If you fall within certain income guidelines, you can get your interest rate subsidized down to 0 percent for the life of the loan. As well, there is no private mortgage insurance requirement, no down payment requirement, and you can extend the loan to up to 38 years.
You might be amazed what that translates to in practical application.
A friend just qualified. She got a 140K mortgage, zero down, and pays $360 a month for her mortgage! Insane.
The only issue I see is that in order to qualify for a rural home loan- as you probably deduced- you have to live in a rural area. That sucks for my tastes.
Check here to see what areas qualify:
You might be amazed what that translates to in practical application.
A friend just qualified. She got a 140K mortgage, zero down, and pays $360 a month for her mortgage! Insane.
The only issue I see is that in order to qualify for a rural home loan- as you probably deduced- you have to live in a rural area. That sucks for my tastes.
Check here to see what areas qualify: