keeping mums healthy requires that they get trimmed regardless if you need the clones or not. a good sized pot is a help too, but every 5 months or so you will need to take the root ball out and cut off the bottom few inches as well as a bit of the sides. you then replace the space with new coco, this gives your plant new vigor for the next 5 to 6 months. then there is the replacement system, as soon as the mothers get out of hand, or become too old and woody, you replace them with new ones from the same plant. a good mother needs to be pruned and trained. you don't want to have a bunch of tinny messy twigs, so you will need to decide which branches to leave on and which will only be wasting energy. in fact maintaining mother plants without using them for clones regularly, is a lot of work, lol. but then again it's well worth it to know your genetics are all safe and sound. but specially trying to keep dwarf mums can be a pain, forget to trim them once and it's too late, lol.
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