Hello everyone. I am planning on making some bhang for shivaratri this year. I want to make some very potent bhang and i want to make a lot of it. I've read the recipe from this site but it sounds a little wasteful of weed. they say to use an ounce of ganja for what seems to be only enough bhang for 2 people. I don't doubt that the bhang would be potent if you're putting that much ganja in it, but i feel like not all of the thc could be extracted into the milk and that the discarded plant matter still would have a lot of thc in it.
is there a more efficient method of making bhang? making a method using cannabutter and milk or something?
i'm going to be using mostly leafy bud shake from outdoor norcal bud and some nugs too. I want to make enough for about 10 extremely potent servings, how much ganja would I need to use?
is there a more efficient method of making bhang? making a method using cannabutter and milk or something?
i'm going to be using mostly leafy bud shake from outdoor norcal bud and some nugs too. I want to make enough for about 10 extremely potent servings, how much ganja would I need to use?