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Va now can sell unprocessed flowers


Active member
Today medical dispensary in va aloud to sell unprocessed flowers approved by the general assembly in your google news yesss we need the medicane zzzz::dance013:


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
sweet action! you can buy bud in va
/has anyone here bought legal weed in virginia?
does it have t come in special packaging or with some sticker on it?
There is absolutely NO FUCKING WAY I'm buying legal medical marijuana. You have to be registered to a list to be approved and I'm not going to touch that with a 10' clown cock. Primarily because I'm already on a list for a concealed weapon permit. I'm not going to put myself on a list that the Feds might get a hold of and have them get antsy. Simply put, I'm not going to voluntarily put my name on a list that pronounces to the state and Feds, "hey, everybody, I got weed at my place!" It's been 10 years since I last smoked pot and I'm fine with waiting until it become legal to do so and I don't have to be on some list to do os.


Active member
There is absolutely NO FUCKING WAY I'm buying legal medical marijuana. You have to be registered to a list to be approved and I'm not going to touch that with a 10' clown cock. Primarily because I'm already on a list for a concealed weapon permit. I'm not going to put myself on a list that the Feds might get a hold of and have them get antsy. Simply put, I'm not going to voluntarily put my name on a list that pronounces to the state and Feds, "hey, everybody, I got weed at my place!" It's been 10 years since I last smoked pot and I'm fine with waiting until it become legal to do so and I don't have to be on some list to do os.

Umm it is legal to do so recreationally in VA now.
As of July 1st...
Of course it will be 3 years at least before there are dispensaries selling it for anything other than medical patients, but you can gro up to 4 plants, just tag them with your name and id number.
Buying seeds is still not legal, not sure about gifting clones though, I'd rather be gifted a cutting to root than a seed any day, as long as the cutting was mature, and from good genetics..
The Feds are tiring of fighting this, so sooner or later I see them totally backing down, and letting the individual states handle it...
Fir me the biggest issue is jobs..
"Lawmakers in the Senate are still weighing a House bill that would block employers from firing registered patients for failing a drug test provided they were not intoxicated at work."
This needs to pass to ensure many do not lose their job for only enjoying it at home, but it will be difficult to do because we cannot blow into a tube and show our THC level, so it is their word against ours if we say we were only high at home, because a drug test is going to show THC for up to as long as a month after smoking just a little bit...