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Vintage Colombian

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I had to experience the yage but more because of the situation than desire. I believe we as humans need the yage but unfortunately those who need it the most would never touch it. Been there done that.

In the late 70s all the way through the 80s and maybe a little into the 90s I was a casual user of Lucy in the sky. Those were great days but in the 90s I just stopped for no reason. Them about 15 years ago I started eating the occasional mushroom. But only once or twice a year to reset my mind. I like a low to moderate dose by myself. For me the "trip"lasts 6 or 7 hours but I feel the positive effect for weeks and even months after. However this year I've been munching a lot of mushrooms, I like them but in low doses. The wild Colombian mountain shrooms that are in abundance here vary in potency but overall have a very positive pleasurable effect. It's almost like really good sativa (kinda) in lower doses and full on trip at higher dose.

This is another Red Death from the neighbor. I've had this plant since April and put in the greenhouse in May. There's no seasons as I knew in North America here and plants will flower any time of year but it's still spring. The cloudy humid days combined with constant rain is veg time here. Everything is lush and green in the valley now.

Another variety from the neighbor, some type of sativa leaning hybrid. It's a nice plant and seems to enjoy its place in the greenhouse.

I know everybody hates seeing a wide leaf growing in Colombia but this is a medical plant. Certainly not a production plant.

Red Snake bx, I'm hoping to early next year grow some of the F2s. Still scouting locations but they might end up growing here.

Sativa bubble....... this doesn't get far from the finca.

red rider


ICMag Donor
I’ve been to the places you describe the intensity can be overwhelming and frightening. I won’t do it that deep again …agree with you as to the merits of the occasional mushroom trip. had been in the habit of using ketamine as well because it was convenient, but these days at my age I’m pretty good with just hash… >>> once in a while, I’ll go for a psychedelic reset

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor

This my Kamora at F3 this is the phenotype I'm looking for. It's the X2B pheno that has super thin leaves and a crippling hit. The taste is not remarkable but not bad. I don't select for taste or smell, bag appeal, yield and flowering time are irrelevant. It's all about the hit , everything else is what it is. The Kamora is all about the hit and how I want it. Strong uplifting and complex with no ceiling or tolerance. Next year I'll begin working on an F4 line back crossed to the F1.
Right now in the greenhouse I'm finishing up some of the neighbors gentics and my Red Snake.
Coming up next will be a new cross for me (medical) is the FEZ (White Rhino x NYCD) pollenated with the Mexi (Michoacán x Oaxaca). I'm hoping to find a strong hybrid for pain and relaxation.
And I broke down and germinated the last of my Jamaican Blue mountain seeds. Surprised to see most pop and now coming out of the soil. I'm hoping to make nice F2 seeds to work on later.
Next month I'll be moving back to Paipa but I'm planning on continuing growing at the greenhouse here depending on what the finca owners want to do.

Sun slowly burning off the morning fog brings a refreshing feeling of the new day.
Lot's to do today and starting with a positive vibe.

Good things are coming.

Calm and cool
red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
But yeah the Kamora is not only extremely potent, it's quality. I have some varieties that are strong and good but not like the Kamora. It doesn't really look potent, there's visible trichomes but not a lot and I don't smell much unburnt terps. Yet just a couple hits and it takes over, no matter what you're doing. It's overwhelming but in a really good way and cuts right through any previously consumed variety. Really makes my red and heavy that's impossible to disguise in public (shades help). I can start the day with it and still enjoy again at the end of the day.
There's a few different phenotypes I've found in the Kamora line,all are potent and worthy but this particular F3 phenotype has just a little extra twist that makes it special to me.

This on the other hand is the Red Snake bx that I pollenated weeks ago. She's just getting started really so I hope the seeds come out okay.

Although I've yet to try this BX I smoked alot of the Red Snake mother. The CBG Punto Rojo in the original Red Snake is a rather rare one from the Manizales region and has a unique effect. Takes a long time to finish one even down here but it's a classic that was rare even back in the day. So I'm hoping this variety being back crossed to that original PR will produce the effect I'm looking for.

This is a nice Red Death that seems to be doing well in the greenhouse. This time of year there's a lot of humidity and rain and it seems to like it.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor

That's here in Colombia, never been there but I dig the picture.
Yes things here are constantly evolving and I believe that the best is yet to come. We are hunting a semi permanent location for the rider closer to town and a little lower elevation.

Next month the owners of Cielo Azul with be returning from their 12 month stay in Washington DC. I will try to reproduce this JBM here but we'll see how it goes. Right now I'm focusing on finishing the seeded Red Snake.

red rider


Well-known member
I've been serving Wachuma for 4 years.
Cut off the spikes and core the cactus. Compost the core.
Chop up what's left and add it to a big pot of water, squeeze in a bag of lemons, this brings down the pH and makes the water a better solvent. Add some ground/crushed black pepper to potentiate.
Simmer, don't boil, for 18+ hrs. Strain and serve. The remainders can be brewed again with a fresh batch of lemon water.

