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How will the weather affect my buds? :chin: The reason I ask is because it has been getting down to the mid 50's degrees F at night and in the upper to mid 70's degrees F in the day. Here are a few pics from this past weekend.

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Active member
I dont know what that is *celsius
But cold weather often makes darker leaves/purple on some strains.
As long as it doesnt get below 0*c your plants will cope with the cold.

nice plants mate, gj


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Cooler weather can help your plants finish faster in some cases, at the least like the prince said, over 32F(0C) and you will be fine, even a short dip under freezing(a light frost) will be a-OK.


Joint Date: Today.
yeah.. its all good bro.. till u get the first frosts... and
heyyyyea your flowers look really good.. i think you wont have any problems finishin em..

good luck


Fast Pine

Active member
I laugh at your temps.....

Im already at high 30's.....Tonight is gonna be 35....

Im in the middle of the friggin desert on top of a mountain.... :badday:

You have little to worry about....Listen to tha babba.. :joint:


hey man it has been pretty cold dark and rainy. I wouldnt worry unless unless its getting below 40 regurally, which shouldnt be til the middle to end of Oct hopefully.

its suppose to warm up anyway next week. should dry it out and give the ladies some much needed sunshine.