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U.S. Mayors Demand Change to Federal Policy


Original Editor of ICMagazine
I received this press release from Kris Hermes at ASA moments ago... and thought you should know about this latest news.

Americans for Safe Access
For Immediate Release: June 21, 2013
Contact: ASA Media Spokesperson Kris Hermes 510-681-6361

U.S. Mayors Demand Change to Federal Policy, End to Crackdown on Medical Marijuana in Their Cities
A resolution calling for change to federal policy is on the agenda at this weekend's annual mayors meeting

Las Vegas, NV -- As mayors from across the country gather today in Las Vegas for the 81st annual U.S. Conference of Mayors, the federal government's crackdown on medical marijuana is expected to be discussed and debated over the weekend. A resolution "in support of states setting their own marijuana policies without federal interference" was introduced in advance of the conference by San Diego Mayor Bob Filner and co-sponsored by eight other mayors from across the country. Deliberation on the resolution comes days after medical marijuana advocates issued an alarming report detailing how the Obama Justice Department has spent nearly $300 million to undermine medical marijuana laws in the U.S.

"Ultimately, this is about whether local and state governments can develop, adopt, and implement public health laws without heavy-handed interference by the federal government," said Steph Sherer, Executive Director of Americans for Safe Access, which authored "What's the Cost?" an extensive report issued last week on the economic and social costs of the federal government's war on medical marijuana. "This resolution is emblematic of the frustration experienced by local and state officials, which will continue until the federal government ends its attacks on medical marijuana." More than 100 million people, or 34 percent of Americans, currently live in states with medical marijuana laws.

The resolution, which was introduced on May 22nd and co-sponsored by the mayors of Aurora (CO), Berkeley (CA), Binghamton (NY), Glendale (CO), Oakland (CA), San Leandro (CA), Seattle (WA), and Tacoma (WA), says that despite differing views on how to treat marijuana in their cities, mayors believe "states and localities should be able to set whatever marijuana policies work best to improve the public safety and health of their communities." Specifically, the resolution calls for an end to "federal interference," and a fundamental change to federal policy on marijuana. Until that happens, the U.S. Conference of Mayors "urges the President of the United States to reexamine the priorities of federal agencies to prevent the expenditure of resources on actions that undermine the duly enacted marijuana laws of states."

In 2007, at its 75th annual meeting, the U.S. Conference of Mayors declared the war on drugs a failure and called for "a health-centered" approach to drug policy. Last year, at its 80th annual meeting, mayors adopted a resolution calling for an end to the state-federal conflict on marijuana policies that "frustrates our citizens, costs cities significant time and resources to address, and prevents the establishment of a regulated and safe system to supply patients." This year's resolution cites President Obama's comments that continued interference is "not a good use of our resources" and his administration's pledge not "to circumvent state laws on this issue." Marijuana Majority is currently leading a grassroots campaign to urge mayors around the country to co-sponsor the resolution.

Mayors and other local officials have been at the forefront of resistance to the federal government's attack on medical marijuana. After the Obama Justice Department filed an asset forfeiture lawsuit last July against the landlords of Harborside Health Center, California's largest dispensary, the City of Oakland quickly filed its own lawsuit to challenge the federal government's actions. Last month, U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag similarly filed a forfeiture lawsuit against the landlord of Berkeley Patients Group (BPG), one of California's oldest dispensaries. Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates, along with four City Council members and other state and federal officials, publicly condemned the federal action and have committed to intervene in support of BPG and its patients.

Despite this resistance, the federal campaign appears unrelenting. Just last week, Michigan medical marijuana patient and organ transplant recipient Jerry Duval surrendered to federal authorities to serve out a 10-year prison sentence at a cost to taxpayers of more than $1 million. In 2012, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) spent four percent of its budget on the medical marijuana crackdown. Having conducted at least 270 paramilitary-style raids during the past four years, Obama's DEA spent approximately $8 million to carry them out. However, the amount of taxpayer dollars spent on raids was dwarfed by the amount spent on investigative efforts preceding raids, indictments, and lawsuits, which has totaled more than $200 million. In addition to sending hundreds of letters threatening to prosecute property owners, the Obama Justice Department is expected to spend more than $10 million on lawsuits aimed at forfeiting the property of those in full compliance with state law.

Further information:
U.S. Conference of Mayors draft resolution: http://AmericansForSafeAccess.org/downloads/Resolution_US_Mayors_Conference_2013.pdf
ASA report on the costs of federal enforcement against medical marijuana: http://AmericansForSafeAccess.org/downloads/WhatsTheCost.pdf

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With over 50,000 active members in all 50 states, Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is the largest national member-based organization of patients, medical professionals, scientists and concerned citizens promoting safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic use and research. ASA works to overcome political and legal barriers by creating policies that improve access to medical cannabis for patients and researchers through legislation, education, litigation, grassroots actions, advocacy and services for patients and the caregivers.

[SIZE=+0]Kris Hermes
Media Liaison
Americans for Safe Access
1300 Clay Street, Suite 600
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: 510-251-1856
Email: [email protected]


Active member
Obama makes me sick. He is perhaps the most disingenuous person ever to hold the top office. A stone cold liar. A wolf in sheep's clothing. He is unquestionably the worst President in recent history. He continues to lie about cannabis, saying he won't interfere, all the while putting it to legally compliant users under the table. I can't say I'm shocked by any of this, because this President is dirt, but to spend that kind of our money to put us in cages for using a benign plant is beneath contempt. Since the government is monitoring everything, a big F U to Obama. You are truly scum.


