just interested in what we all still party with ...
as for me im just happy to smoke a little weed when my knees act up.
when i was a young pup i did alot of experementing, my list goes like this:
beer, jack daniels etc.
brown window pane LSD
purple mesc.
blotter LSD
ossley acid (straight from berkley)
angel dust/pcp
REDS (any and all good barbituates included)
cocaine & freebase
heroin (3 times only, never railed)
im sure ive done s'more but this should get yaall going reminising ...
step up and confess ... LOL
as for me im just happy to smoke a little weed when my knees act up.
when i was a young pup i did alot of experementing, my list goes like this:
beer, jack daniels etc.
brown window pane LSD
purple mesc.
blotter LSD
ossley acid (straight from berkley)
angel dust/pcp
REDS (any and all good barbituates included)
cocaine & freebase
heroin (3 times only, never railed)
im sure ive done s'more but this should get yaall going reminising ...
step up and confess ... LOL