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UV Transmission....

Hey all, wondering if anyone has any solid info about different greenhouse coverings and their uv transmission properties. There are many different coverings used out there but solid specs on them are sometimes hard to find.

From all that I have read, the most uv transparent material is pure quartz glass(like 100% transmission) which is prohibitively expensive. I've also read that teflon can have a very high transmission of uv depending on how it's made.

So what covering material is best for full spectrum transmission with or without light diffusion?
Direct light is best. Do all materials diffuse light or only opaque ones?

Any thoughts?


Soul Feeder
I'm sincerely happy to trade some uv loss with all the great GH advantages, lots of people ask me about uv loss but i'm not worried. GH buds are pretty good, you don't need expensive stuff at all if you're not doin commercial / very big scale.

:2cents: mate



I covered mine in polycarbonate and solar soft the poly lets in 85% of light and solar soft 90% the poly carboanate is 6 mm and had good insulating qualities!!!


I use a "uv open" poly on my greenhouse, it allows wavelengths from 300 – 399 nms to pass through.
Just an update if anyone is interested....

Acrylic that is made for tanning beds allows the most uv to pass through....i think it transmits like 80% uv.

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