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what have we done - what we still do


New member
just interested in what we all still party with ...

as for me im just happy to smoke a little weed when my knees act up.

when i was a young pup i did alot of experementing, my list goes like this:

beer, jack daniels etc.
brown window pane LSD
purple mesc.
blotter LSD
ossley acid (straight from berkley)
angel dust/pcp
REDS (any and all good barbituates included)
cocaine & freebase
heroin (3 times only, never railed)

im sure ive done s'more but this should get yaall going reminising ...

step up and confess ... LOL



Pot/hash, all the good psychedelics, ludes, tried coke - didn't like it, for the past 15 yrs. i've settled on my first love, pot!

ps: I have no regrets for any of my past indescretions, it's all been good.:p

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