The Dude
Obama makes me sick. He is perhaps the most disingenuous person ever to hold the top office. A stone cold liar. A wolf in sheep's clothing. He is unquestionably the worst President in recent history. He continues to lie about cannabis, saying he won't interfere, all the while putting it to legally compliant users under the table. I can't say I'm shocked by any of this, because this President is dirt, but to spend that kind of our money to put us in cages for using a benign plant is beneath contempt. Since the government is monitoring everything, a big F U to Obama. You are truly scum.
Your outta touch with reality if you think this is obamas fault lol.....hes a puppet like all the others that work for the machine.....but hey...everyone needs a scapegoat right.


Old School Cottonmouth
that is true. I'm no obama fan but saying he is the worst president in recent memory is kind of a joke. Remember that guy Bush?

On his watch planes flown by goat herders collapsed sky scrapers in new york then Bush attacked two of the wrong countries in retaliation. Those wars are still going on now over a decade later. Kinda hard to compare the two to be honest.:chin:


Active member
Two bad ones does not a good one make! Democrat party is still controled by the Clintons! So, no matter who we get into office we get the same BS! Cheers! We need..we the people..rulling the roast!monkey5


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
He is perhaps the most disingenuous person ever to hold the top office. A stone cold liar.

Pretty short attention span. There once was a guy named Dick Cheney who controlled an entire country through fear with blatant lies.

Never forget how far we've come.


Active member
that is true. I'm no obama fan but saying he is the worst president in recent memory is kind of a joke. Remember that guy Bush?

On his watch planes flown by goat herders collapsed sky scrapers in new york then Bush attacked two of the wrong countries in retaliation. Those wars are still going on now over a decade later. Kinda hard to compare the two to be honest.:chin:

My criticism of Obama was not an endorsement of Bush or Cheney. They are all scum. But Obama promised no federal intervention and now the opposite is happening. So my criticism of his lying is deserved, IMO. In addition, he has done numerous other things to infringe on our personal rights, and privacy. He has drones patrolling our skies. He has executed American citizens (and innocent people) with drone strikes without due process. The NSA is spying on all of us. There's the IRS scandal, Benghazi, Fast & Furious.....I could go on and he's only just begun, but I don't want to offend any Democrats or people who actually voted for the cad. After all, this is not a political site. If it were, I would say that, yes, he is actually worse than GW, as he continues to expand government power and reducing our freedoms. The hypocrisy bothers me.
But all politicians are scum, so no sense arguing who is the worst. Obama is certainly near the top, and he's not done.


Active member
The hypocrisy bothers me.

Those four words pretty much explains how i feel about american politics over the last 4 decades.

The voters give the guy they like a pass, but try to lay all the blame on the other team.

We know it's RETARDED but it makes for interesting arguments in the bars


The Dude
My criticism of Obama was not an endorsement of Bush or Cheney. They are all scum. But Obama promised no federal intervention and now the opposite is happening. So my criticism of his lying is deserved, IMO. In addition, he has done numerous other things to infringe on our personal rights, and privacy. He has drones patrolling our skies. He has executed American citizens (and innocent people) with drone strikes without due process. The NSA is spying on all of us. There's the IRS scandal, Benghazi, Fast & Furious.....I could go on and he's only just begun, but I don't want to offend any Democrats or people who actually voted for the cad. After all, this is not a political site. If it were, I would say that, yes, he is actually worse than GW, as he continues to expand government power and reducing our freedoms. The hypocrisy bothers me.
But all politicians are scum, so no sense arguing who is the worst. Obama is certainly near the top, and he's not done.
The pres didnt have a say in what goes down.....he didnt bring the dea with him....they already have their own agenda.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Obama worst in recent history???
Not even close to a race...we are still getting over the worst in our ENTIRE history...and its going to take years if not decades longer....let's all pray we don't get another republican..


The mayors need to get signatures from the people in their own cities who support full legalization and freedom of the plant. Bring it to the Congressman of said state. That will force the Congressmen, who run the entire state, to bring every signature signed by everyone in every city and town in that state to Capitol Hill were policies can be changed.
Only way!
If all the mayors in every city and town forced the Congressman to act. Then these shit policies over MMJ would change.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Obama worst in recent history???
Not even close to a race...we are still getting over the worst in our ENTIRE history...and its going to take years if not decades longer....let's all pray we don't get another republican..

i think the majority of the country feels this way. thank god.

now if we could just correct the gerrymandering that the house has involved themselves in, we could get a dem majority in the house also.

these fuckers in the house have insulated themselves from the majority of the country by drawing special lines for their districts so that they are majority white and republican. <-- not a true representation of America and if they keep up their all white power play in politics it will cost them dearly. the tea party is gonna be the death of the GOP or the formation of a new party. Either way they ARE NOT the majority in America.

the dems are better, but not so much we don't need new parties, new ideas, less lobbyists and less money in politics.


Too bad next president will be republican, and a morman.. Your President of the United States Mitt Romney. So you can all kiss your ass goodbye. Good luck because your going to have to deal with a terminator hell bent on conforming you to normality.


I would bet my life that Detroit gets its feet on the ground because of MMJ there.
We will see a headline that says, "How MMJ saved the Motor City" some day.
Thats my opinion anyways. The gov will wake up and see just how usefull MMJ is, and not just for medical purposes. For financial reasons as well.

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