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I'm a beginner grower and don't really know too much about it, so i had a question about it.

My plants are currently a week and a half old (outdoor) and I have been, for the most part, watering them everyday or every other day. Should I be watering them that much or what? I really have no idea what I'm doing, as you can see. All I know is that they are doing better than my other attempt at a grow. Thanks in advance.
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well i just went to water them and i noticed the soil was not looking too good. there is some sort of green fungus growing on it. i know that can't be good. i'll try and get some pics of them within the half hour.

wow i sound like a newb


Active member
Everyday or everyother day is probably too much hence the green growth on the soil. Maybe try once every 5 to 7 days in clay soil and maybe once every 3 to 4 days in sandy soil for a normal sized plant. It is okay to let them wilt slightly and become slightly "dogeared". Just watch them very closely everyday without applying water. You will then know to increase your watering frequency a little bit once you see them wilting. Make the plant search for water deeper in the ground. When you water too often, the plant will become dependent on you watering all the time because all the roots are at the surface of the soil. :confused:
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It also depends on where you live, if its very hot then the plant might need to be watered everyday especially if there young since they can just dry up and die if not watered properly. If the soil looks like it needs watering water it you should check to see if its still moist at all under the soil though.
Much needed information. Thanks for the replys guys... or gals. Here are some pics of the 5 ladies (hopefully). I might have to change the title and keep updating, if more questions arise. btw, I'm southern california. and i guess i can't change the title...

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Leave this place better then when i arrived
They look good for a week n a half. Check out the guide in my sig, its very informative and easy to understand. You might want to transplant soon into something bigger, they will out grow those cups very fast. Waiting for most of the soil to dry out makes the roots search for water by growing bigger. Peace!


Active member
Those pots can't go a week and 1/2. Let the top of the soil get dry and then give them an extra day or two without water. Watch closely for signs of wilting and apply water as soon as possible when you see this. You will then know how many days they can go without water. As the roots fill the container, you will begin to have to water more often. You will need bigger pots in the not so distant future.
Thanks guys. hopefully the fungus is just from overwatering.

As I have to transplant the plants soon, I had no idea of how going about getting a simple soil solution. Can i just go and buy it all in one or is there a simple process of making it? Or should i just steal someones soil? (like from a public school) I tried finding some stuff about soil, but whatever i find seems to be for advanced growers. Last time i just dug up some dirt, but I don't want to do that again, since I'm sure I will get much better plants if the soil is better.
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..do not steal the soil. lol thats bad karma man. You will automatically have a shitty grow if you steal soil for your grow.

just go gets ome at home depot. they got some pro mix. or you can just get the cheap potting soil and peat and perlite and mix it up...or if y
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yeah... I shouldn't even of mentioned stealing soil... just a last resort. if all it takes is those 3 things to mix up, then i guess im just gonna go to home depot this weekend and check it out. about how much peat should i add to the potting soil? (like how much should it fill the pot with?) 20% sound about right?
Day 13

Day 13

You guys were right about the green in the soil. I haven't watered my plants since and it went away. Much thanks. It also looks like they can go at least another 2 or 3 days without water. Here are some pics of day 13. I'm trying to keep this thread as a little journal sort of thing for myself and or anyone else that is interested in it. Sorry about the confusing title, now. oh yeah, this first plant right here is my favorite one so far. I'm also interested in seeing what is going to happen to the slower growing one (the fourth pic down). Don't really know what the deal is with it, except that it was planted one day later than the others. I guess it would be my second favorite of the plants.

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