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Want to read some bullshit?

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I think the majority of people, even those that don't smoke, know statements like this is bullshit.

Don't get me wrong their must still be those folks that believe the devils in that weed.

But come on, most people nowadays are informed enough to know that cannabis isn't what it's claimed to be by leo and the like.

Increasingly it is mentioned not only as the first drug taken by people who overdose
Do they mean overdosed on another drug while high on cannabis? Or cannabis was their 'gateway' to another drug which they overdosed on?

Sour Deez

I think the majority of people, even those that don't smoke, know statements like this is bullshit.

Don't get me wrong their must still be those folks that believe the devils in that weed.

But come on, most people nowadays are informed enough to know that cannabis isn't what it's claimed to be by leo and the like.

Do they mean overdosed on another drug while high on cannabis? Or cannabis was their 'gateway' to another drug which they overdosed on?

I believe he means other drugs because of this statement in the article..
"It is an awful waste of young lives. People are trying the drug at a very young age. Many go on to harder drugs and I am dealing with more and more heroin overdoses. People can also suffer severe consequences from the cannabis alone, however.

Either way this guy is a complete tool..actually this dude is the whole toolbox


New member
I would love to believe most people are educated enough to know this article is bullshit, but if it's print many people take it as gospel. Most people try marijuana before other drugs(not counting caffeine and alcohol) only because it is readily available and cheap. I know many people who have used marijuana to get off coke and heroin. So tired of hearing these drug rehab fucktards spouting their bullshit lies.


I think the majority of people, even those that don't smoke, know statements like this is bullshit.

Don't get me wrong their must still be those folks that believe the devils in that weed.

But come on, most people nowadays are informed enough to know that cannabis isn't what it's claimed to be by leo and the like.

Do they mean overdosed on another drug while high on cannabis? Or cannabis was their 'gateway' to another drug which they overdosed on?
yeah... there has been a lot of progress in the past few years and I think most people see things like this as ridicules nonsense. There aren't too many people left on the planet who don't have first hand knowledge! We are almost to the point where this kind of crap is going to help us.


Active member
i am on my third joint do you think i should call 911 i dont wanna die. i can see a few stoners dying due to stupidity tho


... So tired of hearing these drug rehab fucktards spouting their bullshit lies.

Right, it's as if the heroin rotted their brain so they are just brainless enough to fall right into the popular facism against a relatively harmless plant.

The AA / rehab crowd loves to place personal power in a higher power, and personal responsibility on whatever they can find to blame it on.

drugs + rehab = fucktard (if you're not careful)


Turner who? Ted? He tokes it up all the time, like ol' Tom Jefferson - seemed to work for those guys... on the other hand, let's talk about the unimaginable destruction wrought by alcohol, never mind cigs, both perfectly legal. Same old tired political pigshit-soaked merry-go-round of pointless absurdity, blah blah, blah blah blah, shut the hell up and go watch another re-run of Lawrence Welk.