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What CA county would you start?


If you were looking to buy/lease property for a collective which county would you look in? Growing will mostly be light dep.


Well-known member
If you ate trying to start a collective you are a bit to late.collectives end in 2018. Switching to commercial state licenses. Only counties right now I know of that are 100% giving them out are Humboldt, mendo, calaveras. Unless you are in the ground in one of these counties already, I don't recommend buying property for it. Allot of counties just stop taking applications randomly like yolo. (I almost bought in yolo. Thank God I didn't). You don't want to buy property just because you think you can get a license and have them not even accept your application. I would bet Humboldt is your best bet though to start a regulated farm.
I got chased all around with outdoor bans from county to county. Now I say fuck it. I'm digging my heals in. Im going to do it until someone shows up and tells me not to.
My best advice. Go where YOU feel safe IN YOUR COMFORT ZONE. Some counties have full bans but don't enforce them. They are complaint based. If your neighbors don't complain you are good. Other counties don't have bans but they enforce the code they got. Allot of times it's about your neighbors and neighborhood. Buy 20+ acres if you can. Look at the neighbors on Google earth. Do they grow? Talk to the neighbors before you buy. If your neighbors aren't ok with you growing it just ain't going to happen. Also keep in mind conveniences. How far it is to stores. Don't go running across the state. Be close to your friends. You don't want to be the dude who moves to a redneck town from the bay just to grow. You will be miserable there and you will be the odd man out.


Excellent advice from CrushnYuba, Calaveras county is having a special ballot May 2 because of the big influx of new people who don't get along with their neighbors who have lived in the county for decades.Big Weed = Big Greed. They actually allowed one person to register 18 separate grow sites of one half acre size.


Well-known member
Calaveras: I'm so jealous of your county. I almost made the move. Had an offer on a place in glencoe. I have been thinking about it for a long time. It's just so far from my life (grass valley). I kind of wish I did but now so many other people have ran there I expect they will put some restrictions in after the vote.
Jimjay: I'm crushing gold country until someone stops me. And calaveras is within my comfort zone but I'm not going to run there. You got to have mountain etiquette. Get in where you fit in.
Don't be the guy who buys the 5 acre parcel with no house. Hires people to do his excavation and tree work. Has contractors and workers in and out. Clear cuts a huge garden pad. Drives fast on the dirt road. Doesn't live on the property the first year. Doesn't cut his grass, clear his brush and have the neighbors thinking his property is a fire hazard. You will fail.
Don't be a city boy coming to my hill unless you want to live and grow like we do.

Late Bloomer

New member
Whats your take on Yuba county enforcement presently? Am closing on a hill spot soon that I feel good about and have heard from some friends about the area but curious what last year was like for folks in the hills from your perspective. Thanks.


Well-known member
It's all about the neighbors. Yuba can be cool or not cool. If your neighbors don't care and it's the right property and you have enough land you can rock. Also depends on town and how far out you are.
Yuba is not at all cool. But county is also broke. If your neighbors don't call on you and hard to get to, you are fine. Safest area is camptonville, strawberry valley and challenge I think. If your neighbors aren't stoked on you being there forget it. County is very hard on people growing on bare land. I highly highly recommend growing on a property with a house.
Allot of rednecks in yuba also that aren't cool with it. If you tell me what town I can tell you more.


New member
I'm in the foothills bordering yuba county and the area is full of old people who still think weed is evil and god is great when taking in account the amount of churches , lack of people , and large number of anti-weed signs i've seen. But for the most part i think these old people will complain regardless no matter how nice they sound when they greet you with fresh baked cookies. Yeah , my neighbor brought us cookies when we first moved in. Nice people to your face, just some are really against cannabis. In my opinion as long as there isnt a backyard full of cannabis , i doubt neirgbors would be complaining from the sight of or smell of plannts they can barelky notice. Or if you blend cannabis with other gardening it can help because i'm guessing that 2 out of 5 people in the foohills of yuba or butte county grow weed. Poroperty is quite cheap out here and so has been last years outdoor season , but it sucks for young people who just moved in because people harass newcomers like Keep It Rurual lmao

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