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Using soil mycorrhizae to boost plant growth


It has been proven for many plants. I was wondering how it affected this plant in particular...

Here is an excerpt from a info...

Another thing that is important to remember is mycorrhiza, the symbiotic root fungus. It increases root size, improves on resistance as well as nutrient uptake. It also works as a buffer between the plant and the soil. I read a study made by french scientist where they grew pine trees in two different locations. One site was heavily occupied by mycorrhiza and the other was not. The trees that formed a symbiotic relationship with the fungus grew twice as big twice as fast and were overall more healthy. This fungus has had a relationship with plants for over 400 million years so I'm sure it works. There are hundreds of different types of mycorrrhiza that target different plants but I read somewhere that cannabis can form a symbiotic relationship with most of them since it's a weed (again one more things that it does better than most plants). You can buy regular garden mycorrhiza in big buckets that will last you a long time. I mainly reuse the soil I had during my last grow, just adding more basic nutrients. That way the mycorrhiza is already firmly established in the soil and will get boosted by the availability of new nutrients. Then I feed the plants nutrients when needed. The size and color of the leaves pretty much tell the story of how the plant is doing.


Myco's wont live long in just soil, they must have a root to infect to be useful really. I am currently using mycos in my organic grows. I roll the root-ball in mycos at time of transplant to guarantee contact with the rhizosphere. An over-abundant supply of phosphates will make mycos relatively dormant at high levels of phos. there is many sources of info on VAM=vesicular arbuscular mychorrizae. you can grow your own mycos google it. thanks Stevensteve..............firehound


Good mycos make a HUGE difference with our favorite plant. I did a bunch of side by side experiments - the plants with mycos always grew faster, bigger, and had a larger, more developed root system than those that did not. If you are growing is soil, they are a must in my opinion!


Active member

Pleased to hear the good results, I just ordered some of this stuff. In fact it arrived yesterday and I have some plants ready for repotting this weekend.
Was also thinking of using some in an ACT brew. Since I have just built a little brewer.



ICMag Donor
Love the mycos! there is a comparison thread by SKAGGITMAGIC in the side by side forum with mucho info and pics, certainly worth a look.NS

mad librettist

Active member
go for Glomus intraradices

Am fungi allows for supporting more plants per unit of soil.

consider a living mulch
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