I have a medical license from Germany but moved to Romania. Since you don't have access to medical weed here, I need to grow my own. Maybe this helps me when I get fucked haha
It is cheap to live here and it is easy to paint graffiti here. Graffiti is really important to me but I always get arrested in Germany. Here the police just lets you go, never had to bribe them (three police encounters so far, I was even painting buildings, no issue with them!) in Germany they raid your house, take your phone and you can even go to jail. The only downside are the drug laws for me but I only grow my own weed and have a medical license. And since they don't raid my house, I might get away with growing. But I only plan to stay here for five more years and not forever.Why move to romania? Even romanians are leaving the country!
Thanks for answering my questions.Yeah, you must like grafitti a lot. I wouldn't worry, unless you drive, then they might test you and you will be fucked up. If nobody knows you are growing, you will be ok. And ypu won't find real clones for sale in romania, they only come between friends, if someone offers to sell them to you is probably a scam. I would order them from tt germany or austria, since they are in the EU it will be fine. Maybe even have a friend send them if you got grower friends there..
Stay safe and you won't even need a lawyer. If you really want to have one on retainer, go to one of the big lawyer firms, and they will have someone prepared for this kind of cases. But is not an usual thing to do in romania. If you have a partener or friend, he can search for a lawyer fast if you ever get in trouble, no need to have one before.
It's not the police you should worry about around here...It is cheap to live here and it is easy to paint graffiti here. ... Here the police just lets you go, never had to bribe them (three police encounters so far, I was even painting buildings, no issue with them!) ...
i know, you should be more concerned about the people in the buildings if they want to have a fight. I never had the luck though, there was only one guy that asked for permission and I told him yes, haha. I have painted during daylight there though, never got someone out of the house at night.It's not the police you should worry about around here...![]()
Thanks for the answer. I already have a Cargus account, I will try to redirect something legal to a Ship & Go Location.Your recomandation from germany has no value if you are found with thc in you while driving. Also, you can make a bogus account for any of the packet stations in romania, just make sure the package will come through those and not through romanian post, where you have to have identification.