Thanks Bone, it truely was heart brake'n, but seen that they grow and then press them selfs agianst the plastic becoming visible and over crowding them selfs for any decent bud growth, so cutting back has been necesary, I hope this to be the last cut back....jejee and well I had to get rid of the evidence, figure'd the best way was up in smoke Beleave me man, I was stand'n right next to that fire with a fatty in hand.
The molds...thats just so people can see how nasty things can get.
Somthign I miss about Overgrow, you click on the pic and it would give you the heading....Here you have too go to my gallery too see thier names for some reason, I didn't realize this till you just let me know, sorry, but thanks for the heads up as I'll try to post them along with each pic.
Hope all is cool runnings indeed,
The molds...thats just so people can see how nasty things can get.
Somthign I miss about Overgrow, you click on the pic and it would give you the heading....Here you have too go to my gallery too see thier names for some reason, I didn't realize this till you just let me know, sorry, but thanks for the heads up as I'll try to post them along with each pic.
Hope all is cool runnings indeed,