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U'r last rightz...and there after...???


To Have More ... Desire Less
well life has been much more of the melancholy as of late... the death of my wife's father has brought forth all kind of concerns and realizations......
even after death.... there is so much more to be decided....
the burial services.... the body condition... the memorial service, the funeral, the viewing.... the ......so much revolving around the death and the way ones family....shares and mourns in separate ways....

ALL this requires sum...for-thought and long term decision making....
So after a few weeks of dealing w/ this last death in the family , I have taken the time to consider my own last rights and wishes....

for one..... I have chosen to cremate all of my dogs as they pass on.... and there ashes will be kept in a nice Urn in the living room....for as long as I'm around....
and then upon my passing I also will be cremated and kept in the SAME Urn with my dogs and memories.....
the wife feels fine in supporting this choice.... and I have begun selecting Urns.....

KrAzY as it sounds and seems , this has brought me peace

So anybody made there last rights as of yet????????????
or death wishes.............


Active member
Dig a big hole. Throw me in it. Plant a big tree on top me. Or that sky burial that the monks do.


At this point in life I've become very aware of my mortality. Cremation please, and enjoy the going away party.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
I did the same thing with my dog, but he's in a nice little box that I keep in my bay window where he use to hang out. You did give me an idea, though. Stay strong, YB.


I too am to be cremated. I have two dogs and one cat that have been cremated and are awaiting my demise. We are to be disposed of together into the Puget Sound. Any other pets that pass before me will be added to the group.


I can't stand the thought of cremation, it's just too... unnatural. I want to be buried, but not in a box that leaves me bereft of the warm embrace of earth. I want to be buried so that the roots grow through my skull. I want to be buried so the worms can eat my brain. I want to become food for those that come after, because really, it's the only way I'll be remembered, if I'm worth remembering at all.

I am now very fortunate to live in a place where I can bury my pets instead of sending them to be cremated. And so I have Saint Francis watching over them now.


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for one..... I have chosen to cremate all of my dogs as they pass on.... and there ashes will be kept in a nice Urn in the living room....for as long as I'm around....
and then upon my passing I also will be cremated and kept in the SAME Urn with my dogs and memories.....
the wife feels fine in supporting this choice.... and I have begun selecting Urns.....

KrAzY as it sounds and seems , this has brought me peace

So anybody made there last rights as of yet????????????
or death wishes.............

Hi yort,
Doesn't sound crazy at all. Sounds like you'll have good company.

As for my last rights? My preference would be for a whole dug in the Calif. mountains & my body tossed in. No marker, no chemicals/preservatives, just me & let the bugs eat me.
A final act of conservation of giving back to the earth what she gave me.
Well wishes for your family.


To Have More ... Desire Less
i knew there would be a lot of naturalist in this thread.....back to the earth....worm food and all that.....and I DO believe that works.....
BUT from the other side of this.....for the family that must still live on....
It might bring more comfort {or NOT}...to make U'r remains a little more accessible for them.....
I understand the poetic, solitude of the side of a mountain....
BUT for me I'd rather sit on the mantel and watch my family continue ... and experience what little.... my soul could still enjoy in the presence of the ones I LUV.......


Active member
Cremation, spread my remains on "my" beach, have a wake with beer and whiskey (not correct in Scandinavia) and different kinds of herring, music: Amazing Grace on the pipes, Famous Blue Raincoat and maybe some Bob Marley.

I´ve had cancer so I´ve had time to think -I´ve been in remission for ten years :)


Active member
i wont care as i will be dead. everyone can fight for my stuff. my funural better be a keg party with loud music ,booze and weed. anyone that cries gets kicked out. all people must drink and toke heavilly. superman aint scared of death. i would preferr to be buried without a casket next to my dog out back under tree. short of that there is a place in the midwest that buries bodies without a casket. i dont wanna be burned in an oven like bread or placed in coffin. i want my body to become wormfood and go back into the earth. its important to me. second choice is viking stlye. set me in a boat and set it on fire. that would be acceptable also. the worst thing that could happen is i spend my next life in a jar on someones mantle. i personally think that is gross. all my pets get buried at home.


i knew there would be a lot of naturalist in this thread.....back to the earth....worm food and all that.....and I DO believe that works.....
BUT from the other side of this.....for the family that must still live on....
It might bring more comfort {or NOT}...to make U'r remains a little more accessible for them.....
I understand the poetic, solitude of the side of a mountain....
BUT for me I'd rather sit on the mantel and watch my family continue ... and experience what little.... my soul could still enjoy in the presence of the ones I LUV.......
But that's the beauty. My bones will likely remain in situ forever, leaving me to the very possibility to be found all over again by others who never knew me! My family gets an actual grave, not an urn that can be lost, broken, upturned, or worse yet (how my father-in-law has been storing his sister's, aunt's, and own mother's ashes for the entire 8+ years I've known him, in a box in the garage) left and forgotten by someone.

Not to mention the carbon footprint involved with bringing temperatures high enough to completely burn bone and tooth.

Can you imagine yourself becoming an archaeological prize? I can dig it, might even leave a note telling them to feel free, just keep my bits together if they can.

