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What is the proper way to use Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Powder


unable to google any scientific articles on using whey for plant nutrician. maybe i'll call mbfert and see want info they have.


if the only reason to use this stuff is "because they use it in AN Big Bud" then i would not


i'm pretty sure the beneficial effect is from the amino acids in the whey powder


Can a plant...any plant break down milk protein....or am I just being and idiot and this is some kind of joke post???????I don't want to sound like a dick but....oh hell I don't even know to say I'm at a loss sorry man.


Hell why not I give mine Adderall at lights up so they can focus on growth and just before lights out i giveem Melatonin so they sleep hard


ok- i just got off the phone with a nice lady from mbnutes. they sell a hydrolyzed (partial broken down) whey protein. she directed me to a chart that lists the amount per gallon. she couldn't answer any of the scientific questions i had on whether there's any studies that show whether a plant can break down hydrolyzed animal protein into the base amino acids but would have a tech rep get in touch with me. i'll let you know the answer. here's the chart:http://www.mbnutes.com/media/mbnutes_feed_chart.pdf


Isn't the whey protein...or any protein for that matter...really microbe food. Then the microbes recycle it to plant available food.

I would not use this at all in hydro. Any aminos in a res will bring life if there is any carbon present at all...if it stays aerobic ok, but if it goes anaerobic look out.

In a soil grow I can see it being one of the sources of N, but I would use a diversity if you are going the amino way. Just like humans feeding microbes a diverse amino profile will make them healthier.


yer right sam- any organic or carb in a hydro system is risky unless you use beneficial bacteria in your rez or tank and change out solutions every 2 weeks or so. also, according to the dosing chart, you only use 1/4 gram per gallon, hardly enough for a bacterial explosion.


Active member
Hey saggy we allready covered that topic in another tread made by u =)

Rember i told about my findings and what concentrations i use and rates plus at what time.

First u need to get the math correct - how much aminoacids are there pr 100g in you whay- then dilute so u have a concentration of 10% amino acids.

Rember aminoacids are equal to nitrogen in u feed program and a 10% stock solution will represent to 1% N in solution, 1-0-0 NPK wise.

Aminos chelate nutritens and is best used in foliar applications

If u drench it to the soil u feed mircos boosting nutrient uptake -

Application of Aminos give rise to shiney green leaves it fore some reason it gives a shine to the leafs hope u understand my english

Btw why dont u source some hydrolised soya bean that is what most nutrient formulators use here in europa

Also i think the reason AN adds aminos to there big buds is because like 1 wrote u get big guns = big buds = good marketing to pot heads that most off the time dont know what they are adding to there plants, sry if i offend any bigbud user =)

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