Vote NO on 3
In the guise of social reform, a private organization made up by syndicates of wealthy investors is aiming to acquire the exclusive rights to grow, manufacture and sell marijuana and marijuana-infused edible products to Ohioans for recreational and medical use. The investors propose to acquire these rights by amending the Ohio Constitution on the November 5, 2015 ballot.
The Ohio Marijuana Monopoly envisioned by the investor-run group, known as ResponsibleOhio PAC, began soliciting its investors by promising them lavish profits from dispensaries and from more than 1,100 retail stores (nearly three times the number of state liquor stores) across Ohio focusing on sales of recreational marijuana in the form of joints, liquids, sprays and edibles such as cookies, brownies and candies. They even locked into the amendment their own sweetheart tax rates.
The backgrounds of some known investors have come into question. But many investors in the 10 designated sites with the exclusive option to grow and cultivate all marijuana to be sold in Ohio remain unknown. The wealthy schemers are hidden by corporate shields that conceal their identities.
Issue 3 also allows every Ohio adult to grow pot at home and possess more than a half pound of marijuana for recreational use at all times.
The pro-monopoly gang’s threat to the Constitution, the gang’s unfair business practices and the gang’s plan for such a wide-open approach to the sale and use of marijuana have combined to generate extensive and deep opposition to Issue 3 – even before Issue 3 was certified to the ballot in mid-August.
Grassroots groups are cropping up across Ohio to oppose Issue 3. Issue 3 is opposed by leading newspaper editorial boards, by every statewide executive elected official and by legislators of both major parties.
Moreover, Issue 3 is opposed by children’s health advocates, doctors, hospitals, civic leaders, parents, educators, farmers, other business people, chambers of commerce, law enforcement personnel, addiction counselors and faith leaders.
At the statewide level, the groups have come together to form Ohioans Against Marijuana Monopolies – dedicated solely to defeating Issue 3’s devious and reckless marijuana monopoly plan.
Protected Monopoly
A small group of self-selected, wealthy investors want Ohio voters to grant them exclusive rights to the legal marketing and sale of marijuana in Ohio. These already-wealthy investors stand to reap enormous financial profits if the amendment passes.
Each of these investors has contributed millions to buy their way onto the Ohio ballot. They see an opportunity to capitalize on Ohio’s initiative petition process and turn their millions into billions through marijuana legalization. The effort was sold to investors as a business opportunity, with a goal “to uniquely position Principal Funders for a growth market in Ohio where annual sales are expected to exceed $1 billion dollars.”
The proposed measure is a nothing more than a moneymaking scheme for the benefit of a small, select group of investors. These wealthy funders are using a Constitutional Amendment to create a monopoly for themselves and to cash in on what they have described as "a tsunami of money." These investors are willing to spend millions of dollars each to get even richer by selling potentially dangerous drugs to Ohioans.
Passing this issue would cement into Ohio’s Constitution a marijuana monopoly for these investors. They even created their own sweetheart tax rates that cannot be changed in the future except with another Constitutional amendment. The authors of the amendment – who are also the investors and the ones who stand to benefit financially if the amendment passes – decided to tax marijuana at a rate lower than current state tax rate for beer, wine, and tobacco.
Some investors appear to have questionable backgrounds. The identities of other investors are hidden by corporate shields.
We're Voting No
People from all across our state realize that Issue 3 is a bad for Ohio.
Republican and Democratic elected officials, children’s health advocates, hospitals, doctors, addiction counselors, faith leaders, mental health professionals, parents, educators, law enforcement officials, farmers, chambers of commerce and leading business groups are coming together to vote No on 3.
Join the growing group of people and organizations who have come out against Issue 3:
Ohio Children's Hospital Association
Ohio Chamber of Commerce
Ohio State Medical Association
Ohio Hospital Association
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
Ohio School Boards Association
Buckeye Association of School Administrators
Ohio Association of School Business Officials
ADAMHS Board of Cuyahoga County
ADAMHS Board of Hancock County
Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association
Columbus Chamber of Commerce
Greater Cleveland Partnership
Council of Smaller Enterprises (COSE)
Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber
Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce
Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce
Dayton Regional Employers Against Marijuana (DREAM)
Canton Chamber of Commerce
Youngstown-Warren Regional Chamber of Commerce
Drug Free Action Alliance
Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities
Ohio Council of Behavioral Healthcare Providers
Ohio Council of Retail Merchants
Ohio Business Roundtable
Ohio Farm Bureau Federation
Ohio Grocers Association
Ohio Manufacturers' Association
Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association
Ohio State Coroners Association
Ohio Township Association
Ohio Trucking Association
Prevent Blindness Ohio Affiliate
Vote NO on 3
In the guise of social reform, a private organization made up by syndicates of wealthy investors is aiming to acquire the exclusive rights to grow, manufacture and sell marijuana and marijuana-infused edible products to Ohioans for recreational and medical use. The investors propose to acquire these rights by amending the Ohio Constitution on the November 5, 2015 ballot.
