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Vapor barrier + Tyvek the curing shed, or not?


We're going to try curing in an 8 x 16 shed we're building on 4"x6" skids. It will rest on 8" concrete piers, leveled on 6" of gravel. The ground underneath is often moist (we're in a wet place, near a brook, in a humid state, Vermont, Zone 5). We're considering using
  1. a vapor barrier under a 3/4" plywood floor - to keep ground moisture from getting up into the shed; and
  2. Tyvek between the joists - to let moisture trapped under that to escape.

And would Tyvek-ing the walls be sufficient to make our fans and dehumidifier effective?

Curing in the house the last few years turned the place into a crowded, wet terrarium -- a mold factory! Hoping this works...

TIA for the feedback!


Well-known member
We're going to try curing in an 8 x 16 shed we're building on 4"x6" skids. It will rest on 8" concrete piers, leveled on 6" of gravel. The ground underneath is often moist (we're in a wet place, near a brook, in a humid state, Vermont, Zone 5). We're considering using
  1. a vapor barrier under a 3/4" plywood floor - to keep ground moisture from getting up into the shed; and
  2. Tyvek between the joists - to let moisture trapped under that to escape.

And would Tyvek-ing the walls be sufficient to make our fans and dehumidifier effective?

Curing in the house the last few years turned the place into a crowded, wet terrarium -- a mold factory! Hoping this works...

TIA for the feedback!
Sounds like a good deal to me. I would get a commercial de-humidifier and run it to keep the moisture down. Plus I would use an extraction fan to remove the excess water.


Well-known member
I would just do plastic under your floor on the joists, above the skids. pic is just a representation of the concept..but unless you have runoff going under the shed you only have to worry about water inside and seepage...80-90%RH can and will wreck the place without controlling it.

They sell special joist tape for decking but i wouldn't sweat it. Im not a framer, just been in the biz with them a very long time.

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