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US Court Slams LAPD For Illegally Seizing MMJ Profits


Active member
Uh, shouldn't the collective also get back their 209 pounds of pot too?

That's the rule as far as I know...

So long as they were acting as a "collective" it would mean that 209 pounds of marijuana is a collective resource owned by all the members...(in theory anyway). If they weren't a collective then it might be another story.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^It is cured better now hahaha

Also Babba has got to be right. I dont think that there is any way that you can safely supply all the weed to those despensaries through small grows, and shipments from nor cal.


"a coward dies a thousand deaths, a courageous man but one"

bludot- you r smart but i respectfully disagree

the rest of us, look...

we know the system is broke.
the government dogs and pigs run ruff shot through our fields.
i wont wait until my property has been siezed, then go to court and begg for it back.

we have a God given unalienable right to life, liberty and happyness (its not the constitution that gives us this right, we are born free) But it is the constitution that allows us arms to gaurantee those rights.

arent we tired of the yoke, weary of the boot pressing on our neck and knee in our back. we all know the system is broke, we all push for change and the cure our sick way of life is attainable. but not until we take the power back and stop letting government and 'big money interests' shape our lives and dictate our future. weve been shouting our demands and hoping for an answer and the answer we get is just more of the same...no health care change, no new policy on social issues.. for crying shame-we've been at war with someone, somewhere, non stop for over 100 years! (where's the peace?) our government want to control us and everyone else too and we finance it!

dont take it anymore, if they come knockin, defend yourself!
forget about a march or a petition... take back your power people, one person, one house at a time. your house, your life!
its better to die on your feet than live on your knees...


This case is a joke right?

It's not so much being legally compliant but if you multiply 209 lbs times what a dispensary sells it for after they break it up plus same for the hash and oil then this dipsensary was pulling in WELL over a million and were pretty good at being able to hide 80% and the cops are bitchin about the measly 20% ($180, 000) that they managed to seize??

The cops should be irate that the club hid over a million and is using that money right now in their case against them.

WTF!!!! :wallbash: :fsu: Was this post from the twilight zone? Shouldnt you should be irate that the cops are running around robbing folks?

Blue Dot

WTF!!!! :wallbash: :fsu: Was this post from the twilight zone? Shouldnt you should be irate that the cops are running around robbing folks?

Look, I'm really torn over this whole issue.

On one hand I don't believe pot should have ever been made illegal in the first place and I certainly don't believe the police should be able to gain from it's illegality.

on the other hand, I like 215 the way it was intended to be and when some club moves 209 lbs on a regular basis i have to wonder how much they were following the intent of 215 and IMO if they weren't following 215 then they deserve to be punished, and if that means that their money should be taken then I guess so be it OR ELSE how are we gonna stop all the abuse by the profiteers?


Active member
Look, I'm really torn over this whole issue.

On one hand I don't believe pot should have ever been made illegal in the first place and I certainly don't believe the police should be able to gain from it's illegality.

on the other hand, I like 215 the way it was intended to be and when some club moves 209 lbs on a regular basis i have to wonder how much they were following the intent of 215 and IMO if they weren't following 215 then they deserve to be punished, and if that means that their money should be taken then I guess so be it OR ELSE how are we gonna stop all the abuse by the profiteers?

What? If 215 and all the other unjust laws were off the books there wouldn't be a problem. Everyone would be able to grow their own or just buy from someone who does grow without all the threat of getting arrested or raided or fucked over by cops. If you believe that growing mj is a RIGHT then I have no idea how you could also agree with 215. And what does the weight have to do with anything? Maybe they had just received their shipment for the month? Or maybe they do sell that much and they do supply all of those patients. For all the harping you do about the patients BD you seem not to want them to associate in large numbers in the form of collectives. And again, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH PROFITEERS! If people want to make money off of MJ that is their right. Furthermore the more growers and sellers the more choices you have as a patient to find what you want, low price, high quality, abundant selection, etc. It is the nature of the market that when there is high demand and low supply that the price will be inflated, add more competition, add capitalism to the mix and you should see better services and products. And again, it doesn't matter if they were breaking the law in any other way, they obtained a warrant fallaciously, its like a get of jail free card.

Blue Dot

So what would have been an acceptable amount to you Mr Dot? 100 lbs? 50 lbs? 150?

Good question.

All those numbers you threw out seem like a lot to me so i dunno.

I just never thought that when i voted for 215 that it would mean people selling hundreds of lbs on a regular basis.


Freedom Fighter
Good question.

All those numbers you threw out seem like a lot to me so i dunno.

I just never thought then when i voted for 215 that it would mean people selling hundreds of lbs on a regular basis.

As long as they are able to sell it, I would say it is not "Overdone"--
We will know when there are too many Dispensaries...because they will start closing on their own--:yeahthats

Blue Dot

As long as they are able to sell it, I would say it is not "Overdone"--

But they are 'double dipping"

in other words, they are selling a small amount to legit patients and most to recreactional users who got a rec because their big toe hurt.

They have the best of both worlds and are protected as straight street dealers because of the small amount that they actually sell that goes to legit patients.

The law is too vague, there are too many "fakers" and these guys take advantage of that and are protected to boot. Just seems messed up in my opinion.


Active member
Blue Dot there don't need to be "legit" users and "fake" users. There are only people who want to smoke cannabis. They want to exercise their natural right to grow, smoke, eat, smear all over themselves, cannabis. The current system is far from perfect. CA should be lobbying the govt to legalize mj outright. It would take millions in revenue from the cartels and would boost tax income. And to think that anyone in the mj industry is protected truly is a joke. The feds will lock you up, take your kids, your right to vote, and everything that was your life. This is America and we have hundreds of thousands of people suffering under unjust laws because of big money lobbyists. This country is owned by the special interests and until we fight those bastards out of washington we will continue to be subjugated into the role of tax paying consumer whose only jobs are exactly that, to pay taxes and to buy goods.


Listen to me jerky
they are selling a small amount to legit patients and most to recreactional users who got a rec because their big toe hurt.

Are they not in pain too? Since it's they're big toe they shouldn't be allowed to consume cannabis? Sure they may not be dieing of cancer, but they are in pain. Isn't that between their doctor and themselves? Who are you to judge them?

I know I have my rec for "legit" (whatever that means) reasons. Now they are not some of the more life threatening/major health problems one could have. But where does anyone, but my doctor get off saying they aren't good enough for me to have my rec. I have tried just about everything out there to deal with my issues and cannabis is the only thing that doesn't give me side effects of some kind. In other states I may not qualify under their set guidelines, but in the state I live in I do.

I get a bit worked up when I start hearing someone say "oh they look healthly blah, blah, blah." Don't judge a book by it's cover. Someone may look healthy on the outside, but that doesn't mean much. Cannabis takes care of a nagging problem in my life that allows me to be a much happier/easier person to be around. And it costs a hell of a lot less than the other options out there. I don't feel like I'm on drugs everyday as I do with my other options. Who are you to say it just looks like my big toe hurts?


Freedom Fighter
But they are 'double dipping"

in other words, they are selling a small amount to legit patients and most to recreactional users who got a rec because their big toe hurt.

They have the best of both worlds and are protected as straight street dealers because of the small amount that they actually sell that goes to legit patients.

The law is too vague, there are too many "fakers" and these guys take advantage of that and are protected to boot. Just seems messed up in my opinion.

Be careful what you wish for!! Take away all profit, and there will be no more distribution points...and everyone will HAVE to grow their own, or buy it on the streets--