I was so choked up doin this that I seriously almost cried....
This girl would have been OPOP contender for sure....
Damnit when are they gonna let us just grow without worry of being caught...
Well this is what a potential security breach does to a plant....
nosey neighbor? or ex girlfriend? or crackhead ex friend thats on fire?
i cried when we brought down our Rhinop mom,(security breach), took down over 50 kush ladies, but the heartbreaker was the 5 foot trained rhino mom, she was family, i had to have the lady do it, i couldnt bare it,,,,,bd
Well the thing was way too big to try and take it out of there....
The fence behind it is about 8 feet high and trying to truck that around in the back of my pickup would have been hilarious.....
I took a loss on it but hey what can you do....
Better safe than sorry....
Was mostly nosey neighbours.... Cut her down myself....
She was a rhino cutting that I had no room for and went out in the cold of april... She survived then blossomed into that monster...
Would have stunk like crazy...
O well... Indo will be startin up soon enough... Should make up for it...
the stink of the rhino is impossible to not notice, wise choice.tough as hell, she lives through anything... shes a room hog indoors unfortunatley=(, wr will always be in my garden, regardless...bd
Yeah man... The stank of rhino is unmistakable.
Would've gotten snagged for sure from a mile away... hehe
Yeah it's always got a spot in my garden...
That and my Hashplant...
Hey Stoner thx for checkin in...
Howz your ladies doin??
All tall i hope, pretty good year so far..
I still have one little HP left but she's been hacked back too....
That blows. Happens to more growers then you think. I hope my plants don't get too big in my backyard. They are AF but they just began to flower and I don't know how AF strains stretch. I can manage about 6-8 more inches.
Thx Paz, and Closet.. It was a small battle lost but i am sure i'll make up for the loss of that plant very soon...
Might take me a few months....
Heres some indoor Rhino that is about a month in cure...