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weekend camping/fishing trip NorCal


Had a great camping fishing trip this past weekend up around Mt. Lassen area in Northern CA. Cold but very few people and free to toke up wherever and whenever pretty much :) caught quite a few nice 2-3 lb rainbows...

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found these tracks one morning, something came through camp overnight, anyone have any thoughts on what it may have been? Seems of decent size but I'm not that good with tracks..

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Wendull C.

Active member
The gallop pattern of the tracks says it was a small critter that places his front feet with his hind feet when not in motion. I would say a snow shoe hare or other rabbit. I think Sea Maiden hit it on the head. Do you hunt/track or photograph wildlife in California? Sea Maiden that is.


Mt. Lassen area is amazing. Come a bit farther north and check out Shasta if you haven't already