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WallyDuck c99xPanama Red - Rubbermaid & CFL

Welcome to my grow journal!

This Grow Journal is special because the first week into my grow I had the most hair raising experience, shit I nearly pissed myself!

Property manager comes over, without notice, and needs to measure all the walls for paint! I luckily opened the door to our balcony to talk to him and mentioned I had to clean up some laundry before he could come in. I rush my ass over to the closet and shut everything off, hide it all within a dozen rubbermaids im not using and pray he won't look in the closet.

Well he comes up and guess what he wants to do!? measure the closets too as they need white touch-up! CRAP!

So I sit there with a smoke in my hand, barely able to do anything but shake and he goes into the room and measures everything.

I am so glad that I put everything away with lids in a hurry, because he opens the closet, measures it out, and closes it.

Phhhhew my body relaxes and he says he'll be back with paint. An hour later I get the paint and he says goodbye, I put my balls back in my sack and head to the closet to set everything back up again, best thing too is it didn't effect the plants!!!

So that's my rocky start to a hopefully great reward!

Now onto the show:

I have 5 Unsexed C99xPanama Red growing so far in standard potting soil.
These 5 will be mothers for cloning, but don't know how many i'll really get just yet.

I have 1 mutant as well, I didn't kill him and he's a ultra slow grower compared to the others but It might make an interesting breeding project as later in the year i might cross it with Ducksfoot.

First pic is of the temporary Mother box, it has light leaks and is not stealth at all but it works for now, I should have a new mother box next week (gotta paint which sucks) that will have 3 times the lights and twice the air currents. Also it will be filtered!





How I feed:

Water every 4 days
Includes half strength muskie fertilizer
Started with 1/4 strength, now upto half strength Rhizotonic
Will be ending rhizo after next watering then switching to a general purpose 20-20-20 1/4 strength. I will then up the nutes till the plant's limit.

Cloning begins in less than a month!:joint:

Hope you enjoyed, I'll keep it updated as much as I can.


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Update with pics!

Finally got around to making my new mother cabinet. Temperature is a little hot, but i'll have an air conditioner in that room by next weekend.

So I used a black undercoat spray paint, then put latex paint over. I don't suggest latex as it's cracking, maybe a white spray paint would work better next time (for my flower cab)

I have changed the bulbs, using 4 13watt 5k and 2 23watt 6500k to make the temperature colder.

Used silicone to attached bulbs to rubbermaid, works great, rated to 250degrees so no worries on heat.





Plant Update with Pics coming up now!


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Now with the Plants!

All 5 are doing good, Started watering with 20-20-20 and continue to use fish oil.
I stopped using Rhizotonic, I could really notice when the plant started concentrating on its root system as last week was slow and they're picking up again.

I'm having one issue, and I think it's either the paint fumes or the increased temperatures.

Some of the leaves are curling up like a V while others are looking down all droopy. No yellowing, no spotting other than where I touched the plant.






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Found an Interesting trait!

Found an Interesting trait!


All 5 are growing and producing leaves in between the fan leaves and main stem.

I have one issue, and it looked to be over watering. I waited 2 extra days (5 days w/o water in 4inch pot starter soil) and checked the top 2 inches of dirt.... BONE dry uh oh! Underwatering!!

One thing I do notice, is that 3 of them are drooping, while the mutant might be but it's hard to tell.

I think the 5th is from the Panama Red Side because it's still doing great, looks like I might have stumbled upon a drought resistant pheno but I will be doing more experiments to check.

I'll really know if it's true once the main 3 start recovering (as I watered them today, 20-20-20 1/2 strength, half strength muskie emulsion, 1ml of Hydrogen peroxide for added oxygen.)

Checking the infirmary, under watering seems the most likely route, the picture shows some of the V leaves, curled down tips (on my mutant) and drooping my plants are showing.

If it turns out to be a drought resistant phenotype i'll be breeding it with my favourite ducksfoot (15 seeds will be germinated around January) and will send in some freebies for seedbay for all the outdoor growers.

I'll be updating with pics by the end of the week, showing the main 3, mutant, then Drought resistant pheno in different angles.

Also, all 5 have red/purple stems.

Till next time,
Also, after some serious reading, going to start using "lift the pot" method, seems I may have just doomed my plants.. we'll have to see.


Active member
Looking good so far GH. I have wanted to try this strain for a while now.Panama Red was some of the FUNNIEST pot smoked back in the 70's.Strong too and well we all love C99..peace


I will always cheer for the micro grow. It looks like you got a good one going on.

I remember smoking some of that Panama Red way back in the seventies. Good times.

I wish you fat nugs man.
Thanks for the good replies!

The drooping continues to get worse and I eliminated the PH issue (6.8 out of tap, 5.8 after fertilizers) and watered so I'm left with 3 options.

I took one of the drooping plants out of the mother cab and put it in a temporary spot with 77 degrees and about 30watts of light... this morning it seemed to come back to life but hasn't perfectly recovered.. I think:

1. EC is off - haven't tested it yet, too poor to buy one, hoping this isn't it.
2. Paint Fumes - I put them in almost right after the paint dried and there is still remnants of the smell when I open the Mother Cab, it's now opened and have fans blowing on it.
3. Heat - The bottom of the mother cab was 79-81 degrees so I'm figuring the top of the plants could have been around 86-90, would explain why the 1 plant made somewhat of a recovery.

