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Underdog: Hundreds seek Oklahoma puppy back from `dead'


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

OKLAHOMA CITY – Hundreds of people from the United States and Canada want to adopt an Oklahoma dog that survived an attempt to euthanize it.

The puppy was one of five stray dogs that Sulphur animal control officer Scott Prall put to sleep Friday — or so he thought. Prall found one of the dogs alive Saturday in a trash bin set aside for dead animals and took it to veterinarian technician Amanda Kloski.

"He was prancing around. He heard me drive up, and he looked up and saw me," Prall said Wednesday.

He said he initially found the stray dog near the animal shelter Friday and tried to kill it by injecting the dog with two lethal doses of a sedative in a foreleg and the heart. Each dose should have been enough to kill the dog, and the second injection was meant to ensure it worked.

Kloski noted the dog's survival on a pet adoption website, drawing the attention of Marcia Machtiger of Pittsburgh, who donated $100 so Kloski could board the dog for a week.

A girl from Sulphur named the puppy Wall-e, after a Disney movie character, and Machtiger posted Wall-e's story on her Facebook page.

She and Kloski are sorting through hundreds of e-mails and phone calls from people wanting to adopt the lucky dog.

"So many people are interested," Kloski said. "Now we're going through and trying to find the adoption applications for the best home."

Wall-e will be placed in a foster home at the end of the week while the search for a permanent home continues. Both Kloski and Machtiger said they have never seen so many people want to adopt one animal.

Machtiger said people are interested in the puppy because his story is unique.

"Having been euthanized basically twice. ... It's a resurrection and a will to live and a medical anomaly," she said.

Sulphur is about 80 miles south of Oklahoma City.

maybe I'm overly sensitive having recently put my sweet companion Kayla to sleep but part of the story here just stinks. The animal control officer found this dog (obviously a healthy puppy) Friday outside the animal shelter and decided to put it down the same day???

I'm about ready to hand in my membership card to the human race.......


Active member


Pleased for the dog but i want to beat the arshole that is killin these dogs .
put down some scumbag humans ,who dont care for animals .A
Dude this type of stuff happens all the time. Not the waking up part but its not only the shelters. Some vets aren't to be trusted. I worked at a vets office and a cocker bit the surgical vetinarian pretty bad. He darted and killed the dog after that and told the people it died from the anestezia.....

And if you have ever seen a dog go under anestezia its scary, almost all have violent seizures, some actually die from the seizures. So don't let a vet use general anestezia on your animal unless its a life or death matter. This is first hand info, I wouldn't even take my dogs and leave either of them at any vets office overnight. They will allow you to pick them up in the evenings if you want if they need to keep the dog for observation for a couple days if you will bring them back early the next day.

Sorry for gwtting off topic but I know all the dog lovers are checking this thread

lost in a sea

all vets and animal related councils of anykind seem to be just about money and animal suffering from my long exstensive personal experience,,,, they are cruel sick people(not all some are just more surprisingly stupid and heartless),,, the rspca here in the uk,, acts like a benevolent charity (also has the power to kick peoples doors in for practically anything) puts down 40,000 dogs a year!,,, the twisted people who run charities like the rspca make a killing whilst their sick uniform wearing murderers attack not just the animals supposedly in their "care" but also attack everyone in society through all the laws and changes to our rights that they manipulate,,,,,

there seriously are alot of people out there with little to 0 empathy in them. i consider them non-human,, jealous zombies of anything they see that can truly love or be free,,,,

i dont know whats sadder, the fact that that puppy was nearly put down for no reason or the fact that that person (like so many) has the capacity to put down a puppy,,, but just look at our atrocious relationship with animal life in general :biglaugh:
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rick shaw

Wild story,I'd name the cute little guy lucky. I hope it encourages more people it adopt from shelter animals.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I got a vision of the pup waking up in the bin, and doing Marv from sin city
"is that all you got you pansies"
Seriously though thats one lucky pup. Sucks that killing dogs as the 1st option, but man we got to control breeding properly that is the only way to deal with the massive overpop problem. all the puppy farms should just be swallowed up by the earth, pups should come from a home-but sameways that should be the home of a real entheusiast for the breed and not someone who has a couple of dogs and just breeds em without any thought.
Id even get the kennel clubs to have a moritorium on registration for all the but the very best pups in the breeds that areso overbred Really restrictive I know, but I cant see any other way to do it. Its all good saying dont buy a pup, or dont buy from a BYB, (I will never buy from a broker, puppy farm or pet shop) but the fact is where byb dogs are concerned=-those pups are born and Id rather they go to a forver home straight away rather than needing to end up in a rescue. We need proper licenced breeding with strict criteria