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And you forgot to post ALL of your message.
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Active member

Wie manch einer ja bemerkt hat, wurde der "ich wähle..." Thread durch vonforne
geschlossen, bzw. hat er die Schließung veranlasst. Nun gut, die Vorgaben an die Forenteilnehmer sind klar formuliert und somit kann sich hier auch niemand beschweren, obwohl ich die Aktion merkwürdig fand, weil vonforne ja kurz zuvor gesagt hat, es ist alles soweit okay, dann aber nach einem Post wurde diese Meinung grundlegend geändert und eine Schließung eingeleitet. Ich konnte es mir nicht verkneifen ihm positives(!) Karma zu schicken: "Yeah your german is great. Good job to close a thread. BTW it is written "von vorne".

Hier ist seine Antwort:

ya, I know how it s written. Follow the TOU here ad you will have no problems......Wie typisch Deutsch du bist!

And BTW it is what the Admin has ask me to do........keep an eye out and make sure everything is done Fachrichtig. Being a German you understand how to be anal retentive.

Jetzt, viel spaß!

Und wenn du Probleme mit der Übersetzung hast, lass es mich wissen.


Ich könnte Dich (vonforne) natürlich nach der Übersetzung fragen, Du hast es mir ja angeboten. Mich interessiert aber, was andere (typische?) Deutsche denken.

Also bitte, sagt mir was "anal retentive" bedeutet.



scheint so, als hätten wir teutonen nunmehr einen ausserteutonischen büttel, welcher sich nunmehr um recht, ordnung und selbstredend um die korrekte anwendung der teutonischen sprache in unserem kleinen subforum kümmert. heissen wir ihn willkommen. und zwar von hinten, von den seiten, von oben, von unten und ja...natürlich auch von vorne.:woohoo:

wenn ich nur wüsste, was unser neuer obmann da in meine kleine, philosophische abhandlung über die depperte, deutsche nationalhymne hineininterpretiert hat.

vonvorne: if you like to spam, spam wherever you like. but please...sei so gut, und halte deine ausserteutonische nase aus gesprächen raus, deren sinn dir, auch durch anwendung etwaiger googlesker übersetzungshilfen, augenscheinlich nicht gänzlich einzuleuchten scheint.


scheint so, als hätten wir teutonen nunmehr einen ausserteutonischen büttel, welcher sich nunmehr um recht, ordnung und selbstredend um die korrekte anwendung der teutonischen sprache in unserem kleinen subforum kümmert. heissen wir ihn willkommen. und zwar von hinten, von den seiten, von oben, von unten und ja...natürlich auch von vorne.:woohoo:

wenn ich nur wüsste, was unser neuer obmann da in meine kleine, philosophische abhandlung über die depperte, deutsche nationalhymne hineininterpretiert hat.

vonvorne: if you like to spam, spam wherever you like. but please...sei so gut, und halte deine ausserteutonische nase aus gesprächen raus, deren sinn dir, auch durch anwendung etwaiger googlesker übersetzungshilfen, augenscheinlich nicht gänzlich einzuleuchten scheint.

This is not spam-it is the job I do here and yes I understand what you write.......I will not waste much of my time.
But I will give you a simple and flat out warning. Watch what you say. This is a canna forum and it will remain so. If you want to discuss politics.....then go to Spiegel. It is as simple as that.....simple.....I am sure you understand that.



Ist doch immer wieder schön zu sehen, daß wir in der Demokratie angekommen sind:woohoo:

Es fährt ein Zug nach Nirgendwo:wallbash:

By the way: Die Rente ist sicher:yeahthats

Fitze fitze Fatze fitze fitze fatz

Du bist Deutschland:2cents:


you warn me dude? what for? tell me exactly what you want from me, because I am sure, that you understood nothing from that text in the other thread. you're acting like a fool, to be honest.

of course this is a canna-forum. that's why we are all here. and why not discuss the political aspects of cannabis? why not friendly and easily discussing about parties and their political agendas? here in germany there are bundestagswahlen. that's why berlinweed opened the thread.