I serve it in 3 sessions.
First session clears away what you bring to the ceremony with you that doesn't serve you.
2nd session is the symbolic death.
3rd session is symbolic resurrection (becoming the eagle, or hummingbird).
Use hapay (tobacco snuff) right after the 2nd dose. Left nostril first (to take in the blessing/prayer) then right nostril (to let go of what you need to let go of in order to embody the prayer)

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Actually I'm open to both ways of preparation although I'm leaning towards sneezy dog. I know this guy can cook from experience. Sneezy came to the finca and picked mora's (blackberry) and made marmalade for home-made pancakes, really good. Thanks buddy.
But getting back to the cacti, no idea how Camilo makes the wachuma but I believe I'll try it in the near future.
I've never had natural mescaline in a vegitive form. However the summer of 1987 my brother had what he called chocolate mescaline. Tasted like quick and had a pyscodellic trip effect. I tried it once on top of beer and Jagermeister but I don't recall much. Later that same year my brother had the same poweder but this time was strawberry, I didn't try it.
So yeah I think I'd like to try the real deal but not in a big hurry, hell I still have a kilo of shrooms to eat.
Good things are coming.

red rider


Well-known member
Chopped my New Guinea x Haitian plants. Here’s the shorter fatter one hanging and a semi blurry bud shot. I’m hoping this cuts through my high tolerance. Time for another hit of corinto...


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Well-known member
Actually I'm open to both ways of preparation although I'm leaning towards sneezy dog. I know this guy can cook from experience. Sneezy came to the finca and picked mora's (blackberry) and made marmalade for home-made pancakes, really good. Thanks buddy.
But getting back to the cacti, no idea how Camilo makes the wachuma but I believe I'll try it in the near future.
I've never had natural mescaline in a vegitive form. However the summer of 1987 my brother had what he called chocolate mescaline. Tasted like quick and had a pyscodellic trip effect. I tried it once on top of beer and Jagermeister but I don't recall much. Later that same year my brother had the same poweder but this time was strawberry, I didn't try it.
So yeah I think I'd like to try the real deal but not in a big hurry, hell I still have a kilo of shrooms to eat.
Good things are coming.

red rider
Most of what was sold as mescaline back in the day was actually LSD, hence the trippyness.
Wow!^^^ why not eaten raw smoothie style after skinned and cored?
You can eat the cactus raw. But you'll puke more, and the taste and texture is awful.
A tea is way better.
Some people cook the tea down to a dark sludge. I personally cook it down just enough to where it's a golden green color and is still like a nice tea. It's all very personal.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Turns out my buddy Camilo makes an assortment of pyscodellic treats. He grows the cacti and has a recipe for a (according to Camilo) tea that is quite palatable and effective. He also makes chocolate from the local cacao and infuses it with the wild mushrooms. There's another substance he he makes called changa (sp) that's some type of herb sprayed with liquid DMT. I had the changa years ago in Bogota and I liked it. The effect is very different from yage so no idea what it is. But yeah so lots of trippy stuff around.

The RS is coming along fine, with months to go. Very sticky and a strong distinct smell, I don't remember this particular smell on the other RS I've grown.
Then again different environment and this is a bx, so no surprise.

After months it's still wispy and getting started. I really liked the RS and it's parents, it's a perfect blend of two classics.

This is a variety I plan to refine in the future along with the JBM and the Kamora.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Some people (myself included) never grow up. I still do most of the same things I did 45 years ago. Tripping is one of them although without the frequency. Forty years ago I didn't need a reason or a place, I just needed the substance. Now I need to feel the nessesity for a trip, I'm picky now I won't trip anywhere with anyone. I've been practicing Buddhism for about eleven years and that's helps in dealing with life. But I still enjoy the causal mushroom and my mountain sativa. I look at pyscodellic s as a tool a very important tool and to ignore or neglect them is a crime against one's self.
As far as weed well that's essential to existence as far as I'm concerned. Sure I can and often have had fun and do shit without it but usually because I have no weed. Am I addicted to it, sure just like I'm addicted to air,water,food and love,got to have it. Really I'm the happiest in the garden with my plants and consuming them. I'm not interested in loud parties or going to tourist attractions. Now I enjoy more being in the high mountains alone with the occasional cool visitor. The other day I was speaking with my wonderful wife who's really excited to be working with the local tourist coalition. I can understand her enthusiasm because she like myself likes to share great things with visitors. Myself rather than running around taking people here taking there I'd rather have a nice place to have selected guests meet. Nice private garden filled with perfumed flowering plants and of course my sativa. Real small cause it would just be a place where good folks coming to Colombia can rest and plan their time in country. I'm still thinking about it but by the end of the year I'll have my own place. I imagine after long hours of traveling there are those who could appreciate waking up to the aroma of fresh coffee and a hit of primo Colombian.

I would like to mention this incredible Red Death from the good folks at greenieshouse. It's ACE Killer Malawi crossed with a Punto Rojo he sourced near Santa Marta. I've grown a few of them in my greenhouse here and never had one I didn't love. I can really feel the Malawis raw power but it blends perfectly with the PR that makes it unique. Really good genetics from greenieshouse.
Normally I like to start the day with a light sativa like the Muisca or Caribe but I have been known to smoke strong shit occasionally in the morning. The RD is a good one with a coffee at sunrise. It's potent as all get out but in a motivational up way that sticks to the ribs and lasts for hours. Thoughts flow and the feet go.

I wish all a bright beautiful day.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor

In the lower 50s (F) and must be at least 90% humidity. Still I'm acclimated to the climate so I like the weather this morning.

My JBM all popped but all are struggling as mutants. I've had this before with the old seeds and after a few weeks the seedlings start growing regularly. So my soft plan is to reproduce these Jamaicans here in the greenhouse. My back up plan is more Kahuna (Muisca x Wiley) and Djamba.

So all this talk about pyscodellics prompted my to get into the mushrooms the other night. I ate a little over a gram around six PM. The taste isn't bad and by 6:45 PM I started to feel them. For some reason I do not like the "come up" of these. I smoked a nice hybrid before thinking it would ease the transition. But still the first hour was mildly uncomfortable. These shrooms seem to bring up negative feelings and a sense of disparé when I first start to come up. It's not bad but it's like they're testing me before the good shit starts.

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