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UC studies find promise in medical marijuana



As an $8.7-million state research effort comes to an end, investigators report that cannabis can significantly relieve neuropathic pain and reduce muscle spasms in MS patients. More research is urged.

"It should take all the mystery out of whether it works. We've got the results," said former state Sen. John Vasconcellos, who led the effort to create the 10-year-old Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I wonder where they got their mj for their research. From the only legal source in the country (U of Miss), or did they acquire it locally?

If they did not get their medicine through federally approved channels, then they would be in violation of federal law. The DEA could raid the university and seize its assets.


Watch the documentary "The Union." MS patient goes from constant spasms to sitting still and speaking after a few tokes. All the proof I need.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Dr. Donald I. Abrams said:
I think that clearly cannabis has benefits," said Dr. Donald I. Abrams, a San Francisco oncologist who led that study. "This substance has been a medicine for 2,700 years; it only hasn't been a medicine for 70.


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