I am pretty sure, that you are not that familiar with ic's rules. I'll quote rule 13, to make sure:
13. Threads or posts pertaining to religious or political discussions meant to incite or flame others will be closed and/or deleted. ICMag is an international site attracting members from a multitude of religious and political backgrounds, so in favor of harmony and unity, rather than division, it is best to stay on the topic of this site....cannabis. There is a forum for law/politics as it pertains to cannabis.
look at the bold text.
and now tell me: in which way was berlinweed's thread in any way "meant to incite or flame" someone? we are peacefully discussing about parties. at least we were, until you dropped in to make some noise. neither berlinweed, nor me, nor any other poster in that thread was offending or flaming someone.

what "job" are you talking about, vf? as you can see: there is no mod in our german subboard. and as far as I can see, you are no mod at all.

to put it in a nutshell: no one broke the icmag rulez here. got it?! you are against the rules man, as you are attacking me for absolutely no reason!


Active member
Hola 93x2,

ich glaube, wir haben einen neuen Freund gewonnen. Also lassen wir ihn einfach mitspielen. :hijacked:
Obwohl ich immer noch das Gefühl habe, er wollte mich beleidigen.
Aber das liegt bestimmt nur an meiner typisch deutschen Art :D

Also vonforne jetzt sei doch bitte so lieb und übersetze mir anal....

Und beruhige Dich bitte, dann wirst Du merken, dass wir ganz harmlose Krauts sind, die lediglich allergisch gegen autoritäres Gehabe sind.



ICMag Donor
you warn me dude? what for? tell me exactly what you want from me, because I am sure, that you understood nothing from that text in the other thread. you're acting like a fool, to be honest.

of course this is a canna-forum. that's why we are all here. and why not discuss the political aspects of cannabis? why not friendly and easily discussing about parties and their political agendas? here in germany there are bundestagswahlen. that's why berlinweed opened the thread.

I am pretty sure, that you are not that familiar with ic's rules. I'll quote rule 13, to make sure:

look at the bold text.
and now tell me: in which way was berlinweed's thread in any way "meant to incite or flame" someone? we are peacefully discussing about parties. at least we were, until you dropped in to make some noise. neither berlinweed, nor me, nor any other poster in that thread was offending or flaming someone.

what "job" are you talking about, vf? as you can see: there is no mod in our german subboard. and as far as I can see, you are no mod at all.

to put it in a nutshell: no one broke the icmag rulez here. got it?! you are against the rules man, as you are attacking me for absolutely no reason!

Pay attention to what I have to say, and pay attention well.

You have posted part of a private message and have posted other things against the rules.

If I get one more complaint regarding you or anyone else I'll ban you immediately. I'm sick of you few that want to torment mods and see how far you can push them. Mouth off to Von one more time and the door will hit you in your ass....

Mouth off to me regarding this post and watch what I do. This is a weed forum and if you discuss muslems or politics, you and anyone else doing it will be out the door. Did you understand that?


JJ, I am pretty sure you can't mean me. I never quoted anything private, nor did I do anything else against IC's rules! I am just a peaceful member, who never offended, attacked or flamed anyone here.
I even don't want to discuss the fact, that political threads are unwanted here. I do accept that and won't take part on any political discussions here any more. no problem. could have said way more peaceful though. (and to be honest: there is a difference between the term "it is best to stay on topic of this site, cannabis" - and "political topics are strictly forbidden!". but the IC-rule says exactly that it is -not- forbidden, to talk about politics, --as long as no one is flamed or incited-- )

but I can't accept the fact that someone attacks me for -nothing- but taking part of a political thread. a thread which neither was escalated, nor made to piss someone off.
in fact my posting was on page 4 and I had some more into that thread. even vonforne posted before, that he is watching us and that it's okay. so even he is not "strictly against politics". the anglepoint is my posting, but there is NO mistake into it. it is nothing but a cynical essay-like posting. it's even humorous.

