not asking more questions as I was in a rush. He said it was not poisonous but not to let it drip in the soil. He also said it cost one thousand dollars a liter and I was to mix one drop per one liter of water. Could this be consentrated Spinosade?

Thanks for the response and help so quickly. I will call him today and ask what it is called. Any other ideas? I'll find out in about twelve hours, but just curious what could cost 1000 dollars a liter lol.



Elite StrainCloneHunter
floramite is best product for that but is not cheap stuff...


Active member
Don't use floramite for thrips. Not sure it even targets them but besides that thrips are way too easy to get rid of using OMRI spinosad products than resorting to a nasty chem like floramite.


Actually it was my fault for not asking more questions as I was in a rush. He said it was not poisonous but not to let it drip in the soil. He also said it cost one thousand dollars a liter and I was to mix one drop per one liter of water. Could this be consentrated Spinosade?

Thanks for the response and help so quickly. I will call him today and ask what it is called. Any other ideas? I'll find out in about twelve hours, but just curious what could cost 1000 dollars a liter lol.

Conserve sc is rhe strongest spinosad ive ever found and its no where near that expensive.


1 of my greenhouse buddys sent me this info on wft and tank mixing. Its amazing how little effect the most common products, used to attempt to kill thrips, actually have when ised alone. spinosad, avid and floramite mixed have a 98% kill rate in 24 hours. when used alone they all need repetitive sprays. http://www.gpnmag.com/sites/default/files/p34Cloyd.pdf
The misconceptions about these products that are rampant in our industry are baffling.

On the other hand, krunchbubble told us about nylar containing products in another thrip thread. Ive never smelled a product with nylar so i cant confirm the smell.
Also hydro guy said dont drip it in the soil. That is odd. Shit like mycobutanil, sure? but other pesticides?

There is 1 other product i was given and habe never used, its called overture and is a thripicide. Little silver soluble packets. That shits kind of expensive


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Yes, he said if it was dripped into the soil it would cause the plants to grow weird, his exact words. Thanks for the info. I'll let you all know what it is when I find out.



New member
where are you in your cycle? shouldn't use anything crazy except in the first part of veg. you need to find out what he gave you. I wouldn't trust anyone who hands out crazy poisons without labeling them and giving you basic safety information on the bottle(use mask, gloves, long pants, long sleeve shirt, chem suit, etc...).

ive had great luck with mycotrol and botanigard (same thing basically). its beauveria bassiana which is a bacteria that eats certain insects...works great on thrips..also a good alternative to BT for caterpillars


Active member
You store guy is breaking the law in a major way, selling it like that. Someone mentioned misconceptions about these chemicals. The biggest misconception is that most of these things are safe for the consumer and the applicator. They are not. Especially if they are not labeled for food crops, or say they are for ornamentals, or if they are systemics. Spinosad will do the job on thrips if done properly. Spray or dunk the foliage and water the medium with it. Follow up in 5 days. Good luck. -granger

the gnome

Active member
your store guy is playing you like violin.... he is an unscrupulous SOB at best.

i had a bad thrips infestation a while back, one good soaking with spinosad and it was all over for em.
you don't need $1000 a quart or whatever BS price tag he's putting on it to scalp you for a heavy duty toxin like
floramite to get rid of thrips


Active member
The guy's a scammer! Captain Jack's is one brand and it only costs $15 USD for I think a pint at .05%, which last ya quite a while unless you gots a big garden. I also have some Conserve, which is for commercial ops, which about 22x as concentrated at 11% for about $150 per quart.

I'd tell that guy he's been busted for being a rip-off, a liar or just a complete dumbass who should find a new line of work!!!


Active member
Green Light is the brand of Spinosad that I can get locally. Works well. Google it. Good luck. -granger