So after 48-72 hours of venting the paint fumes out of the box I'll be removing the 4 13 Watt 5000k bulbs and leaving the 2 23 watt 6500k bulbs to hopefully drop the temperature.

Since this is a mother box and not the flower box I'm glad to have these issues now so when it comes to flower box building time I won't be screwing around with them.

All 5 still have amazingly red stems, New leaves still growing out of the nodes where the fan leaves are, and there's a small red tint to the new growth on the main stem.

Once they've recovered I'll be LSTing till I can start cloning.
3 have stretch, 1 is very compact, and my mutant is actually throwing out proper leaves!

Pics by the end of the week!
Well I just passed the 1 month mark, lost 1 plant due to lack of water brought on from me thinking I was over watering plants, all others are doing well.

-------- PROBLEM FOUND ---------
Over watering look with a bit of nute burn turned out to be Toxic paint in my Mother box - SICO 100% Acrylic latex Primer Paint.

--- PROBLEM SOLVED ----------

Got rid of mother cabinet - waiting to make new one - Due to laziness.

I've got 2 LST'd still in their pots while I experiment with the other 2 (The mutant and stocky plant)

The other 2 have been transplanted into a Coco-Coir Mix:

Coco-coir (WWF brand)
New Jersey Greensand
Bone meal
Blood meal
Kelp meal.

So far there are no signs of burn on the plants but I'll be waiting a full week to transplant the other 2 in case I end up running into problems.

I made the mix very aerated as I tend to over water. Hoping this will allow me to go back to my original watering schedule.

Anyways, Here are the pics -

The tips although yellowed in the pictures have cleared up -
The new leaves are twisted as well, but since removing from Toxic paint Cab they've gone straight!

Also these were taken before the transplant. I'll update with some transplant shots next time


Looks good!




Till next time!


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Thanks Tleom!

Pics coming up soon!

I took 1 of the LST'd and 1 of the transplanted plants and have topped them.

Plants are looking better and better, and I'll be re-building my mother cabinet tomorrow so pics of it are incoming! Instead of toxic paint i'll be using reflective duct tape.

Edit: Although two of the plants popped out 7 leafed leaves at the beginning, one of them is now starting to re grow 7 after going back to 5... I'll be watching the fingers closely.
Picture Mania!!

Transplanted last 2 - one of the original Transplanted plants is not doing well (99% over watering) and doesn't like to be LST'd. Fuck she HATES it.

I've got another that loves LST, within 4-6 hours it turns itself back up and doesn't mind being bent any which way.

Here's the new mother box:





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And now the plants.

PS the over watered one is back to normal! (the one bent over)

Still un-sexed.

Pre transplant


7 fingered Leaves!!!!! On 3 of them !!

here's the Over Lst'd over watered guy that's sprung back to life



Air Current = 120CFM Dynex Comp fan takes air out, 80CFM Dynex pulls air in, also 1 extra hole.

Lights = 2 26 watt 6500K

Reflective = Duct tape, reflective kind. CUTS YOUR FINGERS !! Hurts like hell!

Dirt = Coco coir, Perlite, Vermaculite, New jersey greensand, Blood meal, bone meal, kelp meal.

Updates soon!

oh yea - Camera date & time is off obviously


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Update Shots!

These are from about a week ago.

I started doing more LST and a little bit of pruning to open it up.






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And now for some shots taken yesterday, you can see how well removing some fan leaves helped fill in the gaps.

Feeding schedule is still Water and Rhizotonic, Soil-less medium is working a hell of a lot better than I thought it would be. Won't be fertilizing until I see lack of nutrients.

Here is the mutant that used to be a runt... not anymore! Plus it stiiiinks like citrus!

This is my favourite one so far, it loves LST and starts turning back towards the light within an hour of being trained:



2 don't like to be LST'd, so i pruned them. The other 2 that love it include the mutant plant that started off as a runt.


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Oh ya, one last thing. I highly recommend Wally duck, these seeds have amazing genes and each has it's own personality and likes/dislikes... it's a lot of fun and pseudo scientific for me.

woot 200 posts lol
Well I'm getting closer everyday to cloning my 4 babies. Flower box and clone box are pretty much 100% ready and I'm just waiting on some carbon!

The mutant, my baby, is either hermied... or is a male. Thing is, He(it?) loves LST and even under very low amounts of CFL 6500k produced tons and tons of new growth in every available node... Pre Balls are only on the top couple of nodes...

Still going to keep it, it's got great genes!

Now onto the other LST Lover, who fights hard against the pipe cleaner relentlessly and wins by rippin off electrical tape:

Those 2 dont show that much red, but the next 2, which hate LST but still produce a ton of growth on all available nodes are candy caned in certain areas, and the fan leave stems are red...


Cloning the 3 potential females in less than 2 weeks!!!!

And by the way... With all of em in a 18/6 cycle, i really didn't expect a lot of smell but damn... The fuckers smell great, but stink up my place... Will have a flower carbon scrubber.. hope it's good enough!


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I had to cut my babies down and flush them down the toilet, I've had to also dismantle pretty much all my gear and have no place to store it :(

I'll be unable to grow for a long time. This sucks hard. I'll be around the site, but It'll be reading more than participation which blows balls for me.

Hard ass day right here.

By the way. The worst part of it all was seeing my root mass, I know that I Would have gotten a SHIT ton of buddah off them....


Sorry to hear you cut it all down GH. I just started reading your thread and those plants were looking like a future nice crop.

Hope you saved some seeds to start again.