I re-read my posting for the xxest time now. and although I tried, I don't know what I should have done wrong. believe me: whatever someone might have read into my words: he got it wrong. ask someone who knows german. ask my german mates. ask whomever you like to. you will -see-, that this attack against me is an attack for no (!) reason.

I just wrote some points of my anarchistic view.
maybe you guys think I'm a nazi or what? just because I wrote a sentence of our national anthem? the only declaration, which would make sense. anything else won't. but be pretty sure: I am an anarchist, and that's exactly what I wrote in my postings. I am even against nazis. but as I tend to put my words into sarkasm and cynism, maybe you simply had gotten me wrong.

it's pretty unfair blowing me on the "next to be banned"-candidate's list like this. and if my answer here is also against the rules, or if I should have simply shut up - it's up to you to delete my account. I wouldn't care, because I don't wanna be part of a totalitarian system, which even takes the user's right for justification. ;)


Life is one big grow........
ohhh gott das ist soo lächerlich...check a net wat der von dir 93 will!!! Kacke was is da los??? und dann diese beleidigung - ist doch das letzte!!! Und des von einem Mod!! Dafür sollte der Herr der gern von Hinten mag, mal für ein paar Wochen gebannt werden!

What do u guess JJ - isn't the visitor message from vonfrone at berlinweed not against the rules???? A direct affront to him and to all germans!!!! Arn't the rules for mods also????
Attack someone in this way and attack all of the german is not okay !!! And its racialistic - straight racialistic!! Will this tolerated????Will racism been tolerated here on ic????? sound like time for a staff appraisal interview!!!:2cents:


Active member
Okay folks, why blow things up?

We all don´t want to spend time with this. We just want to talk about things we experience in our lifes and we do it here ´cause we want to hear it from people who love to smoke, too.

So to make a short story long :rolleyes::

Yes it was my fault to post a private message written by vonforne and the way he wrote it he was off the line also. And 93I93 is right by saying he did nothing at all. For a native speaker it is obviously.

So why don´t we relax take a puff and agree that we all make mistakes.
And as long as we don´t do them again they make sense. We learned something. From my point of view I did.

So my advice is, we forget about it all, try not to cross our ways again if not wished and that´s it.

And trust us that we can manage our subforum by our own. If someone feels
flamed he can write a pm to a mod.




ICMag Donor
ohhh gott das ist soo lächerlich...check a net wat der von dir 93 will!!! Kacke was is da los??? und dann diese beleidigung - ist doch das letzte!!! Und des von einem Mod!! Dafür sollte der Herr der gern von Hinten mag, mal für ein paar Wochen gebannt werden!

What do u guess JJ - isn't the visitor message from vonfrone at berlinweed not against the rules???? A direct affront to him and to all germans!!!! Arn't the rules for mods also????
Attack someone in this way and attack all of the german is not okay !!! And its racialistic - straight racialistic!! Will this tolerated????Will racism been tolerated here on ic????? sound like time for a staff appraisal interview!!!:2cents:

Here's a staff appraisal interview for you. When you come back in a week I wouldn't make anymore comments about Von "liking it from behind". If you do, the next one's permanent. This is a marijuana forum........


And trust us that we can manage our subforum by our own. If someone feels
flamed he can write a pm to a mod.
I agreed that we could manage our board on our own. until now.
I guess that's the problem with a non-moderated board: someone can feel free to write pms to mods... and this is how it ends up. in a total mess, which even lead to a ban of our good guy buddha, who had nothing to do with the cause of all that trouble.

no more discussing the cause? the cause was my posting. the cause was vonforne's message-to-the-mod. but not even any answer to my last posting.

it can't be real, that it is possible to "report" whatever posting I like to a moderator, without any reason, and that the reporter him/herself will not be called into question at all.
in fact: vonvorne made a mistake, as he reported my posting to JJ, without any (!) reason to do so, as my posting was not even political. it was just a posting saying "fuck the german system!". I am nonpolitical.