However, I wouldn't dare tell someone else what they should or shouldn't do, that's far too individual. I am simply giving you my take on it.

For example, my grandfather has been cremated. My mother holds his remains, and we had no service out here for his death, there was only one held that very week on the island where he was born and lived most of his life that we simply couldn't make for the short notice. So my sisters and I? We've got nothing. When my grandmother passes she'll be cremated and their ashes spread where they spent their best years and times, according to his wishes. I doubt we'll have much of anything to visit after that.

But, I can go to the family plot whenever I'm on the island and I can visit other ancestors, buried in the traditional way. I can go to New Orleans and find those from my father's side, again buried in the traditional way (assuming they paid to keep them bones in the mausoleum!).
No disrespect to recently departed or their grieving families - but death IS the final curtain, I honestly believe.

Once that spark has gone out - it really doesn't matter what happens to the shell/body, it's just meat and bones. The "soul" (I have a hard time with that concept) is what makes us US, and that expires when we do.

I've asked family to cremate and dispose of me in a very special place - but I really won't know, or even care if they don't - seeing as how I'll be dead.

lost in a sea

once im dead id like to be dropped from great height onto some covetous banker,,

but if not that then definitely burning, maybe viking style,, i think graveyards are really shit,,

a place to mourn for the dead!!! that land should be for the living to enjoy!

and funerals should be celebrations of a life well lived,, all the churches self deprecation and meloncholy can just fuck off,, what a cult,,

often that land use to be used for the welfare of the living as well before churchs sprung up and started burying dead people in the most sacred places to the ancients,, often over springs and i would not want to drink from a spring in a graveyard personally,,

what else can you expect from a "religion" that chose the symbol of how jesus died to represent itself,,


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
A close friend of mine died recently. He died without a will and without any final requests.
It has made it much harder for everyone involved . He didnt have any money to speak of so that isnt an issue but everyone had an idea of what would be best and what he would want, making final determinations very difficult. His only family is elderly and not doing well health-wise so they are just maxed out and unable to really make any decisions.
I tool charge and have arranged a military funeral for his remains.
Anyhow. The moral of the story is none of us live forever. Do yourself, your friends and family a favor and make some arrangements. Have a Will written up. Decide what happens to you if you become a fucking cabbage in a hospital bed somehow,incoherent, unable to feed yourself or even breath without a machine. Buy some funeral insurance if you dont have the money tucked away. It may be a real hardship for those close to you to come up with 5-10K to plant your carcass or ashes somewhere. Even a simple cremation isnt cheap.
Like yortbogey said, making these arrangements will give you peace.
DONT let your last thoughts be "Oh SHit ,who gets the house? Where will they bury me? How will my kids/wife pay for ....?''....
A close friend of mine died recently. He died without a will and without any final requests.
It has made it much harder for everyone involved . He didnt have any money to speak of so that isnt an issue but everyone had an idea of what would be best and what he would want, making final determinations very difficult. His only family is elderly and not doing well health-wise so they are just maxed out and unable to really make any decisions.
I tool charge and have arranged a military funeral for his remains.
Anyhow. The moral of the story is none of us live forever. Do yourself, your friends and family a favor and make some arrangements. Have a Will written up. Decide what happens to you if you become a fucking cabbage in a hospital bed somehow,incoherent, unable to feed yourself or even breath without a machine. Buy some funeral insurance if you dont have the money tucked away. It may be a real hardship for those close to you to come up with 5-10K to plant your carcass or ashes somewhere. Even a simple cremation isnt cheap.
Like yortbogey said, making these arrangements will give you peace.
DONT let your last thoughts be "Oh SHit ,who gets the house? Where will they bury me? How will my kids/wife pay for ....?''....
If I could give K+, it would be for this post.


Active member
Your soul's (your own) influence on the world while you were alive is what lives on - as well as your impact on others lives. Just like we were born into a world created by the decisions of the generations before us, we influence the here and now as well as the pre-cursors to what the future will be.

Leave good vibes everyday =]

No disrespect to recently departed or their grieving families - but death IS the final curtain, I honestly believe.

Once that spark has gone out - it really doesn't matter what happens to the shell/body, it's just meat and bones. The "soul" (I have a hard time with that concept) is what makes us US, and that expires when we do.

I've asked family to cremate and dispose of me in a very special place - but I really won't know, or even care if they don't - seeing as how I'll be dead.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
The only preperations i've made so far is my living will .no living as a vegtable for me ........pull the plug , i don't care how hard it is !!! from there .... bury me or burn me .... i don't care . just make sure the place you have my viewing ..... you can smoke ... cuz its gonna be a smoke fest . no drinking cuz everybody that knows me ... knows i can't stand drinking or drunks .

smoke a fatty , say goodbye & go on with yer life . thats what i want done with me .


Neat thread! :ying: I want to be creamated as well. I'm an avid vegetable gardener & would like a small amount of my ashes sprinkled around my vegi and flower beds. Just a bit mind you, as I'm sure, even after I'm dead, my ashes will mess up the pH of my soil just as I've done pleanty of times already LOL.
I think the important part of your after life wishes is that your loved ones are aware of them and respect you enough to carry them out.

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