The Ohio Marijuana Monopoly envisioned by the investor-run group, known as ResponsibleOhio PAC, began soliciting its investors by promising them lavish profits from dispensaries and from more than 1,100 retail stores (nearly three times the number of state liquor stores) across Ohio focusing on sales of recreational marijuana in the form of joints, liquids, sprays and edibles such as cookies, brownies and candies. They even locked into the amendment their own sweetheart tax rates.
The backgrounds of some known investors have come into question. But many investors in the 10 designated sites with the exclusive option to grow and cultivate all marijuana to be sold in Ohio remain unknown. The wealthy schemers are hidden by corporate shields that conceal their identities.
Issue 3 also allows every Ohio adult to grow pot at home and possess more than a half pound of marijuana for recreational use at all times.
The pro-monopoly gang’s threat to the Constitution, the gang’s unfair business practices and the gang’s plan for such a wide-open approach to the sale and use of marijuana have combined to generate extensive and deep opposition to Issue 3 – even before Issue 3 was certified to the ballot in mid-August.
Grassroots groups are cropping up across Ohio to oppose Issue 3. Issue 3 is opposed by leading newspaper editorial boards, by every statewide executive elected official and by legislators of both major parties.
Moreover, Issue 3 is opposed by children’s health advocates, doctors, hospitals, civic leaders, parents, educators, farmers, other business people, chambers of commerce, law enforcement personnel, addiction counselors and faith leaders.
At the statewide level, the groups have come together to form Ohioans Against Marijuana Monopolies – dedicated solely to defeating Issue 3’s devious and reckless marijuana monopoly plan.
Protected Monopoly

A small group of self-selected, wealthy investors want Ohio voters to grant them exclusive rights to the legal marketing and sale of marijuana in Ohio. These already-wealthy investors stand to reap enormous financial profits if the amendment passes.
Each of these investors has contributed millions to buy their way onto the Ohio ballot. They see an opportunity to capitalize on Ohio’s initiative petition process and turn their millions into billions through marijuana legalization. The effort was sold to investors as a business opportunity, with a goal “to uniquely position Principal Funders for a growth market in Ohio where annual sales are expected to exceed $1 billion dollars.”
The proposed measure is a nothing more than a moneymaking scheme for the benefit of a small, select group of investors. These wealthy funders are using a Constitutional Amendment to create a monopoly for themselves and to cash in on what they have described as "a tsunami of money." These investors are willing to spend millions of dollars each to get even richer by selling potentially dangerous drugs to Ohioans.
Passing this issue would cement into Ohio’s Constitution a marijuana monopoly for these investors. They even created their own sweetheart tax rates that cannot be changed in the future except with another Constitutional amendment. The authors of the amendment – who are also the investors and the ones who stand to benefit financially if the amendment passes – decided to tax marijuana at a rate lower than current state tax rate for beer, wine, and tobacco.
Some investors appear to have questionable backgrounds. The identities of other investors are hidden by corporate shields.
We're Voting No
People from all across our state realize that Issue 3 is a bad for Ohio.
Republican and Democratic elected officials, children’s health advocates, hospitals, doctors, addiction counselors, faith leaders, mental health professionals, parents, educators, law enforcement officials, farmers, chambers of commerce and leading business groups are coming together to vote No on 3.
Join the growing group of people and organizations who have come out against Issue 3:
Ohio Children's Hospital Association
Ohio Chamber of Commerce
Ohio State Medical Association
Ohio Hospital Association
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
Ohio School Boards Association
Buckeye Association of School Administrators
Ohio Association of School Business Officials
ADAMHS Board of Cuyahoga County
ADAMHS Board of Hancock County
Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association
Columbus Chamber of Commerce
Greater Cleveland Partnership
Council of Smaller Enterprises (COSE)
Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber
Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce
Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce
Dayton Regional Employers Against Marijuana (DREAM)
Canton Chamber of Commerce
Youngstown-Warren Regional Chamber of Commerce
Drug Free Action Alliance
Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities
Ohio Council of Behavioral Healthcare Providers
Ohio Council of Retail Merchants
Ohio Business Roundtable
Ohio Farm Bureau Federation
Ohio Grocers Association
Ohio Manufacturers' Association
Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association
Ohio State Coroners Association
Ohio Township Association
Ohio Trucking Association
Prevent Blindness Ohio Affiliate