I agree that it makes sense not to discuss a mod's decision. there ain't no time to fool around with some retards like me.
but it simply won't fit into my view, how this all came up here. such a pretty arrogant attitude. a simple "hey sorry guys." would be appreciated and would surely clear those waves, which have distorted the horizon's shape.

but I am sure there won't be nothing but ignorance. however.

Oh Freunde, nicht diese Töne!
Sondern lasst uns angenehmere
anstimmen und freudenvolle!
Freude! Freude!

Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium,
wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, Dein Heiligthum!

(excerpt from "Ode an die Freude" from Friedrich Schiller. 1785, Dresden, Germany)


Active member
Moin 93I93,

ohne vf wäre es doch gar nicht soweit gekommen.
Ich meinte, es können sich Leute, die sich an einem Tread auch aktiv beteiligen und sich beleidigt fühlen eine pm an einen Mod schicken, aber das hat xxd z.B. nicht getan, sondern seine Meinung vertreten und sich verabschiedet (war ja übrigens nur ein Mißverständnis, da Du ja nicht seinen Post kommentiert hast).

vf hatte ja gar nichts mit dem Thread zu tun, er spielte nur den Aufpasser, der meiner Meinung nicht notwendig war und ist.

Und wurde Buddah jetzt für eine Woche gebannt, obwohl er nur ausgesprochen hat, was ich auch gedacht habe?




moin bw!

naja, was den "aufpasser" angeht: gegen aufmerksame mitleser ist überhaupt nichts einzuwenden. im gegenteil - es ist gut, dass leute aufpassen. machen wir schliesslich alle.
was jedoch ziemlicher unsinn ist, sind "aufpasser", die überhaupt nicht verstehen, was sie lesen und aufgrund etwaiger babelfisherei, oder der anwendung von google's sprachtools, annehmen, sie könnten damit der komplexität der deutschen sprache adäquat herr werden.

und ich denke, dass wir - gerade nach dieser aktion - durchaus einen moderator für das board brauchen. denn nun gelten wir als "suspekt" und werden mit sicherheit weiterhin observiert. und in anbetracht des umstandes, dass man uns bereits einmal völlig ohne grund mit thor's hammer gewunken hat, legt den schluss nahe, dass auch in zukunft etwaige "auspasser" wieder über ihre, uns unbekannten, ziele hinausschiessen könnten.

nur: wer sollte es machen? gar einer von uns suspekten deutschen? :nanana:

naja. jetzt weisst du wenigstens, warum ich nicht wählen gehe. demokratie ist eine illusion. dies war ein vortreffliches paradebeispiel, wie es auch im größeren rahmen in unseren breiten gang und gäbe ist. :smoke:

ab geht's hier, wie schmitzen's katze,
die bisweilen die matratze
gern zerkratzt, zerbeisst, besteigt,
sich dabei vornüber neigt
und dir die arschrosette zeigt.

spasseshalber hab ich den 5-zeiler mal durch babelfish und google geschickt. man sieht, wie absurd die ergebnisse sind. :D

google translator:

head off here, like Schmitz's cat,
sometimes the mattress
like scratches, bites, mounts,
themselves while forward bends
and shows you the ass rosette.


starting from geht' s here, like schmitzen' s cat, those sometimes the mattress gladly zerkratzt, zerbeisst, mounts, thereby leans in front and you shows the arschrosette.

as everyone can see: those "translations" make no sense at all.
it's the same in reversed with us germans reading the tons of english postings. if we would try to translate everything with such bullshitty tools (or if we wouldn't have any english skills at all), we might end up denouncing someone for nothing...

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