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what do you think about these instructions for ISO?


Active member
some time ago I posted a question about an essential oil extraction kit I had seen that used 95% ethanol. that thread is here here .

Anyway I sprung the $$ for the kit which has an instruction booklet in it.

I have read a lot of threads here and on OG describing the best way to do ISO. Everyclear methods and so on. Basically this is same as everclear.

the instructions provided with the kit are interesting so I wanted to see what opinions there were on these instructions:
1) chop your plant matter as fine as possible to get maximum coverage from your oil extraction liquid (oel).
2) place chopped plant matter into a ceramic or glass bowl, cover the plant matter with oel, then cover the bowl with a lid or clingfilm.
3) place the bowl into a dark cupboard for approximately 12 hours.
4) take bowl from cupboard and filter the liquid into a clean ceramic or glass bowl, squeeze the filter cloth so you get all the liquid from your plant matter. Then discard the plant matter. You can repeat steps 1 to 4 using the same liquid 2 to 5 times, or until the liquid becomes saturated and the oil can be seen becoming trapped in the filter cloth.
5) take bowl of filtered oil saturated oel and cover 3/4 of the bowl with clingfilm so the liquid can breathe. This will stop the oel from evaporating in the processs, put the bowl in direct sunlight and within 3 hours the color pigment (chlorophyll) will dissapear along with the odor. Not using direct sunlight will result in a slower process. To check progress, take small sample and place on white dish. This will show true color of liquid.
6) When free of green color remove clingfilm. Leave bowl in direct sunlight. The oel will evaporate loeaving a pure essential oil, extract or resin.
7) If extract is powdery and an oil is preferred, simple add 1/2 cap of oel to extract and mix in carrier oil.
8) If resin is result and essential oil is desired add 2 - 3 drops of oel to resin and mix in. Result will be more liquid oil.

Ok that is it. I thought the bit about removing the coloring from chlorophyll by leaving it in direct sunlight was interesting. Has anyone heard of that method or used it?

Is it removing the chlorophyll or just bleaching it so its not green anymore?

I'd be interested to try that method and compare it to say a qwiso method.

any thoughts?

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Active member
hey Hashmasta-Kut.... do you mean this would be a method for people going for quantity not quality?



honey oil addict
exactly. it wont taste very good, in most peoples opinion. good iso oil is obtained with a maximum 30 second rinse on uncrushed material. i know a guy who used to do iso a lot he did a 3 step thing. 15 seconds whole buds, 15 seconds lightly mashed, then 15 seconds crunched up pretty good. put the stuff in three dishes and evaporate seperate. sometimes the grade differences are large, sometimes you can end up mixing the batches back together anyway.


Active member
god I hate going through all that work just to mix them back together again...makes me feel like a piece of shit


Active member
thanks Hashmasta-Kut I followed your advice ..I would prefer quality myself... . so I have a dish with what looks like some nice blond looking hash..... I will gather it up tomorrow night and see what is there

I did a small run just to get a feel for how it works. what I actually did was about 60 seconds rinse followed by maybe another 60 filtering. There was still a lot of resin glands left on the trim which surprised me although I seem to have gotten a little something for my effort

jimbob420 your right, I wouldnt go n mix em back....it'd be a principle or something surely.

Shmike, I agree it would be not pleasant at all. This stuff is 95% alchohol so it is like iso...smells similar or like chlorophyl and evaporates cool.

what would you recommend to prepare the trim? would you chop it up? freeze it first?:chin: ant thoughts? ...........I'd like to free up a bit more of those glands if possiblle for some toking pleasure so any suggestions please feel free

You think there is trich's left, but really those are just the stalks, the resin glands(heads on the stalks) have all been dissolved by the ISO.



Active member
thank Shmike for the guide there... nice result and it looks like you guys have got me on the right path.

the results from my first try were similar in color to the jar you have there once it had dried.....I did use a jar but I was cautious about too much mixing. Like you say, I dont want to get anything "extra" in my solvent if I can help it.

CH ....Its interesting you say that because I can see that there are many many stalks left on the leaves n trim.... I saved some of the trim from my run so I have a peek with a loupe and see what I can see... hopefully just lots of headless stalks.

Thanks all...I will post a few pics later today of my scrape up and let you know how she smokes....1st time resin toker so am looking forward to it.. I like what I see so far.

peace n calm to ya


Active member
thanks again Shmike... I will do another run at the weekend and see how I do.

I finished the scrape and this is what I ended up with

this is the before . its a small test amount in a big dish

we have given it the once over

would this snap crackle and pop if you snorted it?

we're at the business end now

FIN we are done.

its flaky and I wonder...:chin: while it becomes like resin with just finger heat I thought perhaps I had mostly a pile of sugars evaporated from the alcohol or if there is resin here. The ambient is pretty cool here so no liquid is no surprise I guess.

any thoughts?

at the moment it is just stored in the bowl there. I thought about rolling it up and wondered if it was worth it? is there a benefit other than carrying.



Active member
thanks Shmike, CH, HK and all you guys for the input.... been nicely blazed for the last few days...too blazed to make much sense anyways

been sprinkling a bit on my bowls and the odd half and half has been getting me decently ripped.....in fact last night I was enjoying the hystericals and pissin myself laughing over somethin which was probably pretty stupid in the first place... ah just like my early smoking days and laughing till it hurts....

I will be making some more this weekend but looking at the 2/3rds of the ethanol I have left and how much trim I have to get through I dont think I will be iso'ing all of it.

so I was thinking I might do the same process if you like.... but do like a simple ice hash instead and compare the two results......

anyone done a simple ice filter replacing the iso but keeping everything else the same before?

I also think I rolling up the results would work better.... the crystals have been absorbing a bit of air moisture in the few days since I made em so I think balling it up would help keep it all together and make it easier to use...

now its all kind a stuck like it was before I scraped it up but in a bow too small to scrape properly... I might have to try an vape it from the bowl.

its all good though

peace y'all


Active member
hey ilife interesting piece of gear there... it looks like a distiller to me or a "still" which is commonly used in essential oil extraction and obviously in home moonshine or rocketfuel making.

I've seen larger versions of that use for extracting things like lavender oil and some other types of oil from plants local to the area the extractor was in. Not going to say anymore than that.

those were usually using water and boiling up to steam then condensing the steam to get the pure or essential oil and H2O.

although it says its an iso type I wonder if it uses an iso alcohol as part of the process or just water/steam?

The objectives the same but if heat is applied to the resin what happens to the thc? Thats been a debate before. Does it degrade it or not affect it?

would be interesting to find out. the $350 price tag puts it in the range of home stills which sell here from the home brew shop for about that price even though they are illegal to use here..... many european migrants here use them.

Thanks for posting. interesting stuff


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